06-13 Parking Office UpdateCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING PARKING UPDATE: June 2013 Tickets June 2013: 438 tickets written June 2012: 327 tickets written Parking Permits June 2013: $3,752.00 sold June 2012: $3,296.00 sold Occupancy Report June 2013: Westside 105% June 2012: Westside 103% Meters & Machines June 2013: $1,210.83 collected June 2012: $936.70 collected CPI Income May 2013: $102.50 paid in June May 2012: $300.00 paid in June The Boot June 2013: used 3 times $105.00 fees June 2012: not used total of $4,380.00 55% collected total of $3,270.00 60% collected down $456.00 from last June Eastside 117% combined 111 % Eastside 104% combined 103% up $274.13 from last June *collected on 6/21 down $197.50 from last June total of $265.00 $160.00 fines