Resolution 313 - SID 80S15 17 A EU1001101011 CRENING APEOM ITURUMNT 140.80 AN!) P90VTD- ING 7'1flh, CONSTRUCTION OF A 1ATAR'L TN'11E, AT�1­�;( IN NUTIi,13E�%I!_41.) 86,95,106 & 115. RE, IT 71A_L,,90T;V_­,rJ BY THE CI7'Y =JNC'_!, OR TIET,' Clr'i'Y OP L",,"JSPELL; That it is the intention of We Ci�y of th�� City of Kalispell to create a now special, improvetuent district to be Rnowyj as Special Improvomeant Distri'_-t purpose of' oonstructing a twolve inch lateral the, bmind,�trieo of said proposed special improvemont to be as follows- Bcr,Uinirif� at, ul­tc intorseotion of the conter line of' !Jalr Struat wit& the center lince of 1PAQ Street; runni.rig from thence south through the center of said ")troet to th,.,_ Center of Sljhth strQ�ct; and minninc frorp. to the center Iine oi` 17irst Avnmzo West; and runninr, from Vience �nortl� A.nnz7 t1-:.c� center I-Ano of First Avemia West to the cw,,t,��r of F-J.fth �Strent; thence, along the center line of Fifth street I.o the plane oC beginnir_�7. The boi.indaries of s�,,,id district to includ(,-, all of �.be lots, in Block 86,95 and 106 of the CrIgUal Townsite of -Pilispell, lJontana. Tliat the sewer proposed to be constructed in listrict shall be a twelve inch outer, cons tructed of vitr,�iCicd sc-,,,,�er pipo, twolvo inches in diamoter, under the suporvIslons, of the City En- gineer of the dity of Kaliopoll, under contract let to the lo',,;ftA responnible bidder, after advertisin,�- , for bjd�� for said �,jork as reTAred by lavv� That said ;over is to be laid A Uns alley bo- Lot a: Ybin Street and Fir-,t Avc.,.,Y�ue We�zt and to run, fvo_­,,, th(, c�tntor of Fifth Stxm.,,A to tho t�cntoi� of' Vinth Stro�,t u.nc� thera, connoct w1Ah a twelve inch 3e-wer ho�rotoforkt Th,at the cost of, said lmprovemctlA is th�-,t mlm of 82"50a lot and the sane null he h'y upon ,.x1l of the assuscable property w!"hill ""aid Specia'! In"provoaelit, District, exdjusive of straVs, allc�s and pi.�b�lo places, und (',,ach piem or,arnel of land ,,.rlthin said dintriot Mmll pay tout prqnr- timl A the cost of said t1ric, urea tho,,­eof heacr, to the arou of the onti re of alloys ..,ncl, public places. It is to be understood. th,at the asoes,,,,atla ppoper- ty within thu boundaries of st,,ad district shall 1;e asses�-,ed foi, the entire cost of oaid sewer herein it, necesomr�,, to construnt s.,.t1d s,)wer ,,�crort"' -,,,�_Vi:tt iF� �c,--,ronly Rriot,,,n as t,hu, "Court Hou,,,u Park" in order to Seril-f,"c, �n olitlot for� 1Ai(-,, It is, ordevc-,,d that tho City 01=4 1xiblis1i notice of this RescluLlon in the Kalispell Bee for f1,v,�, uL,,_� to the 6th day of Aln VIC), all. or agents of pwqmrty uitth,, uald dionict Aut tho City Coinicil cA the CiLy of KOAspull will mexL on the xn.id 5 "GhA day of Aly, 191, t 6 0 ic tl.,, Council Gha7bars 1" �'Ity ary 1.t­1_0.r- ��c-,tod rru,.y appear and protest agAmst the final of' tii,as olution, It is farther ordered that ui'1 _­,_ou'_':)�-�;Mont�,,, lavl-e,,i tho property within said propooed u��ail be paid -in throe equal annual insUdimerta, tjuj firfrL �ov voijah Enjnl! be paid in the year 1010 and shn,11_ bca,�, ille Cf G! psf� ,�,�­nra, Fassod and -,-,op-r,�vod ju-ly Attost: nandall, Mayor, 0 1 tyo ] e1qc. state of hortana, Coinrty of P7,at'road, ClAy or 77'al.11-s"pell, 1, Th ., Ko CUP, Cit ' !Qm of two citv of nlipwil, ,Mo,rit,ana, do hereby eprtiCy tl­�t on ItAc A _d�rl of to b(� e. , D (e 'I 0 i­., 11, n � L n c. o 37 o . 17 4, 1 1 't 7 � �a I i 0 p 0 11, 1� ", e a oa .,,)or of culation Athir 02 City of havin�-� yrabl! hud n d havin,­ t�,, gToneral circu1gU(.)n within s,­tAd city, ant't that Uhero v L, been no changen"KAWrations imde I&Pynin since tho pa5sugo and. LIM .v �l t 1 � c c o f by a 1 1- 1 r, i IWIo povo-ClInr thol�'eof A 1� dL�,,y oi, -3, o r a c e t" 1 f -1 tM