Resolution 401 - SID 11512 05-
A 7)_E�7ICNATIEC 17,TT',S`)FR 07 A SPTC1,"], 111PT R'`! T11"_
TUCT, 71ESCRIDIT,(1, T�'-, 'j."E`.r",2()P, r!'I',V�'l C OP T111,71
TO DE TD'�PY' All) 1`112, APPR0XI7A*f!,, li1f7TI-1,.1ATI�', 07 T11F ((),',T Tll'.'71,'E-
M, R0 TM TIM WIM 717 MIMI, 'JIJY. KKA� TO !T- "111,-PJ,
oectim 1. That it jo deemed necessary t0 C:rOPte, and t ere is
hereby ere tod, a 5peciul improvement -istrict, the bourd,ries of
Yi i (,.,, h lr, e r v i : in f t e r -,. (at forth.
''ection 2. That the wurabc° of ooid Special ImProVi -.-istrict is
-P INio. 115.
Rection The boundaries of svid SpeNal hWroveiaert
hel-eby decl-,,ed to be ;a follows:--
Eeginning at L doint where the ceni,er line o-" 'ifth Avenue f,',,ast 50
feet fFouth of the 2outh line a!' .ixth `15tr()et; runxiir1,,-,, frora tnence in
a werserly j rectiwi and on P line 50 `4,, M- t.-nne ,nd piriJIel to --he
So"tYo IJ�I,e o" Brid FAxth. Street to the ce-nter ine o,,-- Avenue '_'Oct,
thence in P lortherly direptLon aloes, wL cenLcr line Fourth Avenue
Vest to D paint YO it. - ortli of the 1: or Lh I ine of s�AJ �ixtl ' treet;
t1lau'nce_,l in <ari ]€,; slUorly directi(:)n on line pvrrilel to an*,, 1;0 feet Lorth
of the 11,'orLh line of said Mxth Street to the ccnll;er line of 11`iftb Ave.
1" r? si ", ; thence in direction r,lon,7 the centE:r line of so,id
Fifth Avenue W,,, to the place of b(,[-!nnin[,-_
In addition to Wes EWove describing boundaries th(nc, i."CJuded
,n,ithin tlie of P,,,,id PisWnce for the purpo>e of aaoe�-,,Tnent Cor
the cosL of Concrete Ftreet and Aveame MmexiAgn upon said Sixth street,
teie lf'ollowi-nip. lots to-,,, ' 'it:
Lots 4, 5
, CG 1;
9 �, in Block E
Lots 4, 1��_,) , 1 7 e rid 9 in Block E,2;
Into 4, 5: " 01: and 9 11 r 83;
1, o t z, 4,c_,,6,'7,8,9,I0,ll a116 12 in Block 84;
Lots and 18 hi Block 85
and IS 86,
l"aots `Ir 10 11 1 7, 144 srnd 1 87;
1, 0 is a a, ini'1
Lots €f,1:C.rlr8 and 9 09;
Lotsj,2,),10,11 and :2 92;
Lots�,2,J,10,11 and 12 H m 93;
L o t s, 1, 2, 5,
,I : '5 , C! , I"� ":.Yid 1',7, 18 94;
Lots 1,2,3,4 5, 19 20,'12,22,2.� and 24 1�) 5;
Lots I , 2, 5, 4, 1, 19, 2 0, A, 22 a 3, = d 2 4 96;
Lots a'nrl 18 H ft 97;
hots &nA 12 98;
1, o ts 12 99;
Lots 12 100;
section 4, Thai the chow,te- of tmid improve c.nte to be Taade in
Improvement District is hereby MUM to be as follows :-- Con-
crete sidmm2Rs, curbs and crosshys Owl]_ be eorlst.ructed upon Sixth
Street withba the boundcries of udd Dintrint, rjwnrding to the spec-
ification therefor laretofore adopted by t'i:e Cite of Key lisipeli, Tjont.
Section 5. That the npproxinvie cost of co-strictinp- improve-
r entE is the sum of v 1.2a peT- front foot.
ThM the approxAmLe coot of the engineorin(,-, inspection and all other
expensep :.r1r;u re in creaLinf! said Specll,1 Impr veyn(n -1, t �!.,t t is the
� ric
sum of 0100,00 0
Section 6, That the entire cant end expense of' said i-mid-roveriients
Shall be paid by the improvement District. M,)-ch lot or T),-.4.rcel of land
with -in so,id districii, to be ansersed for Vn,-a,t part of the vfhoje cEa t
which its are,, boarF- t- the area of the entire dif;trict, of
streets, alleys publ'ic Jaceo.
2ection 7. That said nsment shall be ),,id in eicht (8) a,nnual
iris tfalwntn which are hereby extended over as period of eipht
s,-&id sse�,crnients shrl] col)stitute fund to be known -_s, Specjaj Improve-
naent Distrie,,t Fur',d No. 115.
Section 8. Th&t earl thic 5th da,y of ,Tune, 1911, at t C Council U, � 11, _rj
in the City hall, in tilt City of Kalispell, Ront-),nv, at cip;Ijt �
O'clock P.M",, the City Cotincij_ v_rill he,r ob,,ections to the officinal rind
fin,,_il 'tl-doptic'n of win vsoMion, ai, WbiCT.". tiTne any person nr persons
who axe mme:s; of owners w F,lny lot (.-)x, p,��r'cej ()I"
Paid Improvemewt District, Kall have the ri6jit to appear rt snzid meet-
ino in person or by attorney, and show cause, if any there be, wh.y the
improvements mentiocned herein Will riot be made.
seeLlun 9.
S ec t ion -1 9. This resolution in ',,hell Kali spell
Times", a. �,%-eckj,y publisl�ed in said City of Kalispell oil
t h0 2541-h dt,,y of -ay, and the Ist. , day of June, 1.92.1
The furegoinF resolution is hereby adopted on this day of
V1. C.VnI 1111 IS)
11'a Y 01, .
City Clerk.
Stale of T"Iontana"
Cowity of Flatlkevd' IS S
City of Kalispell.
I L.A.Kendall, City Clerk of t'ne city of Ralis pell,
do liereby certify tliaL or, t.rie
d a
MuSed the foregoinC. resolution to be pos'�,/-� S required in Ordinance
it l'/4 and -'1hvt .9,nid r-polution remai.ied p.-, o-Led for a pericid ol five
a�lnd thit there hove been no ckivnCes or niterr-tions juv.dc theroin
CiPlce the prar�sap-c amd z=.pprovpj t?iereof by tle City Council, nor in
the "eco'Vdinr, thereof.
Recorded herein this certifjc<;t,(: m,1(7je this
day of., 1911.
Cit-, Clerk,