06-25-13 Impact Fee MinutesIMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 4:00 P.M., TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013 CITY HALL LOWER LEVEL CONFERENCE ROOM Attendees: Board members: Chad Graham, Larry Sartain, Rick Wills, Jason Mueller Others Present: Susie Turner, Tom Lotshaw, Terri Loudermilk, Phil Guiffrida, Charlie Harball Public Attendees: None Chad Graham called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM and roll call was taken. Chad asked for approval of the minutes from the May meeting and requested the last four words of the third entry of that meeting be stricken ("and reviewed by committee"). Chad commented that the 5 year trend line was submitted by Susie Turner but the committee failed to review that report. Rick made a motion to amend the May 281h minutes as stated. Jason seconded, all committee members voted in favor. Discussions on alternative funding sources started with Larry suggesting a possible sales tax, use tax or resort tax as alternative funding. Chad suggested several methods of alternative funding; new growth, private/public cooperation (late comers agreement), internal cost savings and allocation of new funds. Charlie Harball suggested Chad's "allocations of new funds" model was more of a budgeting issue. Chad suggested we include Councilman Guiffrida's alternative funding scenario to City Council. Chad asked for any public comments. None noted. Chad suggested the committee meetings have more structure. Susie asked the committee what direction they wanted to go with on the Water Impact fee. Larry made a motion to bring back the Water Impact Fee Report and revisit and vote on the growth rate in the report. Jason seconded, all Committee members agreed and voted in favor. Agenda items for next meeting were discussed including: Revisit and vote on growth rate in Water Impact Fee Report, decide what alternative funding methods to submit to council, and move public comments to beginning of meeting. Chad made a motion to adjourn at 5:45 seconded by Larry. Date of Next Meeting: July 23, 2013 at 4:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: Larry Sartain