Resolution 385 - Water Mains - Montana Stm
I ' . 1-1 E X TE 1�., 51 T 10 IN T MAI11S OF TEE'
A 11-2,SOLUTI-T!' ORMTEMI-1,110, T j qi THE
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P�Vlplll (110T -D 'R J I RITIG
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I So 7- 1JE71 -IT3 y �'!'l 1-11'2] �-1 f-pj,-F CITY' F KAI: I S3PHLL
J.J %J !", I T ITY C()UN
That the !,-;",1orthe-rn ldri�ho �jnd Power Compzimy be, CeInd s;:ldd
c wtp :,rjy is 1jereby required, in -a.ccordz-i.-,.we with L'ie provisions-f'0rdinz--:,-,nCe
Nlo 2 1 'he-re"L-.c)forclpas.c.,,ed, luo extend its VIC-z'Ger
1 Beg innin-v at t-1,ie pre,,sont -v-ater main t th,e ir-terrection 0--[' Seco-,--id
rid ;` lo n t r--,,na S t r e 0, t rijnnj.T-,iF--�, L!,,Ience along
Avenue 17 e s t Z�lm e' -','.ontaria
e i r s t me e �ortlj t
S-) tr e e t to Virst, Avenue "re s, t t i (5
e-, L t 0 - Ta �1; venue w e, hint- S. tr eet:
2. B eg i 1,111 i n�,,:�, at t-he, intcrmnction of j�!,- YI
I - 1 E)-treo.-L a d I'vLain Street
and runn.--;ng, firom t'�i e, y '.,i I c e o r tri a I o ri et)l e !,�/!ew ot side of Mertin csttre�etlf to
-id Waoh-
B e r, i n n in ri, 'L t h e interoection o-F s)econJ Aienue ai
A Orth along t.`-) S
1 , e n,- 31 ne —est side of c o n d
i 4ng t o ri *`�f t r e e, t and -1from t' ' -enc
V 'IV cn -r:', --- t e v a
-,, Lie V.4
40 B eq inn. in. a. t th e intersection of Third, A%rg-nue Wash-
i n,-, t o ya 'S t r e o t
an d u Yin he-ce, nort'--i enlon- t s i i d
enue "ast to Street. r',eginniiv, s o ,-I
' i d e of
GO IN* Rrailwa- t'::,l e,Yj C e 8 U -'U- h •
oil V!oodlan(i Ave. to seco,nii street.
ly ut'i side of Nllontana Street" z-md Second -Av P. -
Eeginning cat Ll i cl, s o I
nue F,,,�aast �.�I-nd 'runnin�,'r north il on�.,, 1�econd Ave-m�e -5as-t tc) T a1i. o cl 1.2 bree 1�,
e r r e e t s -v e n u e,requ i red. o Also z'leces�--)ary -m a i n s ori C) to tj 0
h Vn -e
An tho,,t t'-Ih.c� City Clerk be -Teqtiired to e r v e copy of this resol.u.
tion on :.3aid I": o rtlae x-rj I d *A-i o n t ai o r C 0 m pan y t C) e L e r
i Ir i. ng said extensions to Lie made
-,ith. d. `ereof and Ord.e--Y., re.,q
Passed and apgroved April 22nd, 1.911.
'%1'ay or
City Clerko