2. Postpone Bid Award - Parking Lot ConstructionCity of Kalispell Public Works Department Post Office Box 1997, Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 - Telephone (406)758-7720, Fax (406)758-7831 REPORT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: James C. Haosz, P.E., Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Bids for Parking Lot Construction MEETING DATE: May 6, 2002 BACKGROUND: The current budget includes funding for reconstruction of the parking lot on First Avenue East just south of City Hall, and a new parking lot on the site of the old Keno Inn. The project was designed in-house except for landscape architecture services that were provided by Sitescape Associates. The City received five valid bids for the Parking Lot Construction Project. These are tabulated on the attached staff report. Bids ranged from $140,706.09, from JTL Group to a high of $197,739.50 from Pack & Co. A bid from Settle Services was received late. Staff recommends eventual award of the bid for the Parking Lot Construction Project to JTL Group based on the low bid of $140,706.09. However, Article 16 of the Contract Documents specifies a 60-day bid acceptance period. This period expires June 29, 2002. Due to the interrelationship of this project to the much larger Downtown Streetseape Project, we recommend delay of bid award until the bid decision for the Downtown Strectscape Project has been made. This is currently planned for the meeting of June 17, 2002. Defer bid award action until a bid award decision is scheduled for the Downtown Streetscape Project, presently scheduled for June 17, 2002, but not later than June 29, 2002. ACTION REQUESTED: AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6 - MOTION DEFER AWARD OF THE PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION PROJECT BID TO JTL GROUP OF KALISPELL TO NOT LATER THAN JUNE 29, 2002. FISCAL EFFECTS: Expenditures of $140,709.09 plus additional costs totaling approximately $10,999.00 for contracted engineering, lighting installation and concrete replacement not part of the project bid. Estimated total cost of the project is $151,705.00. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Council �isz,-P.E. - - of Public Works / Attachment: Bid Tally May 6, 2002, Parking Lot Project 0"i` I Chris A. Kukul t City Manager Report compiled May 1, 2002