Resolution 334 - SID 89312 T�. 17' 17' (,1 T.. jj M T OAT R E�j I C1 ��P, I 'U. H I S TR 3 T J, _L ., ."� 'I'll 07 T 17fY 01'� A L, I P �:� T_ D B BE I R, LVE _1 I.A. 1% L� L it is tl-ica of said IC-ilty, CounciLl to create n(­,,.w Spc,,cial DrMrovement to be k�-_--.own as 'Spe,-ial stri C t "i Me s on eac, s I f No 89, f or the purp CA, of constr-U.cting cev,,�i�-n.,nt the ATrenue therein, the boi,in&,,ries of wbA­h said Special I rl I r o v c­ii e, n t t o -w i t DiZ3u,'"AlOt Sh'.11-1 includf the ,Iots, I - L, L o t,,�,i 12 �nuid 13 i n B 1 o c.1FC 54 T, o t s, 6 and 7 j. n Block 5 3 L() t S 6 and 7 i n 7',lock 92 t 6 a nQ 7 1 E 1, 0 C k 51 LO t R I cand 12 in 13 10 C K 70 L o t 3 1, ��,incl J_ 2 11 n 7F") 1. o c�- k 6 9 Lots I arid, I in j­� -, 1,1 1] 1 o(.., 68 L o ts) 1 and I S in Block 6'97 Said lots all -n-bi-itting nn T�,,A,,�-d .':'�`txaet betcween Fl.rst Aveln,.ue West and. Fi.fth Aveaiu.e Wcp.,t. SC.,'I'd ,3,,pe6ia1 Drprovf.�,�m3ient Di,.,;,,)trict ,�Above desorl'bod, to be *de improved as, follows- by ccn,,ztr111cting c e-�­' ' ent si nva'lks ori said 111hird Strcet within t1he �.�ibovo doscribed. 1',x1its aCcord=7 to tl,�.c P)peoif!.Cat-.Lon.,s fol-, ce3ment, side�,walks as set forth in. 2 of Arti'cle, II of C!-�,.apter X11 of the 'Revised Ordinances of 16991 as arn.elr�,ded by Orcllin,,,,,�-n.oe N'o 97, passed and approved July 20th,11908, 0-.rd'-Anance of the, City off" Kaiispoli. ?,i-i.mn of nineteen The, approximate cost oJ7 said. im.provoments is the' bents per square foot and th(--;, shall be pa'.11A. by spc..h.clal assessTnents upon all of the assessable p,&-op erty wl",hin said. Special Improver,"ent Cl-U.SiVe 04-54 StreatS n District, ex -,�,r.d public, places, anl�.,,l each pl('Ilcle ,y that proportion �-,)f co( -A or i)arc,el of 1,.,Oad tl,�.!n dis+._Joict of saicl as t1l.e. tl-ie�re�cjf to the arc--�a of entire, v) 1 a c es� di,str-11ot, ive of pub'­_1,5.� I �� Be -11A-, furtlier resolveld no-L'I-ce bt,� 'In t Kali,,,�pe,11.1_ B(:�,,e fci:z at one For tl,-.e full Ct 1- Cral c1rei.,zia Kz�,,!Aspell Dee bei-�- of -'en., < 1, , i c Y �t J_ d C I t Y 4� of Ka`_Li�_nm.-�11_ Tjny�to pC L 11 gi r.o"U'ice of 1, to m,�-,--k.ke I.Mlp r o? v emm e.i"i. t �s �,tnd not-ifying all ov,,, n o, r s, -,�-rtvr wl-th-in said SDoacia_ D i s r I C �.,ents -of P�j�op(­ to be Pffected or benr,-PJ*Aed the.-rel)-y', 3. j, tb. a, t i d. C, 1, t Y C­ 11 o f h. (7, i t Y 4- of K,­zlispoll wi-11, Treel!t on tb�e, _�_A� (l< Au a�, 0 C. 1, C) C, k P".1E..".4, in C!_1�i.q'­t,,M-ber:1-.--, at, tb,.e, City Ha 3, 1 E. 1 J s, -P) 1,1011.tana. t c c, o i i d e r rany object:lcjn�s t,-,o 'Ah�e tinc-:Ll establishme'i-it of said Special, Imp- 10 11 MI i t cz,,, n an d f i 1 e (1, w i +1 r o v e-,, �� e n t" D I s t r -1, (.,� t w-bJI-ci-k saicl o bj e c t -i s t b e wx ,.he C! tv oi­ or b,.--.fo-:c said". It fi.].Irther orde-red 'I... Y -�:,T r I, a T, S n t 1 17! 'TT d cl r. t 1 (1 r T):r o T) e r tt vT i t, r said. f-� v --tip r o V No C'. q, S I. 11. d in e i r h u e ic i Y t, S t h e f 91 (J. fl I.- FIC Ve 191 0 _J al..�_f, r d m j pay-(:Tit�s LO be�a-r 3*,Yltere�:,-�t '9-1-, t1he, r.ate o C. i p r c e r�,. t per ar%n­t1m Pavable y., C� d a r ec] ayr".­j, V .A__� s 11 th A A t �A A t t e". Y, C� -,','.ay o i C�ty CILOPk� 0 91AV Of A 'rT t h e r t 1. -,Citr on 17" 'r �s fc, li..-i t :1, on t' c 1'n' 711 Or c N o 17 4: o In o n 3" e-, "�.c' a T� 0, or t, th. e e n r� o r, c A n� It, e t3l' -i a:ppr�nval t'r- of b y t, C ty