Ordinance 228 - Amend Ord 223 - Width of Sidewalkso RD I AIN10211 11"Oo 228. O A If O_RDIUPIME TO ) Al� RD711XICE il_,'11 TLE.-.1" I 110* 223 OF Th's"PA Cl"'Y OF _'K.AJ;1'1`J?E4JJj$ PASSEM JTM APPROVEM ki-;., 3.olo,A1., Xr"T- TTI-iED 2 4 A.N1, ORDIA;yCE r. D k � � " C T I 013"T' 1 0 F KR Tj C T:TP, 11 0 F CT­I-AX11 OF Tj-}R A!"D fiPPRO"PIM AM`UPIT RE-t4ri,S)ED ORDITUNCT" ()-P THE Cl'_Fy "Pi KIIISPRUiLI gr 18Q92 lxs B�Y ORDIT-IJIXE 1,10. 179* PASSED AID APPROVED 1 E 2 2 iqc6� P D ORDIYANGE -1;'. 0�90XPASSFM AIM J0?:PRC)T_,',D JULY 1,air 907, 111-D O T 2 OF ARTIC17-J."i 11 OF C1A`1'1,,PTF:_'JR, X11 01' SAID R'EVIE71PTIJ 01' T71-71% CITY (.",F KAJ,I5)PE1,L,JUTS TO ART ICIAN' 110F CiE.YX-PTER X11, NEW Mit C T I T TF�' T 0 TFU`11 MIIM A P) SE C '16, _r oii s 1 16 d I A11D Rl I N G RD 11, 1 � 2 ir C R ,� '"M APPROVED 7ULY 20v 1908, ALL TO TIT, TEDTh ITO. 197� T)A,",--,�SDiM A 1 A'�TA_ I 11 C T I 01N (.)F SIT)EINALK IN '11"E CITY OF K.A1,1'S1P]­,.UJ.,P IL01' NA. BE IT BY THE, CITY COIK"CIL OF T`.E� CITY OF KPJA`C�P-E-,�LL. Thratj See. 1 of Article 11 of Chapter X11 of the .1"Zevised Ordinances of the City �)f Kz,,,Ijispell, cas- -,,,,ne-nded 'by OrdinC�nce 1'/9,1.(,')0 z.tnd 225, be cj, and the s­me is 1-1ereby ti,yr).ended to read -11'ollowcs: sect-i c)n 1: The vfidth of the sidev­-mlks -zr1tr'2 .n ..he coro-orc-tte limits of the City o-'L' are hiereby esttfolished as follows: On 11ain Street, from - the ouch line o.f th.e 0.1T.R.R. right-o-f-zrri.y Right Street, 1.2ft. in width; froffi North 1.1ne of G.-ItTI.R.R. line north to City .1 imlits, 8 ft. in -vidth. First 1%venue }'.'s_st from. "ouch line o-f' the G N.R.11. to 1 0 ur tl StTeet, 15 fee-t widtah, and -L'ir.qt -Avenyel West from louth o:`t1lie CON.R.R. right-of-way to Fourth Stree�t, 10c.,fe-et in wid.th.. ......... . .. Ra J- ilro-Vd Street betwee,n Firsu Avenue '.P.ast end Vilest, 8 ft. in i-,lidthl, Third and ourth Streets be�,Nr!een First fi.venue and First, c13'econd., -0 P 11 1t. 2 fin vridjth. i'irst Avenue Volest, �ixth 6treet, between ��econd 1�.venves -Er,-3,st and West, 8ftft in width. ourth Streets First, Second Third F�nd between "' irst Avenue E,,-.a,9t and West and Second Aveniie Ea-zt arid West, 8 ft. in width. Second Aven,,e Ec-,tst and YL.test from So,,Uth line of G.1T.R.R. right -of -may to Fourth Street, 8ft. in width, All Ordinances cand -parts of Ordine.nces in coni'lict kierewit'�. 9.re ."..,,ereby. repealed, and this ordin-ance shczIl t(-:1ke effect f,Dr1Q* tit t1-J.e time (�and irl,'L,he 4 -,umner, pr OV Ided. by lc,iwo Passed. arid. approved this 15th day of' May, 1911. W.C. Wlik I PP S � IT, a y 0 r Attest: City Clerk, Stz;.te of Montana, Count-v of Flathead, City of Falifi.pell. 1. H.A.Kend,,all, City- Clerk of the City of i spell ,tana, do hereby certify that on t�,�e 2A d a y 0 1911. 1 caused the foregoing Ordinance 'to be pos".. a r e qu ir ed i Ordinance 140.174 and 'that said. (.1,rdinance remained j)osted for a per io . o` five dt).ys, exid that the have beer, no changes or alterations mmade therein since. the passage and approval thereof by the Cit� the recording y Council, nor in thereof. Recorded herein and t1tis certificf.;;te. ma0e L 11 j, S day of 19)a 4 City Clerk,