Resolution 639 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 2Resolution No. 639 A REIS()LUTION ESTIlATING THE COST OF LIGHTING SPEC11i.L LIGHTING DISTRICT NWj`3ER TWO, OF THE CITY OF KALISPIML, FOR THE I YEkR 19171 J�-N_D LEVYI-11-G AND ASSESSING Ali., T104' PROPERTY VVT�11-'HIN SAID DISTRICT WITH THZ' COST OF LIGETY1C." SAID DISTRICTO Kalispell*, Be it resol7ed by the 01"C"y Council of the city of Section 1. The cost of lighting Lighting District Number Two of the City of Kalispell for the year 1917 is estimated to be $806*40,s Section 2. A tax is her le -vied and assessed upon all the property in said lighting district f�.,thearuount of the eatimated cost of lighting the street therein "by apportioning the several lots and parcels of land within the said district as fc1lors o 0 to -wit,; 13t Lo Assesnt sre ne1 Owr,, 36 113 81* 80 y&M*C*A0 14 8*40 yom.c,A* 15 8*40 T.J.James 16 8*40 J-6R,Listle. 17 8,s40 J.R.Listle and Geo, 1. Houtz 18 8*40 W.G. and,...,.C.Z. Conrad 19 8,s4Q Haz t i e 111, Smi th 20 8*40 -Emma L. Proctor 21 8o4O Kalispell Townsite Cor_f�pany 22 8*40 Kalispell Townsite-Company 23 ..*40 KalisDall Townsite Company, (Geo.-W. Proctor) 24 8640 J.A.Eakrig­ht 45 13 8040 J.A.Ford .14 8*40 J.A.Ford 15 8*40 Bogart and Hall ersteiner 16 8o4C Bogart and Holiensteiner 17 8 * 4 0 Alicia Ccnrad is 8*40 Emilia McStravicic 19 8,o40 Emma C. Mai n 20 8*4() John Harriv 21 8*40 Thos. J., Odegard 22 Bo40 T.D.Duncan 23 8*40 W.C.Sivyer M Block 45 .56 65 35 46 55 66 Lot Assessment Owner 24 8*40 W.C.Sivyer 13 8*4G Masonic Temple Ccr.n.ipany 14 8,*40 Masonic Temple Coulpany 15 8,*40 W.R.Twining and E.C.Xnight ie 8040 John J. Frohlicher 17 8*40 Karcher and Durall 18 8*40 Henry Noi-Lar and Joseph V. IQ.axto 19 .8,,40 Wm, Calbick 20 8*40 G. H, Adams 21 8*40 G�H.Adams 22 8.940 Ali la D, Conrad 23 7o30 W.N.Noff'singer E-44f and W-781 23 11610 A.B.Conrad , M-181 24 7030 W. N. Nof foinger Ew441 and W-78f 24 1010 A.D. Con rad. M-181 13 8*40 0,E1ks Temple Assn, 14 8*40 B.P.OoElk s Temple Assn, 15 8*40 BoP.O.Zlks Temple Assn, 16 8940 Hannah Mareden 17 8040 Nora K. Sherman 18 8*40 Sall -le Page Nelson 19 8*,40 Kalizpell Townsite Company 20 8,o40 First National Bank 21 8,*40 Emma, Y. P 0 e 6 22 8*40 WM. C. ship Z5 8,o40 Wm. C. whippe 24 8,40 Wm. C. Whippe 1 8*40 First N,,�ticcal Bank 2 8.o40 First National Bank 3 8*40 First National Bank 8040 Stenar A. Haugen 5 8*40 Rudolph W. Schim�t.iel 6 So40 Mrs, Annie Walker 7 8*40 Thorvold A. Koppang 8 8*40 Thorvald A. Koppang 4o Judson Sawyer 10 8*40 lAcIntosh Hardware Company 11 8,40 McIntosh Hardware Co.,.,,.Pany 12 8*40 McIntosh HardWare Company 1 8*40 Ida M. Rudolph, Edwar& G. Ellis and 1"I'athilda 14illis 2 8*40 Ida 16. Rudclph, Edward.: G. 911is and. Mathilda Ellis ;5 8*40 -W. F,, Hal I i day 4 8*40 W.F.Mulaney 5 8040 Mary T. Norris and Irving W. Lindl4jr 6 8*40 Julius Fischer H.H.Howaley Agt 7 8*40 Julius Fischer. iH.H.Iiowsley Agt:i a 8.*40 Henry Bienrian - 9 84,40 Grace 11. Felson (R.N.Webster Agt. 10 8940 August Heller 11 8o40 Robt. Russell 12 8*40 Robt, Russell 1 8o40 Ccnrad National Bank 2 8*40 Conrad 1�ational Bank 3 8,o4O Ccnrad 1�'&ticnal Bank 4 8040 John H2O'Conr)e1i 5 8*40 John IT, OfConz;ell 6 8o 40 John R. Listles 7 8.40 W.R�'.Twining and E.C.Knight-ftl/p- each 8*40 EE.0on rad Estate 8,a40 C,H.Conrad Estate 10 8*40 C.E.Conrad Eetate 11 8*40 C.R,Conrad Estate 12 8.e40 C.B.Conrad Estate 1 8.040 First Xational Bank 2 .8-040 First '-',",ational Bank M Block Lot Assessment 66 3 8*40 4 8v4Q 5 8*4Cj 6 8*40 7 8*40 8 8*40 9 8*40 10 8*40 911 8*40 12 8*40 Own e r W.H.Griffl,n (i " 2..Uehlinger) Jamea Ccn1cn(G.YLDuffy) W.H.Griffin W.H.Grifrin A.V.Gibson F 0 V1. BUCI(Sen Benj. D. Phillips Gent Rv UcLlahon (Nora K. Sherman) James A. Fora James A, Y6rd Section 3. The tx hereby levied becomes deli nquient at six Oclock P.M. on the 30tki, day of November 1917* Section 4. Reference - is hereby made to the Resolution of Intention to Create Lighting DisLrict Number Two for further particulirs, In-�roduced Aug'Ust 6th, 1917 and set for hearing September 3rd, 1917 at 7*30 o'clock* R. Patillne Mayor Atteet: City Clerk Adopted tos Ord _._ day of tember 1917 Approved t1lis 3rd day of SeTtember 191.7 "on I'm $R0 Priuline kayo r State of ton tang County of Flathead SS: its of, Kalispell I. R.ERR olli--ut City Clerk of the. City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the foremw going is a full, true and exact copy of a Resolution approv. ed P,,,nd adopted by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Yontanfi on the 3.rd day of S ep t emb e t *1917* OWN-* 400"%Qw� Witness my hand ttile the 6th day of .IePtember 1. 9 J. 7 City Clerk,