Ordinance 226 - Sidewalks2260 PF-DI TO I ) FIR TE - IRP 0 11 7.11 1111 0 F ,I\T O1-I L y�.TS 'FT-FEMEU7'DER 1 4 %��l AIM EXCAVA151"ICUL 'I"D • L I G 1-IT 1 ],,.A T 1, Jjq iT BY T-1111] CITY COT � OF DIE (7,j'ry section.. 1, 'uio opening -r 0 I'l VIM i d e �;,7- 1 F ,s�sj,jajj- be perrnittera in 0 21 L. i t -\r 0 f K I je On )f light to btlzements in t-1-le" t h e t rtm sM. i sco i lu i th or floors 'below, unless such. openinF on 0 ,q, shall be covered, v floo,r ig'k-ttri the sidewalks, I not over -f our i n c l e,,-,, eq.i.1,-),re 110.1- le, se th,,,-m 5/4 of ;�,,xi inch thick �,e>t in iiqetaa, lfrai,ies. J�lo ria,-lilings shall be perniitted abou't any Iii-P-h"tos, in t1--ie tsidewallks to bamserments or floovs gs be or permillAued lCor ti-le purpose below, nor Shftll 0 t r 11 -f �,l i t i o rs) b e I ow All method,,- of t r f i o o r s below shall be, t�xrangod so r n s ,q i t t i rig oI ig �xv - -,.1 1, -.-) e yj yy o b, e 1 V e 2. SUCY1 ymot le�-, e �.,13 0;., ,-.k cs, 61, V�,,�e -% e 3. n n o r -,lmy rang 'be I I OW e d 0 U n d .section 2. Where the sp,,,,),ce under 1.,Fh(� eqdevialllc- is, for a V a"A I t 0): sufficie stone or brick vv��,11 shall IC-e '-Cu It to �nt conceret� ret-fDtiln the ro ..drva,,,y of' the strect, otnd the sideo ond or p1-rVt,,%y V - 11 ro I tendec-5 sufficient thichness shall be, ex C, L J to 2,�"kcih reta,1,iyninrl, wall, v-�-nd 'Vjfi con,,,-��,tructed ol brick$ ciLD,nere"Zie or conc-'�-Cto arelles `bet-vreen iron or S ee b e 1'he height of or embankment wall shall be o r e ,7, i n, h e y ashy e bui 1 t 00','I�,Put-ed froi-,,i the top off' Vie rrroulid w' JL c h a t 4 feet below ,:,,uch groi-ind and inc-?e,-�L�se 4 thich�rie,--ms for every -four -1,7,eet in ry m I; �7: yi 1 .1 s i c h n -it o ret U - rk �e i de-pth below suc`.Ii I i c In '�m eM Ji do e i d e I 'k �,-- o r 1 j u i I i n s .,o mipport t" us Le of e�:",Ucl-` o wor,)Gien bu1khe(,,:id r e,.1'ju i r 0. s . tj,jickness as f-,,,00d c. n- i :i e e r i 1) ra, C t i c e C� trIle to- d or 1�jq p.n erm-,�,-,,nkrient o T r e --.,i i n In sh,�%-Ll be erecte�-`.i, C 0 11 i rl r e ",q V r�_.j on _ j'n 1 -7 �J'j e k,� �d ex C ep t whe"ifle it li.a necepici;-ixy 'I Soil i,,-� exc- -L -1 for tlie ou- --struc-tioa. All Nvork 9"a p 0 r t I yl g 1- 'C I S i d CYP I k S 11 tft 1 1 c 1) o s on o f c o K J- o e rest upon and. be incombustcible mate'ric�:-,A�2� 0 ;1.w11 ell iYj s d ete-k s f'r El- s n off' c o 1 n r I i i�-h t 0'r or a n i o -s, 0 r 0,1" 8,MT othex, j)u-.Vj)ose, $ P 41 'he rof,)erty line, I be covered. wit-11 lens ligri Llf L11 ?I P -ced o u 1- s i de, p s hal t .9, s et in iron or cement f r ets Or With i -orl covers 'Ll <I. I V 1 il 8: ",ro-�Igh star- face- and f .1 i.i ��h �,u i th Vrie no p3ain smar ll`ace OL ,,.-s Je .,,Jn.ced, in 0.r iron more 4 ijnche;-, in r� n c �, r a e -n a- c o v P r i s p 1,-i c e d i n y d. e �.v 1 lk i t s h,-.1 a. I De p,.-a. d c t i c a 1 e, t o t', 1-i- o, 1 i n e o If tlie ctarb 2,ection Tb e provisions o-f F"ection 1 f this ordinC.J.nc�e ap.ply ---t -oresent com ed, - o , -i p et d t? �my ccj�,structioi all. f'uture -'.ru C t i o ,w ea 1-,i e i, e r d e e ri c d F. (a c, e , s, r y. b y .,he City Enginee ,17e lily, t i o n 40 All ordinances t,uid Pr-:�Irts o" Ordiri,-i.nces is� conflict -he.re- w it h ar -V heveby r-e-pe',al,-d.:., -,e e"fect and be in fu--1.1 force ','e c -t i on This Ordiii.--nce shnla- t�a.0- I t roval e-,"'41ect t1i . h Loirty d,�"ys -af -C ,r its pass and npf? P 1)7 Via: .r Q V t,? ij d 1 -ir s s e 1011:11 P P S a y o r AtteSt## F.-A-KE-AIALL City Clerk State of Montana, Catinty of )SS. City of T "1A S' vA n I 1 0 + 0 1 -O'V 01i�' t'h 0% 0 i t. '7' a. 1911. 1 ontana, do '-.tereby certify tliat of D the rdillance to be, I o n - t a,i rs, re( it i n Ord i n C-in c e No. 1'/4 and �1'it.tt sadd ordint)mce reT.-�,-,ined p o r), 'L P d f or p er i o d o f 'i e je,:�ysx thaut t'here 1-,-,ve been -no C�11-111,7(a 0--jr [Ilteratioi,is �.icvde t1ierein since t1ri.e anid t1iereoll' by t.i-xe City Council, n o r in the :,fecorded herein 4 ::i F-, c e r ���e�; �,�..,• eta . "I' f� 19110 cit:'° Clerk.