Resolution 394 - SID 110121 A RT1j S Q LU T I ON 1110 . 1:10 .A .! B ; 11 ij u. I _14:.'� IT R'1i,SUVE` ­Y Tf''E CITY COTJINM­ 0'AP TjHE (,"�ITY KAI., I �")RPML, MOETAIIA. bection It That j t jm� I divoeMed nece;,,),zar� to create, iand there, io by creqLed, ca. S ' peci4t-ll Se%rV'e17 district, the bound,arieq o-f. i,,ihich are JhLere- 1nir-I.fter set fortla. Section 2. That 'the. num[")er of said S,peci(�,il Sewf:-,,r Dist-r'ict is ',iereby 1,41-o. 1,10. �;(-,,ction 3. The 1.)ounda'rvies ol:' 9,,�cid Special rFev-;,er District hereby declexed to be �­Ld f"ollows.:­ Be�-rinning at a point wheyAlwe the South boundaxy line the Greet Nort"Ftern R C.-I i 1.VV ay Companys right-of-way intersects the cent,,-,r line of Sixth Ave. i e c eN T"ilu, (-,., r I vilest; running from thence in .--L Soutllr:.erly direction ��?.���° Per alf said Avenue �.-o t.'ne cenU(-_,r ,if' ",".in-th Street* th,ence i n �q �7 direc- tion -,,,long Vne center of Nin'th Street to the center of Seventh Avenue West; thence, in a, 1,11ortherly direction along the center of , ' ',13eventh Avenue lest -to the S,.­#uth bound-,ary ljt ,�ne of the G-reaYorthern Railway Company's rigIfit-of-w,a.y; thence in an -Easterly direct-dion calong Vou'uh boun(lary of stid ('-rent orthern 'Railway om C,ziy9riirht-f-wato thlace of beginning. That tlue character of' improvements to be =-.Je in Section 4. C I said Sewer Di.atrict ig, liereby decl<*i-xed to Oe �,)..q ]"ollow s.- 0 That a 1,ateral �),e-vier eight (8( inchcs in di:,xmet.-.r constructed of vitrified sevier pipe will 'be Ir.,'id. in the 01` tile Allpy be5tv,,geen oe . _1_' G Ixth and Seventth Avenues 77est ticcording to t'�Iie n-nd s, cil icv.�Aion t'heref'lor on file in office of Vric Cit-y Engineer. J rox --.qate cost of' constructing s,,.,tid SewE.-,a, is e c t i on That the app... 11 r the sum of Fol-ir thous,--3,nd -151'ri.ree hundred dollars. That the approxirmi,te. cost of tl'Le engineer.j..)W7, anopection wid ala. ot'..,i.er expenses Jineur-red. in constro.cting soid S)ewer Dist�ict, is 'the sum Of One hundred. dollaro, "Phc,tt the entire cost ,.--ind expeNnse of staid, qewf,,,r be ,..,,ection 6. P *d by Smv;,er District, 'Ec t 1,�,nd within said dis- (a 9, C ]h 10 0 r P a r C 0, 1 0.4: G�, trict to be @,,d ffor t1-iat part of the whole cos which it's area to the ar,':-z.-i of -the entire district, exclusiv'6 of qtreetj 11 ey S z�i,nd public places. tion 7 .-ec That stiid assess­,,ienL sh-11 'be in three annual @,re 11.ereby extended ove:v a -period of three A id ull constitute (a ffund to be known Specizal ;`�_'-ewer 3-os es sine nts sho District Fund 14o, 110* Section Th,--it on tl.,11'e "'22nd. day of �"ay1911at the Council Cham- berg, in the City ha,11',':in...:th0 Cit,y of Ezalis.)eij� at eight o1c1o(.,,k P,M., tile City counc,�11 will Teti ob-�ections "Llo the olf"ficit-,U rind f i M I1 ad o -ption of -*is resolution, at v!i-iich time any person or persons who �,,.ire owners or agents of own el.1.9 oN .S. I -,.ny- lot or Vrnrcel of 1-and %-%rithin sla,id Sewer District, have 1�,,-he reight to appeax st.�Ad yne5ehting, in person or 'by attarney, and m.1).ow cause if 'airly. i­leTle;bp, why t impa-,ovements mentioned herein shti,ll not be made, -tion shcall be publi,-�,hed in t"�Iie 11K,- `...,'ection 9. his r e 11 T iyfle SO P a vreekly newspaper in said City Of' Kal on -the .11th dr-iy Of ldcay, 1911. oing solu-tion is hereby a("'opted 1-,his 22nd. d ay a f 1 ay A&D, 19110 �W 0 C Vill-1 I P P S Att-est.: 1,,7a y or it; Clerk. S11-tate of .'...'ontana, Count-u of rflat]h.ead, SS, Pity of I 1I.A.Kend-call, City Clerk 0 f t'. e C t f Kal Is pel 1, Yon la do hereby certify tht d ay of W,191-1. I caused the, foregoing resolution to be post�,.,,v. L,,uK-,, rv-1quired I- YT/ () r d i man c e 1111 o D 174 z�-i4rid resoltition ra?,:.tiv,ied pos �Y � c. ., V o - --1 1 riod of" five and. tha t t'here 1,3ave no e, rM tji o n s YYI.adez tlierein sdi-xe D"i'SE5- ag e and vpproval there -of by t;,."(1 City Cw.Ancil, nor in tlie reco" Al n Lhereof., Recordii.-i�- herein and 'L-ell'lis certil"i 19116 City Clerk,&