Resolution 331 - SID 88OP; 5 t
5.,�z I�D L I T� 11 1 " iR 0 V 13
A RLE�F)'OL`U`71017 9`0
, j. I . J.
B1�� T'117 DZY "PH-1-�] r, Err"i, COUT,
Th,�-,�,t it is, t'hn, intention cyff Coz-,Mcil cituy of
to be known
to et-�tablish a nE;-,vi
s) S : e, c - 1, a I I m Ti -1, r o v ert,,i e Y i t D i s t I", I' t NIT � o
P e gu r p o o yj st -r 11
ing a, later, -.AL sewet', The boundc--�.ries of the Said 11'"', z-, cr�;r 0, 11-1. nt
Dist -,Pict to bo ---,s fo,"Llows,;
Begirnimcp a t, t h e, i n t el r s c o n o C I i fo r n J. a t nec,) t -iv h t h c, n. t -
of 1`��ast, runrung So,uth to the cc--,,r�,ter of
ington StrecA,, thence vvest from the cent�nr
11ne, of Wash -in -ton.
to th�e 0 f Foul, Aw-,m.-ue 12','a�it,; thc,,,nc,�,s, j-;nrt)h,. -'.L,Pnm tll.e (.",entc-nz,� of
I L,
"Fou r Mh Av o n-u e 1 t t o t h e, c,, e, n + e r o, f C -1 1. fo r t - i., i S t r c, c �, t t h, a i i - c e.., e, a S t
fram the, cent-vsr of -`,,,,,Jj,-rornia �5'tre-et to tVie -pl.,a f
Is, P_ 1. rl n. lnmcl�
The apprc),KLMI,�Ae cost o-FP sa'.1A sevv-er is the sum of dne Th.,ml<smn,�].
t?In�(,.,, swkiie sh�--kll b(-�� paic', by special w�Jse,,�:,:;,,,�u_iaent on al'.11. of
'Efhe� �assoss,,�A,bl,e property mai D 1
pec al I %,,,)rovc c X
h. pieoe or par-
f.' streets, �_,A_Ieys n 173 anc,11 eac
--u s i ve o a d pu b 1. 1 c 1) 1,,, c
t,1�11c,d of 1,-md ,xit`ftin sald di.3Gr1i(-.,A shall t1i�c-tt Offth(.." c�csl[e
of sald i,Mprove--Mc,1mts as th.e -Urcm tx-lcrcof to tli-ie. arc.,a 0., f 'Une ent,irn-
district 1� �$ "I
Of, str-e"'sl �-a-ll c v � a�rlcl y)ii1A,-_1c plEICO'S.
It Is orderE'ICI t1iat noluice be Pub1,.Lsh.c:1,1d. ii,-i the, Ka1J!..,,'vQO11 Be�e, in
e Z...'I h iss-Tie for the ftil 1. �Lime re,�7uiled IV 1,,�iw therefor, si�lid-
B8c being a nevvsp�-,,�per o.... . c-ncr@,,]_- c1.P-u1_,,nAinn in �sm-idl kCity of
A.ilontana, qiv-ing notAce of" the int.vent'lon of' lt,,he City Cm.mcll to make
ifiiprovezments, ,A�nd, notifying owners ar)d agents of tbhe� j,,r())c,,Y,ty wjL-1U1.jn
S P e c, I a 1. Im-orove-ment, No.88, to be affec,"E..,ed- or
tha,t said. CIL,Ly Ccu,nciI of the City �Df
c) a. v�r 11 m e t
.on the d,,,),y of 1910, at 8 o'clock, P,NIT. iT�-1 1-,Fhe
c, o.i - i d e i
(72,1UG-tulbors in the City ffii-11 at K.aA.Js[,),, 11 T 5! t a n,:-t ob e c, t -
.ions -to t h c, na"I of szaid. I -s t t
_d.(�.xoed by ..he
It i s f u r i c,
r or
I t i
avied against said property withi.. Said. 1, IMPT
0'* S 8 shall be nald, in three, T),ayMk�er-ts o r *1 r. I I m e t
.1 �Sj
:�.of -,ahich sAhL,,11 bE,, PQuid in 1��)10, ancl. all paym.z,-,�,bnts, shal-I
thic rate 041 six per comt
Pac,scd and am -)roved t',Piis 1st ,J'ay of
k 1910.
A t,t t; H . A . Ke i. i d. I I
I., J_ 1�,
c "K
I LEI- e C, .1 J. T. -1. T) 0
5'..� . .... . �11' O.T.
n t T) y
E, o ri c 10 1,11 G I.-D 1") 0 e
or, , 1', 1 , n
a s.
os o I -.!.on po-t ed f o - a, pc�� o fi- ve
a r". (""I L e i:::, j ". � CA 1. 3 "1 -
-IQ i o, r s ym a Q:" o t, Ile 1 -r)
T-4 , k
-�� I - - ?- ---� b a (..,; n r. a
do,v S, and th� t, 1 ��, - �-
-t LILL o
o y I C) '0 Ali.
c. a p o va f b
ri th 10
in t. i s� r t, j. f 1, e a d.
c, o r,
............ . ........... ........ .. . ... .. ...... . . .....