Resolution 407 - SID 1180
110 Ix-1
7 T•N)i') C`".t'�T 11-iG TT',E 1TM3V"'1 ' M OF fi.. �,11 _i.S
. 1)
_1Y s. 1. j ;.) L, - - I '"' F TER' CC)Sr" R fiT AP 111 �L YHY, TO L E Y, A RIF P, 11 d"T 7D 111' T`7,,,`_A")E 01
'T TS F I "..'AL I I J, T �fATI 0 P JE C T it 4 'j
(11 1) f 10 TT
T A�.
B"11] IT LY 'I'LE CITY ("OUIL-1XIL (IF CITY 01' KALI,.`PRILL, 1901, _m` A
s-, 'Y to cxwe�,�.tde � L n(I ` 'here is
S, e ci t o n 1, rirhat it is , (Aeerae{D '. r, e c e,,��, - C.r T,
ae-oeby cvez:Ated -:,,nd there is hereby ci,,e-ted, a Special TMprovement
District� the boundaries, of which axe hereina:.f'ter forth.
-�e number of' s�,--id !7pec--1 i str i c t
e c t i ,-,4n 2 Thca k, t�. I Improvemey--it
is hereb�,, No. 118.
.... ection 7, j.he baundc,iries of said. Specit),j Imp rovemen*- *'Iistric'L,
-r e hereby to b'e. a,.711 11'ollows,-
To %-inc'1.:ude,. of tlzie, lots in tlj.e E� 'G hg;lf of Plock 3 1,ots
1 2 5 in PAock 8 7D u n c tii-I A, to Kali-,ope 11, d it i on X_
sec ion 4. ha, t the ch-s)ract er of the imp roveme�ntcs to be Tmade J_
in said district is r�,ereby -to be 1-ollov,
'0 •- 1.
I har, c o •n c r e, t e j. d e on ':",eventh Avenue
al on Ue. "El" ta u half of Block and Lots 1g2$5 in Block 8 of
; C
Duncanlo Addition t.o Kalltz!,pell; fllso tri, crossv-lk on Oregon 17treet
J-'hcaet Vhe, approx-ifriate cost of co-instrurtirig s-id. im-prove-
.lents ir, the sum 0' $700-00.
Tha 1, tl-ie aPP1:.,0xiY1a�'dkje cost of the engineering L7� L C1 in2pection ala.
0 e r x r 'In C'i: in, -.- s:id c�peclal Improver,".ent 17,istrict
e n s e e, i icurred
is ttie surn of
Section 6. T t tlio, snitirecost t)Md ex p e n s e of st-�,Ad ilylprovel,aent
sht,�_11. be i d by Improvernent Pis'trict-k, ,ch
tr the vvhole
t -o C11 r, 0 1
d i tr i c t t o b e a eo, s t-,, r) e d fo r t
1. n r' i t 1 1 ,,� L, i d
b --P 1e n ra.
cost which its n,rea, e:-rPto the r r f etie district, --clu-
sive o 1 2, t re e t s 1-:3,11 eys rsin d- publ i c plae es
11 by e 1) i d. i n i izh t
e c tr i (-,j n 7*
annu,�,l ins tlnllmentc,, v,,,-h,.Ich eare hereby extened over ti. period 111 oi" eig,11tt
ye-@xs; sta;id casf�)e�syrlents eon(stitut.e a 1"'und tlo be `K'noy.yn A. -Fpec-
irall- Improvement IPistric., -1un(l
e c t i. ori 6 Tha. t on t' i e 26tii of uile, 1911, at t-',,-ie counci-i
Cl-i-nambers in the C i t y 1 .1 C-1 1. 1 in. the citli Ka.1ir-o)e1l, 1r,_o'Y-,Ltana,
o r i o the
O'clock P L1, 1, e C i ty a e ar ��)b e c
of f i CAI El,l �,!.id f i d op t i o n of" th. i s R e s olut i cn,- at whi ch t i,,Tie
Y": pe -I s on o,- p e r s o n wh o ar e wn e r P, r e Y t S 0 '1 _�l e P 2 C) n Y' 10 C) r
a n I n G have t`,Pie right
in person o T b y a 1, t or n e y a, n rd s h o i-v
i f� y U h. e r e b e Jleb.y th e i Y.a o v em e n t P ?T-?.en t i c ri e d elere-n notlA 'L
T1.11 f,
on sht--z.1 I be, put)!_ ished �j, n t _.',rie "Kalisoell
...ect..Lon 9. ...nig, Res _ud
Times a w P e k I y n ews p aP e r p uIL) I i 1-.L e d in s a i d (pry' el 1
o n t a i i a on tf-,, PL I Lh and 2',-2rid of Wne 1(111
'.111ie fore�,-_,oinfr esU 1: 1 o n 3 s, I t e r y ,: -A,.dopt-ed on this 20t.,k. day of
June, A.D., 1911,
V1 C . V, T1 I I P RE43
Attest,: A
City C'.1erk,
Count,,,r of 1"']Aa)thead,
City Ov�e-rlkl of the City a-"' Kalispell
.,Uont,ana, lIo 11_,,e-reby certify 1.,1,1C,.t in V.e a'a'V C) 1911. 1
caused V'ne rei--iolution to b pod i red �'n
C e 1�� 0 4 P. -n d t hn, t tho nr�,id` r P, s, o I u t, i Y1 V 0-tiftl i n n d "po."A'Od" for P er I "C',
L there -..-Pme been no or ns m
of five nd . C, �0 ,a9q.
1, y the City Councii
Uherein ._,,ince the pvseq-e c�-nd capP i", () v,,. 1 Ah. e
nei IrA. t'.i_ i e r �cordin�-_� thLereof.
3 e c or d e d her(,�!.n cr�xjd- this certificc.-Ae made this
d a. Y o 191 :L
Cit 1 e