Resolution 380 - Assessment - SID 94.i SE c3or " 1i I 01,,� IT� 0 a-g�_� J, 1"IT7.1vY "G .11V. A-tj P 1p� CYw �.)VE""14"`T DIS)"L"TRICT ITO .94FOR fIn' :7)PTj OF 11,T-:171RAYLIEG TYIE COST r , 6 1.-. -1 1 IT IT r, PIT 03F A."T CJA 011 MU= STRI-PET WITH- 117,4 T124 BOM11.) ­PiMJ i I BE IT 1R.Ti1S0LV_1]D BY T11-:2 C1 T'Y MUITIL OF TRE4 C I TY "P S)PIML, EDIT T: Whereac,�, the City Council of t.'rle City of kalispell, -_,f,!,,antanLa, har, 4. 11. c,,: T.- e, �,., 0117o r e, �)a e d e s o I U t i on b y tl,i e t e rm s o f wh i c i i, S p e c i a I I mp r o v e - r,len.t p r 1�tystoct :Eo, t�,je p-urpor�e 94 was crealEed for I of c ons true "ting ceL,�-ient vide-ixr,!�Alks and crosf7.-wn_-J_kr-,, on Lre.'i.n' Street within the bouridc,,�ries of said district, -.),nd provision made theiein for the pt-yment of the c cost of snid walk by o. levy ap-ainst t'lae property within t-he S�dd, Spec- ital Impravemerlt District; T1 1Ej11EF(.),'RE'$ BE 111" 17-cURTI-11ER) that a levy be, rqt--1,-de iinst all ofthe -lie limit�r-_N, of said Spe ient assensable proporty within 'U cial Improvei, District 1,,o. 94, as follows.,- �r A Prope3�ty Amount Own 0, r Lot 1 968 ip 9 8 L 1 F,1- , If, hrr � 11 2 64,0,3 V . B R h oa d. e v, 64.93 A.J. King 64.03 Jam e s A I B y9n e 64*C)5 .11 0.1. O'Neil, 6 64.93 Iviarion, 1J, White if .1 11 0 fi tf 54.00 C. 1,4 oirleil 54 Duncan 0 ; .0 54.00 1.1 54.00 12 54,00 Block Property Amount Owner Lot 1 Ilarion L. Vfhite 2 6 4 C)R, 0 " �: 3 / 64.93 Annie Walker ff 4 (� 4,,, 9,3 14 5. 64" Q3 Mar ion.L. Vrhite of Q it 7 1 64;�93 1,:7ary Shelley 8 64 9 C4,5 11 64.93 Kal.Blclg, Lozr,,n 6 4, Lj 6 4 RPo tf 12 68: � q� �x Block 16. Lot 13 $65.20 1 6ATthVr LaMb 14 61.15 J . Ar t hki T 1, amb, 15 6 1 J.P. lAr 1"Iphy 16 61,1 Ijorzt Ptitterson 17 61 6 a-5 is 61. a5 Kal . T owns i t o Mr- j)njny Gjjerg( il,-id 2 0 ? 1 TL�aVd Suckrider 22 61.15 Anna M. SmIth 61.15 Emw. Jr. Bartelson 24 '5,20 M lot 1 Properjty Lot 1 BIOck 241. 120 . 85 129,85 12-a 0 85 120.85 153 0 91 B 1 o CLILL-�-- $133 .. 129.65 129.85 129.85 129 17 ') �7 9 Total I'mount Block 257 $133 � 91 #4 2 1.85 it 3 129.85 it 4 129.8r I/ 5 129.85 6 133 Q/1 Block 2�540 Kal. Townsite Co., under contract -to sell persons w.,_Ilose mvies are 'un.known., I) I tto If It to Own e r Ka.l. Twnsite Gb., under contract to s611, persons who nmes cv-;tre unknown Ditto 11 Lot 1 $126 .35 If 11 2 1- 22. 3 0 10 If 5 1-22.30 tj 11 4 129o85 ti Ij 5- 1290 %P)- :`)_ It 6 The al['aresaid Bums to be paid ir, f ive equal annual Irl'"'tallmemtcs or PC..'z.Y-r"Ient's with interest on deferred pjn.yments iac�,t the rote of per 60 arinum, po.-yt��tbll.e a Fi ill ly on all C-:-1;-Y1 ' rmunts a. id; t'h�e s�-J' pay- ryi.ents to be on ()-f- al,)out the 30t1:i dEy of llovelyriber of e,7-,ch ,;,-Yid every y(-,,,lr uratil the fu.11 amount, e,$) above set fort.1i, i"o, pttid, the first 0i wh i e h p tq: ym. e n't", s 111 b e rtntt,,-�: d e' i n t.. i ' ie yet:-,,r 19110 In the event, th,.,A rr�my tiym,ent becames, c3el_.Lnquent, Ille al'Iolaylt of the �­A"'"Ise S ISN'te AA remet,ining, unpaid "beco due, �v-md 1T-1-ciyable cand. t'lz propnr_ ty sl,,,bject to k1',,,­.1e to seevre the amomll, due upor, said assessment, L� Passed and approved this 10th dcu,y of Apvil, 911. 1-_"Aest: H.A.KLR,11MALL, a y or City Clerk, S I L? I tzl"-e of County of Flrr1-14;hend� s) 00 City of Kcalilspell. I.H.A-.Kend.ttll, City, Clerk of' th " e, City of Kcalispell. 11ontc-,ix.a. o dhereby certify that on t�ie,/ us I caed d Ety o the foregoing rezolution to be port S r e qu i r YaIA in Ordinance Do.l')4 ,.md that resolution for zi. j..,)eriod of five t there bee'n no or cal tercn. tions 1,1v�,z,de therein since the passage and ppproval thereof by the City Council, nor in the recordin6-.7 -Recorded. -]Cierein and -this certifjcti�te, ins, dd e -t, " is day of igloo city Clerk.