Resolution 311 - SID 79A T T 'I) V! T S N �0 7 T 0 R, I r T,�EI10L'"IPIOVI CR"'!1�,'"IDN'Ta. I J"", �0 ��'C A' T P]1­1� L `3EWER JTE TE11- OF C NNS 4A r'. , j NT I r C11 r! r'll 1-1, 1" 1 r 77 071? IT 7R`_`S",LV" BY 1, 01. 1'. 0 T]riat 1. t, 1 th e IL r-t csm: U i om�l al", the s a id. Ci ty Cc-uin - 1 o f h, :0, 1 t ',�Nr c 7 9 1` o �v of to cra,�.-itc;, Spccia]. t,h e yu -. r �p o f o c o ns� t r-u c t i n Ls, a 1. a t r a], s v -�rv- e x-� i­.-i RE -lock 1,To.37 o�r k'" 1." �4, 4, e s (,,� f �.h,ich &r� c i 1, T o wn s i o 11" ."1 a 1,J1 - p bunnd<,--ti�l r slio.,11 �Smbrace al.1 of' the 'Lo t s I n 8 a J. 17-31ock 37* That s �.�,t 1. �,l s w a r i s t, o b o, cons-tr,-ucted of wLtroliz(-,�,,d pipe ircl---�es in. d-i�-tmt-,OUcr TUride j-, coffltr�,:D.ct 1ot to est 'Di.dder -id lk-J'C,le rk d C for b.ids as ay. ono ,.,t f du, 0, a d, v c� r - � J, s, ck under sc�.-��Jd (,.�ontrac'U shall be undc�,t,,, tttc si.1-ii.,,-.,,(-�.,,�.,,vlsl"c,.)n of' 1,.,hc-,, 1.3ity 7rhat tl.r,lo o�,3t-JA atc-,�d cost of' savv-er Is tlie, sum of Po-vu,.,� tiundre-d Tv�:e,vity-five (4k25.) dc'11,a.,vos and. that to -'Dal off sZ;,1--J.,d U J. p r o p o 1 0 -,n cj s el 11N, 0� "''ier, constructed bu, as,ses�scd. e, a, Jill Blo,­k "o.37, and e<�.,ch J,o4- bear t1- - pr.) a1:L o' the 1ots I L y -portion of tjhe of ],4';,r13,d 1C,1,-1c,. art"Na be(ao�:-,s to tlic thz_-�, an.tire district cre,,,�-Aed. T. i a. D' t 1'. S h, o 3, n t E n t J_ c n o s a. i cl. C , I , t, y C o u i c JL t o f 1- 1 i 1, 1 y p �,l .0, s 4. m 0 v c�_� 1- CL, No.79, t la i s r e s ol t -1 1, f t, t y t.J.. �J U p (I b c h d, o ��,i y foi i d �11,3- to G,��A.-1 cluay o f June, 19"' 'if 8 0 c 10 C4 51 1 r be e s, d ate a1_11 o,,r,, ae-,,�en­ts o-]tm. th'.0 propri. V-t.,�,v t h i n r� I J.. cl 1:.) xlop o s c d s pi,,-� (0. 31. "L y im-provernuea-i.-t d 1 z, t r _J, t I - ��X 1. 1 11 El v c) th�e, -Lo P L re Sol,;.! 1,1 C-11"I 01,11 fil-o j 0 ml n. c i I a t o' St a aa, i rl s t th.c� 'C',-al 4. a protest in wx itinc, vq. I t h, t 1"i (N) J Ly Ca.-ork o n o be, 'L C, 3., e� a. i d �,), I-, scuil,tary- j,)u.rpcscc. th�L' T h, a t .1 t. t oT. t s a (14 scr�vcr be c on s ru�- ct e d -roved thls 6 t h day of June, 1010. Passed, lid - 0, r"D S t e May or statc.e, o4C' iv�,�ont,-<axia, I J. c"A, ty ? p. 17 K o n, lc,� I c �L s.j: f n C) C- a. o c.,) r &I-) Y c."t, t 1. f Y t]a o 1 1 c ci 1 n - c n Or �s, e d tl f n r- n A i.., 1 C 11. L t� b- os 4. + a p -n Y e Q, a n c e YN,'o 17 fivro, 4- s -a c�, th -2 h� �,e 1) e ��n cz, 0 Y) L ki !.,� . I c 1, � � � I CA T P 9. tho,rc.�.in sinae t,. &D C"', a pp r o v,C.), 1. t h 'by th,c C-ily �C �c) �U r c j, cl 1'. r c �7 t �A. /-7 1 �171 m -Y-, a e a,,;. �,� 3111 'L., I., Ck Ar rd 0. h e, T, 1, r� ,a n 0, A. C, . . .. . ..... des, y o f 49 1.;%,) low 469 A RZKOWTION. A RESOLUTION CWnTING SPECIAL TAPKOVEWAT 027RI7T 10.70 FCR 7W PURPOSE 07 SON37RUG-IHG A LATERAL SETIR THIEZIN. BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE C! 7 COUNCIT OF 7H� C:7Y 07 KALWELL, MONTANA. That it is the intention of thu said Gity Council of thr,, City of Kalispell, tc create a Special lunroverant Gistrict No.79 for the purpose of constructing a lateral sew;r in Block 37 of the Town - site of Kanispell, the bonndaries of uninh spenini improvoment distrio. shail.embra c e all the lots in said 21ock 37. That n0d sewer is tc 5, constructed of vitrafized suver pipe eight in&�z in diameter under contract !at to the iuwast blddo,­ after due advortisemont for bids as rcquired by law, and the no&< done under said contract shall be under the supepvjzion oC the City Engineer. That the estimatcd cost of said sewur is thn sum of fou_�- hundred two�ty five dollars (Q425j and Qat thp total coit of said sewan when constructed, nball be assossed in equal propcyWons to ull of the lots in said Block 7, �nd each lot shall bear thot proportion of the cost of L"Id sewer as Me area thereof bears to the arca of the entire dis�rict hc:cby cneated� That it lo thn intention rf said City Council to finally pas6 W resoluticn creating saia Special improvemont District Vo,79 at a mucting of said City C.unci -of the City of Kalispell to be ha0.' an the sixth day of june 1910, at 8 O'Clock KH, and thaL an or before said date all oaners or agQnts of the property within suid proposed Spocial improvement ZintrlcL shall have tho right to apmar before the said City Council and ppoLest again t the final passuge of said resoluilan or file a protyst in writing with the City OWN: on or b fore sail date. That it is necessary sewer be constructed, Fas,,-,ed anal', approved I Attest: &A.Kendall, City Clerk. State of AcnLana., County of Flathead, ss, City Cf Kall5pell, for sanitary purposas that said thio 17yh day of WN, 1910. W. C. Aippw Nwyor� I. H.A.Kendall, City Clerk of the City of Kalispall, Montana, Uo heneby certify th.t on the d-- O�'' Au�y ---Ted as requited in 1910, 1 cansed tho foregoing resol-a','on to be pc�� Ordinance No.174 and that said resolution remained posted for a per- iod of five days, ari "hut thepe havo been no ahanEcs or aitaratloqs made therein since Ve passage and approval theveof by the City Coun- cil, nor in Lhe re2ordin- thereoF. Rucordh herein aw this certificate made thi..--- day �7ity Clerk.