Resolution 405 - SID 117T WT" L., . J. i.­UMD..!R 011 1\ ITPECIAI-, D117TRICT DT(,- J P 7JI T 1 02N D1 I G1 A C* CRIB Thl_,[,#, I'ADUNMARIT'S' `2 r!jRj?,.) i.F S T1,.1'1. 1 R j� C T T a,wYR J1`.1,,rNTI.T,-`.,!AT1'.F', oF TUT] COST "PHERTOF, AIM APPROX 1' �;'A CC)U��:-CJ'L 1,1,111�L )411AR OBTECTIOES TO '14-'TS Til 117,,, 1, ADOP T I ON C I I 15P`�i'll 1"L 01,"d A -A T' m VA IJ j -L y 0 1, B CITY COUNIL 0" 1-' Thnt it is deemle,d nec(�essc­k_ry to create, cand 1Lhere, Isliere- ehere- e uhich uy cre�ted, Spec.1al 'Sev r Districta i e, b o u n d s o :11." 1, inafteT set forth. Section 2. Thz%t t1-ie number o-f sE,,,id Specittl Sewer ldstx'ict is nere- by desiUm)-ted as IEI'0. 11'/. i_ection 3* he bound,,:,.ries, o... s-...id Specin.l Sewer Distriet'.,,Lre here- b y- decl.,,,.ared to 'be 1011ows:­ All of' the lots in Blocks, 201,204., 422 24-3p 244lcq� ?45� ?46v 47 Section 4. "'h�-it 'the, pro -Dosed work shall coilsiot, of the concStruction L 11 -­e cent(.-,�r the o f F'leventh 1:` r( et from 15ri e�v e i.-, i n t e c o n t Al. -Ley betvfeen 'Fifth cand, Sixth J�xenues T,Lue-t to the centv_. of the Alley between L'ixth :).nd Reven'th Avenues 'Ez-tnt, and a. lc,_Lteral se-7,ier running in a nortl,,Lerly direction in V Le center of the eye betvveen 17'ixth. r.,,.-xld c)even- .4 ixth Stret; t'hence easterly in 1;h `..venue s to t1viez 11,!'orth side of the cente-t- o-ff' Sixth Street to t1­j.e center line., of t-he alley In B-Lock 199; V _� r� thence. -2�,long the e centr of the calle��, in Block 19 9 t D t, P' -) U th , i d e of F i)f t 11 S t r e e t d evver pipe s.ccord- Ad Sewer to be constri-icted u-C vit, r i f j. e, s C- iccations on file irl the off'j(,,ej� of -the City ing to the Plf-:,,.ns - if .nd speci Engineer. Section T'.inl­ the approxijqa : C! U 0 constructing scsdd. rewer is, the Fair"I of $.d7,300.00. improvenments C.ection 64 ha 'IV, t1-j e eiritire, cost ,�ulrld ex,pemse of st-tid sh,all be Paid by sc--�id csenver district. but the. 1,ots in Blocks numbered 24�p 246P 247 shv;12- be asse�--sed f'or the'ir proportionate sliare o+' tjj e c0st of tile 1" s (-nver only in the center of T-ilj v n--.'[ 7 t c !at or o-f' land in. oti-id- district to 'be ttsser 1: for th-at par t be,-,,rs to the arece,, of the entire a o f th e IT-jIl 0 a. 0 C 0 tm) t v,-It i C 11 i t S tr j, c t, e x (" 1 1� S i V c,, 0 f" Streets C­tlleys ca-rid j,,)ub_1j.(, L ..Pection 7.9 .said ass esrj-,.,,,n.eTa 'L-,, be pa."d in three 7,) in tc,Ilrrient.') which. en,re hereby extended ovor a -period. of t1v - rXee S ye�,,)xr�; s�7,dd ca sh.11 constitute ,:-t fjjrj� to be known ts. F! p e L e w e r the 10th d.,. (yf" june e U 1911 at the Council e r s Sri t -�j. e, i 11i,,v 1.1all. $ in the City ()4- 1�,,��jjspej�j 1 y at �,.­ight o'clock P.4r9�%? bhe City Council herar objections to the offic.ial. cr,-nd A. at wh i c h U JJ f i re I d, o V t ofk th i F(­, re"qoliition, ­rly tPer,:--on or ,v,.,ho zixe cyvvyr ieq, C�,r , aCents of oy,,rner,,-,� of any lot Ot Parcel olk" land w i th, in flikr�id S'ein,7er District have the rii7ht -,I , j -1 p10, er,-,on r L,)�� attorne .­ ,),nr u,.,�e, if n y here be w,.,iy tl.,.�e impro ve meT'Its meontione'-d 'the -rein sfcl shovc,- mll riot be Section 9. This resolution be publicshed ir'. the "Kali's-Pell T i me s" woekly piR-,lisliec3 in City o-r th. dvzy of noe, Die foregoing re-solu.tjon is hereby adopted an this 19th. of June K,.D#0 1911 W 'J. C.WIT,IPPS L"�ttest-: CitY Clewrk. 1J, a, y or '.1,�ontan,n, County of Flathead, SS9 City, Of Kalispell. I City C1 e1" 1' - Of thC C t f Ka I i s n e 1 M o P. 1,1-. a n si. do hereby certify t., Aa.t on the 'd.,)y of 7 9 1 c2,used the foregoing to be (71, S <1 j. n an c e -iat ,-,"id resolution rer.yic--,�,iried po,6-te-: for a r-er*()0, (.)f f,ive 0 17 4- ExId tJ K.. C), 1 d ys 9 t)-nd tho.,t tl.,iere h�ave ' �-%.been no changor alterations zi-ia(]e therein s in c t'he y t C i t y C 0 11 n C nor in t1l.e thereaf. Recorded "herein Lund th is certif ria d e th. j. s dca, 17, o f 1-911 City Clerk.