Resolution 398 - SID 112'598. TI s,)N A •RESOLUTI01,71$ IiSl OF A IT-U)"I(WE N'T DISTRICT "7 T-r '�� r _'� E. C H I A'R I �E 11F�l ]"i F 15'12AT, 110 M ATIAC T,`T�,� ""'EfE L 6 0-7, TT"N T1,L.,71PROVE -11-1,1DE AT'D.- AR" ITS '20 13 171 1' • 7 1�f A I""," �_.l lxk_ T IT T 1E Of T �E R 1-ICT 1,N D &Ej I C OU 17C IL 1l� EJA -J� m T` , A % 0 P J J1 101' 'T J ""' To IT I S F I 1,TAJ A7 -OPT I 01,T �,� .1 1 - I KAL I �S`P'LL 'MON 1,11A111A. IF TEE CITY L �1. ..j I ) , 1r.. 0 J. R, I T RL.WIS 0 1 !E 1 1) IF? Y "" "T' CITY C"JC e ja n ae, r e s r Section 1 lhcat- it is deemed necessttry t() crecll d i he e by cre'ti,ted, a Special imr)rovement District, the of which are �Iereinafter 'get fortYlq c�pecj­.,j Improvement -District is 2. ghat t�'Iie ­_ereby desigm.tted a. "o. 112. -vn-mf�nt District a �-.ection ..L�ie boundaries of sv :)peci..��j impro hereby declared tlo be co.s -follows: B e e,-, i n ri i n rr Z�'t t1h,e inte-,t--section o." the center 1.j.ne of California Street L:; 7-�,ith the ceritel.- o-f' t'lfi%e bvt,:-,ieen FIIxth �tmd -v e,. n u e s IFicast and old 1er line i d o f si� Alley 'to r U .,Anin_ in a direction along Vhle cen. th.e center ot' shinfT ton Street- thence in a 'Nesterly direction cr�.Iong �l.ri[ of 1-le center li,le of' the ,),11ey t1ie center -'.ine Vlash,�.-ton ,-,1tVpet to L111 be _ZA , e n 7 i f t h -o,, n d i x t h Av e Yi U P, s .cart t h e n c e in T"'ortherly direction ig U -he center 1lirie o"' said, Alley to -the center of Ci-��ifornia, Street, or t"l,'Lence in an ..'Easterly direction along, the center line o-f` said Czal i f or - niz-1, street to bhe place c),-' bet-. -inning.. section 4. T hza, t t h e chl,,:rXacter of Ls{. -;.id iyaprover ent to '.-.e M,,,_�.dp` in SI-P,lid Improvement District is hereby decl-ared to be trts a= f0110wS*,!- That Concrete 1�idewzalks �-In(l Crosswal*ks ghttl]. be eonstr-i)cted on both sides of' s,id Sixth Avenue Etist eiLhin th.e bound,:�rieevl,�- ofsaid diistrict, a1c C or d i n to t he, sped f i c t's, Lions t1i er ,-, 11' o r as prescribed Dy ti ie ordinrmce of t'r,i.e City, of Kalispell, 11ont,-ima. section ThEtt t1ne approximate cost of constructii�[,, iraprove- .,ments is the sum of $1.00.00,' J. Thau the approxi,.m,-tte, cost-- of" t.1,11e engineering, imspectl,,ion '0,11 other e P-wovement DistrIct is the AY�' p e n s e �3 i n c u r r e d in c r e t i n i d e c I I m :T. Sum Of :�W50.000 S re cozs-t <anid expense oJ` s­-d imp!-ove-m�­m,Ls ec t ion 6. T h. a tti, e e n t i shcall p o i d 'by S,,-lid Pis'L-Xicto ch lot or parccl of lnmd ,rithin S,��Jd ditrict to I)Q C,.,�.Sseosed -IL'o-Ir t1f'l"at par-t of t'.1-le whole, Cost 1:%!i.-�.Licll it' .9 area 4- () 41-i-e are(,. of t.'n.e entire district, exclusive of street's places. S'ectiorl '_`L"h,-%-t in ai i n s m e n t s v.,r'nich ere 1--iereb extended over -a Y p e r 1 o d n f' i v e Y e a is s sz-,Ad asoesm,�enLs) shall constitute n -.1,1,1nd -to be knoirin. as Specin):1 Improve- �ient Fund 1j:'53o, 11")-* i,i d of Tune, 19 11 a t t h e C 0 1111 c, i 1, C h,,_,tmb e. r s 1"'e c t ion ha t on t' e "on,�,,na,, at eio�ht o'clock i n t'.° C i t y H,,_�;,, I I i n t.11-ie C i t Y of KL,:Iispell, 1,A 011& the City Counc il wfill obj ec t ions z'�o 1.,,he offici,,,al ­.rljl ffim'll f' t 1 a t ltv,,-iich -i- -1 1 a, d o p t i (.,� n o s v es.... o 1. U. L i o n e o i1i 1�., e r S 0 n s wf. o -n e r or r c e o Lcuid v-,� i t -i n s �;i, i d are pig,,ners ol, -W,,,,ents o oiv �S ciny I ot lmpruvement District, sha12 h&Ve the right to p 1er) et at szaid meeting, -in h m. e vjhy t`rie imp:pc),ve.m.ent person or by attorney, an{l sl,-�Mw cr-,.. I -A 2 el if n, e be -rm.ide. ritioned tnerein slu%ll " resolution shcqll e i, i I i s Erg d in thr,,, "Kalispell "ection 9. Thie a -,eeklv n e -w s p ap e r p j. e d i za s i d C i t Y o f Kv.rn, I i s, (,,l I ..on uaii a on ­,18thy V,e .a 19116 The foregoincr 7.1 e F), o I u 1-1 1 o n �i- s hereby ,,,dopte(J t;.,,.iq, 5t"'I. dc,--ty of June, A. A*D.j 1911. VV.C.W1111IppS1 Attest: IM, KV 0 r C i ty C 1 e :rk. S) t a t e c). o n t Y ita p County of Fla Sse City of IJ C ty of' Kal i s p ell V r'k A, I J4 City -4� o n t d,--ty I M(ont,,L,�.nca, do hereby certify tl 911, T caused f tl.ie foregoing resolution to be p s o s) -re lu i n, Ordinance.: ro 1, r/ 4 -Y. ',ned p r,,), o t e d fo r e. Pei, i od of f ive dp.ys, and 014id that s i d resolution rem,.0- Vrl,icat there been ao or alteratiorm mf.-�,de th.eroin since the 9,-,assage 4.,,nd capproval the­eof 'by t1.le Cii,,v Counc,jj, I n t 1, e C r d i -,-i �-7 t-hereof i e his --j i'l.p-rein an' t'�-; E3 Cer A d<­1,Y of 1911 45