Resolution 381 - Assessment - SID 981. X A'd :7 TU k I 4EMOLUTI-T' ITO. '1,'-1,MTT UPON CERTAIR PROPERTY 1Y SPEC IAL AN AMSEBD ITJ1)R0V';7!J,P,1-TT DISTRICT NO.980 FOR VITT,' PIFRPOSI'�2 (Yi'i' T1,11E, Cc) ­1� OS PLA77S ON THIRD E , 11T �51Db CROSS WALKS AND GRAS 0 1 1 U 2 I .J� 171iT DIS&' P) OF )AID Spr J JCJ�J, 11�11 AITEEUTE' El�.ST. W I T I - T 11 "47 TIT � �1'� J ! TR.I CT A E 01JIMIT, OF T [E 'Y I ISPI'l L 74, ON T Al�'A I.-E I 1i OLVIM BY THEj C]"TY 0 1 oil I T'SAT VV11F1MjAcS) the CIty oxcil of tk,;Ie City of Klispell, 1,11'ontana, hcas hei,etofore pcar-)sed reso.lution by the terms of whiich. Special Improvelzi,ent -1),lirstrict ]..So* 08 was cx,-ecn�ted for the purpose of construct- ing Cement Sidewo,,lksm Cross-w,�,1'Ks cnnd Grays .pin,t -- upon Third Avenue -A provision mt�.de in the E,ast 'v�ithdx- --he I)oundc.4xieg. of 9,-C_, 6 i,s- x i 0 t za n 6 1 Resolution fic-lid district for the payment of the cost of s�tid. iniprovementes by the levyirlkg of an assessment iagvainst the property with- in pecittl 1mProv(.,,,:---ent District, NMI�iV T17ERF4'P0TR'11, be it further resolved that cz",,, levy 'be m4.id.e against all of the ass ess'able property, within the limito of' oi,7),id special iraproventent district 111o4■ Q89 as rollows:-- Block 102, r Opel, ty Amount Owner 7 Lot 7 $68t te �i l C . L. Br own 8 64, q2 9 64,52 1 t o n Block 103. Lot 4 64.52 Christina �-,illZvi 64,52 Timothy Jayne 6 7 1 . SO,' 3 e 1 s o n S ewnx act Lot 7 68. 54 I Eva M. sparling of 8 64 `52 F . 17, i yl e 64.52 �17, C. Mlipps 10 64.�52 W. C. Whipps L�2 640.1/ Ine,7 N. Brown 12 68154 Conrad T,Ifeubschmcqn Block 118* Lot 1 $68o54 1.1 r y K. o 11 e T1 2 43 6 4 U 5 640.53 It 4 64, 9�5 H i r Johnson Ti 5 64, r7 it 6 Kal 1,"ldg. & Loan I'llock 123. .L o t'... 1 $71,3 9 I'ncir da Sila 2 64*2 5 640./ J. R. Rockwood 4 2 R,�. W4 Bennett 6 6 4 4 W, 0. E. Bennett 71.913 0. R. B e n n Block 122. Lot $,68.22 Willi-c7jm Ao Coates 41 64.0 52 it 0 to 9 6 4, t�2 Harry 1,dqr-,s 10 64, �2 Sarah J6 'Kelly 6 4. L',2 12 71 '. Q7, �) now Block 136* Lot 7 $71 - 9 3 -1,Jirn. Hanson 8 ft 9 2' Ole K. ThomDnon It 10 64.c52 A T� l "A Jk h­7 'k., K. 12 r7A Block 15)'i") Property � 5.ount Lot 1 $71.93 Ta-,�,nes lorgenson 11 c✓a 2 64*52 T'r I i tzpa t- 14" -trick 64,152 Walter Bond 4 ? b4.52 0 of 5 64.52 7,,11er, IRA. Grant 6 71.95 Block 1.59. j t 6 4.,2 - 2 Petex C, Gle d e nni n g 0 8 56. 88 W1 1� It ti 9 56,o88 tv If ft 10 b4.52 Ces WA . . oat 11 64.52 Ej 1 i z a A Glendenning 12 Tl , 9 5 Block 140* 7 1 Chas . W P r i g L7, s It 2 ?,-") 49 5 3 64*�2 Hannah E . Flock 1 56488 W1111am H. Davis 6 64-. 29 tt It tv The aforesaid. suns to be po,, i d in five eqtu,,l annual imn)tallmento) or payments, with intereot on dcf,'erred ;payments gLit t1ri.e rate of 6,,,Ya per mftn-um, payable t"crinwally on all amounts -remw.-iininE.-s unp-nid.; tlie .1 - mde on or about the 30tl -i &ty of '-Noveririber of each and every year u n t i I tl ­� e fiall amo-Ont, rj,s zabove set fortll, is pcm,id, the fi-rs­t of wl-iich pt�yment iq]riall 1­1)e m,'lAe in the yecsx 3.911. In the t1nat arLy po,FLyment becc.,irrLes delinquent, the eatire I vtmount o-Jr- tki.e pi,13,id renic-lining un- beconme due and pay- able cand. the propc.�rty subjt to Sale to secure 'U.,,-ie armoun't due upon s id assessfnent. La I Passed and approved this 10th, day of April, ,1. VT TIT IMYO:r Attest: C i t y C 1 e r k,, Stcate of Tx""ontaria, of Flat"r-iead, SS, City of 1,-alis,,pell. I A,Kendall, City, Clerk of tlyl, City of !"�.al� i th.,gt oil t!, i,s,pell, Vontcan;;I, do riereby cert, y lie Bay 0 f q: 1911 41 1 caused the foregoing S r d .9 , renqoli�tlon to be r) in Ordinance 111o. 174 ­md. thp-tt said Resolution rem�,iinecl -oosted for a period of f i've days, and t , h.,at tTier e -Iiave -been no c1mnm es or alter- ,�-,t i on s mc,.-Ide in the recording -thereof, Recorded lie rein and 'thits', certif.icate i,,iade thio di-,�y of 191110 City C'Ierk,