Resolution 641 - Assessment - Maintenance District 1Reecluticn hfo, 641 ' A RESOLUTION ESTI"TING THE COST OF YAIJNTiI,NIIIIG THE IITIROVEM:_02MITS IN TAA12�`1"MANCE DIS'`RI (111 n, 011-E 0,V TIMI CITY OF K LISPELL � FOR TRE, YEAR 1917, A.,,,,1EVYING AND A''::}SESSIYFG- ALL TliE PROPERTY WITHIN T� SAIn DISTRID-'2 WITH THE COST O'F SUCH Il,-"PROVEXLMTTS* BE Il f" RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TXFj ClTY OF KALISPELL q. P.- Section 1. The cost of maintaining the Improvements in Maintenance District No., I of' the City of Kai ispell for the yez.r 1917. is astirriated to be One th,oiAsark d and sixty two and 4 - - - - - - - - - - - Section 2. A -tax is hereby levied -and assessed upon all the property in' said 11"aintenance disSri ct fcr the mcunt of tle estimated cost of maintaining the improvements tnerein, being apportioned to the several lots and parcels of land within the Z&id 48trjCt e .S folIONVO ............. Block Lot Assessment Owner 1 1,15 2 1 80 J . T. Si 1lix 2 480 Frailk Roddy 3 *80 X618on'Knutecn 4 180 James Powers 5 *80 Aurilla McCauley 6 080 Aurilla, TAcCauiey 153 1 680 Ansel F. Thonpson 2 080 Jna. R. Sauser 3 080 Geo, Thcrnton 4 *80 Fay C. Smith 5 8 0 Fay 0 Sm i Lh 6 10 80 W. Hugh Sawyer 7 080 T.A.Pachant 8 060 Geca W. Durst *80 Gee. W. Durst 1680 Carrte C. Rose Marion L. White 12 1080 T.L.Wells B1 o ck Lot Assessment Owner 30 �' 7: *80 Geo. Buc?nnivim. ler 8 4180 Ansel F. Thorlpscn 9 1080 Kalispell Tol'ercantile Coi-Tany 10 .080 Ka'Iispell Building and Loan Association 11 Auriila McCauley 12 C. E. 0 of frey Marion L. White (james Swaney) 2 B.P,.Drollinger 3 680 Chas,, H. Suaney 4 080 Chas. H. Swaney 5 'ao Alma Ryland er 6 4180 Petern, Sietne 229 1 080 Alex.-,nder McKinnon 2 080 Alex,,,-�nder McKinnon 3 080 Kalispell Building and Loan Assaciaticn 4 gP so John Ronan 5 080 Frank G, Reid 6 080 T. Franx Hamllton 230 14 1680 G. Frank Grey 2 480 G. Frank Grey 13 1,80 Lena. Fulier 4 .8o Lena Fuller 5 *8G, K.L.Fisher 6 40 Frederick C. Idercord 6 * 4 0 Joseph Imhalt 23.3 1 080 Wm. C. Berne 2 080 dw E. C. Knig) .,ht 12 -0 480 Floyd Earl 4 1080 Anna Goodwin 5 680 Burleigh Robinsan 6 080 Frank Anderson 4 1 080- Peter Gurderson (E.A.Rose 2, *15 Peter Guriderson E.A.Rose N-101 2 *65 Peter Gunderson E,A.Rase S-*401 3 680 eter Gunderson 4 080 John t. and Edith Thoyiaas 5 080 Chas. A, Jej'frieac 6 IS80 Lois J. Hoj.don 1 .080 Fred S. Ashley, 2 1* 80 Fred S. Ashley 3 080 Margrette M. Bronson 4 $80 Margrette M. Brenson 5 080 Milo R. Gorton 6 't e" 0 Kalispell Building and Loan Association 24 1 480 City of Kalispell 2 *80 City of Kalispell 3 1080 C 21L ty of Ka." ispell 4 080 Emil G. and GeoO.Biorneby 080 2 mil G. and Geo. 0. Bjorneby 6 *80 Emil G. and Geo. 0. Njorneby 224 7 080 Arthur Edmonds 8 *80 Arthur E dmo -jr, d s 9 *80 Arthur Edmonds 10 080 Arthur Edmonds 11 * 80. Arthur Edmonds 12 080 ArthuT R dmon d z 222 1 080 Victor E. Ifunter 2 680 Joseph C. Norton 3 04o Joseph C. Norton 3 *40 Jesse R* Adams 4 *80 Jesse R, Adams 5 080 Ottilie Rode 6 *80 Ottilie Rode 7 480 A.H.Ellyson 8 1080 A.H.Ellyson 9 '080 A. H. 17,1 ly son 10 * 80 A.H.Fillyson Block Lot As s emower t 222 11.. 660 12 080 221 1 080 z1b 080 3 080 4 680 5 19 613 6 *80 7 080 8 1680 10 4,80 11 080 12 '080 3 1 * so 2 *80 3 480 4 *80 5 o40 5 *40 6 7 080 10 11 12 1 2 a 80 3 080 4 *80 W ao 7 80 8 680 9 1080 10 080 11 12 23 1 2 4 7 10 2 22 3 1 Q I I J,V) 220 11 4,80 80 80 80 080 4180 ,o 30 *80 080 4180 * 80 080 080 4180 080 080 480 080 *80 Owne r .Charlotte Beauchanip IL"ar,ion L. Whi&ipire Land Company) Clyde B, Jordan Clyde 2-14 Jordan O'Neil Lumber Coi.1,parry Thowas W. Sadd Theinas W. Sadd G, Frank Grey G, Frank Grey Herbert Chittick Geo. J. Poole Jr, David McCarthy Clark Torgerson Austin Torgerecn First ]-AaLicnal Bank Michael OtShe a John and Tohanna Hart.non Stephen A. Turner Stephen A. Turner F-1/2 S&xah L. Madesitt S-1/2 Sarah L'. Madesitt. C.H.Vincent .fiathan L. Hei'rick Ora Rainwater Anna n. Steinoauer Re inbolt Brui�t Ii'lathiac- J. Holden Frank H. Fishel Frank If. Fishel 01i'ver k. Roe Mary Swindell Minnie S. Join.nson Kalispell Athiletio kseaciation Ka-Llispell Athletic Association eil T.,iunber Company O'Neil L=iber Company Kalispell 'IlcwnEite Cca,pany (Wm. T. Ogle) Wm. Hawkins Mathias J. Hclden Kalizpell Athletic Aosociation Kalispell Athletic Aescciaticn Kaii spell Atnl.etic Association Kalispell Athletic Association Kalispell Atnletic Association Anheuser Busch. Brewing Ass o�Aation Kaiispell Athletic Association K&-lispell AtIiletic Ats-sociation Kal I s p e 11 At)-Uetic Association Ka I, i spe I I A t ft le t ic, Asscc3.aticn Ka]. i e pe 11 A thle ti s "'.ipe, 19-o `xi, --o n Frederick 0 Me r c o r d an d Joseph I �,,ih o 1. t F r e dtlt-, r i c k C , -L ercord and I,Mholt Henry C. Du-1-st. Clyde E. Jordan P..k. Ingraham P. I" Ingraham ZAim a L. Proctor Ninnie Dunn V rederiek. A. Moebus Kalispell Tow.risite Celuipany (Geo. A. Templeman) Block Lot Assessment Owner 2 'r ,20 1 Kalis81)eli Tcwslte Cciw,pany (Chas�. D. Templeman) 2 80 1,11ary Jane Roe 2 080 Sarah Yodesitt 3 o8o Bain Cate 4 080 Emma L. Proctor 5 080 Cora Lee Divers U 08() P. C. Vic St avi c1c 7 '0 8c) Albert Ei , Boorman 30 Kalispell Townsite Co!,,pany (W 11 0 1 Hawk e ) 9 480 H.N. Stockwell 10 *80 , H.N.Stocl, kv veli 11 *80 W,Stockwell 12 *80 Iv. S to ckviell 1 480 Mary Jane Roe 2 *80 Mary Jane Roe 3 480 Oscar A. and Eva. B. White 4 *80 Oscar A. and Eva, B. White 5 080 Louis 1,,1arcctti 6 080 Lillian D. Reed 7 080 JEmiea Jjorgenscn 8 080 Elmer Lambert 9 6 so -ary Gayhart '080 Virgil 1j, Holman 'I'lilizabeth Miller .080 Sao ElizzCbeth 11111er 22 *BO Lillian D. Reed 2 480 R.D.MxDc,,niels 0( James A. Corarra 4 * 8 0 James A. Cora m 7 .680 James A. Proct.or 8 *80 04, James A. Pro kor 9 o80 Elijah B. Taylor 10 1080 Elijah B. Taylor o80 180 Chase Blow '080 H.F.Prentiss 2 'aso '11. F. Prenti s s 3 080 Yargaret Calbick 4 080 141argaret Calbick 5 *80 Kaiiopell ",11arcan'tile C(... 'I. ,i,-pany (W.A.McCullcugh ) .6 *80 Kalispell 14erca).,ftile Co.mpany (W U C C 'all 0 Ugh) 7 1680 NYm. Brander 8 080 Geoj. Pocle 9 080 Lowell U. and Dora 'Baldwln .10 *So .m* J4 and Annie E4. Pei.,ry 11 680 S.T.Adawe 12 a8o -Chas. D. Conrad 20 1 080 Charles Leverich 7 Mary Gildea a 4180 Ida. Brat 9 180 'Lizzie Bicke t 1 10 0180 UT no, 0. Morton 11 *80 Jane Benjamin 12 080 Kalispell Bui,lding and Loan Associatt 21 10 080 Kalispell L4ber Ccn,pany 12. 080 Kalispell Lumber Ccrpany 12 080 Kalispell Lumber Com.pany Duncan Ad d .41. � i o n 7 "D 080 School Distkict !�o.5 8 080 School District No.5 9 480 Sche--P-1 Di st -i;, I c t T1 0,5 11) 480 School District 5 -.1.11 .6o School District No.5 12 '080 Schcol Dietrict No.5 5N 4 Original Block Lot Assessment Owner 162 1 0180 Edgar Martin 2 0 14 0 Edgar Martin N-1/2 2 *40 Brazier Bailey. soul 3 080 Brazier Ealiley 4 0.80 Nellie Watterhus 5 9,80 Nell�e Wetterhus 6 *so Vlmo H. Crooks 165 1 *80 Mary A0 Swaney 2 so Rachael E. Forbes 3 980 Ruby. C. Underwood 4 *80 Arthur A. Iliff 5 '080 Bank, 01f, co'-11merce 6 080 Conrad .'Jatic'.rlal 170 1 180 Jno,, W. White 2 080 Tom Perry 3 080 Kathleen L. Hanson 4 *80 Areiiie 1,!# and John. I,. Short-1/2 eaxh 5 1680 Sylvester TV. Trickey Estate 6 480 Anton and JosepAine Fox 1 1080 Jennie Fox 2 130 Jennie Fox 3 *so Nan,-,iie 11-loward 4 480 William Black 5 080 Wiliiam Black 6 *80 Heberrll. Robinson 179 1 *80 Henry F. Turner 2 180 Alice::.-. Cross 3 080 Flathead County 4 080 L.P. King 5 080 Euevphier a to ' Aliv' SenDaydvents c.J.Ijabet 0 Dmr6 arms 184 1 * da2. 2 080 Hattie E. Codwalader 3 *80 Ha,tle H. CodwaIELder 4 080 Hat tie E. Codwalader 5 080 Hattie E. Codwalader 6 �80 Al.onzo J,,, Dean 16.1 7 *80 W. Irvine Robinson a 1W 80 Atlanta S. White .9 080 Atlanta S. White 10 *80 Fred Michaels 11 080 pel Kaiisl Tow nsite lri ay 12 1�80 Kaly.epell Ta�,vnsite Com-pn any 166 7 480 Jerinie E. OtLeary a 080 H*W. and W.F.Schnell 9 *80 Mary Sievers 10 1680 Shorman Robinson 1 1 680 Rope'ziff 12 080 1�11ary H, Whit&,�Korgeson 169 7 80 Kaliepell Tovinsite Cm."opany 8 80 Rachael B. Forbes 9 BO Flathead Ccunty .10 6.80 Jno. F. Tripp 11 680 Raphael E. Probes .12 *80 J.C.Edwards, (.111/0 11. Fcot, Trustee 1 680 Amanda 0. Yenne 2 080 First National Bank 3 080 Lillian D. Reed 4 .*80 Albevt Dressen 5 68C Emma Schaller 6 180 P,E.Bachant 7 *80 Geo. B. Steckman 8 *40 Geo. B. Steckman S-1/2 8 a40 S.W Trickey 3state N-1/2 9 080 S.W.Trig, key Estate 19 080 Florence A. Davey 080 Leroy W. 'Weed Block Lot Assessment Owner 175 12 080 Chas.' D. Conrad Trustee 178 1 080 Louis Larson Estate 2 V 80 Anna-Dygert 3 *80 Wm. 1), Lawson :4 Alex Sansover So J.H.Graves 6 James Lanegan 7 080 Kalispell Towns ite Cc,apany 8 '080 Kalispell Townsite Company 9- o8o Cora lil. Donner 10 080 James Lake *80 James Lake 12 080 E. Grace Gibson 185 1 '080 James R. and Tv"'argaret A. Collins 2 080 Jack V. Collon 3 680 Ne'llie Jorgensen 4 OBO Wm. Kelley 7 080 Kalispell Townsite Company 8 680 Xa�lispell Townsite Cct,2pany 9 o8o ka-..Uspell Tin s)ite Co,,pany 10 080 eels A, Johnson and Fred Stendal 080 Yargaret A. Collins 12 1680 Samuel 1,W. Swenson 159 2 4180 Kalispell ICI alting and Bre�wing 3 080 Kalispell Malting and Brewing Cci,,��pany 4 480 10'ary T. Morris and Lin chit 0 *80 Walter Jaquette. 6 *80 Walter P. Jaquette Et alo 16 0 :1 480 A. Howe 2 080 Yelinda Alexander z 480 Kalispell Building and Loan Associatin 4." 680 Kitty Smite. 5 '080 Lee Kerr 6 '080 Emma Harr as 167 1 080 Mxy 0. Branderburg 2 080 Mary A. Gay 3 .080. 11a ry A. Gay 080 Edward R. Gay 5 480 Edward R. Gay 6 080 Edward R. Gay 168 1 *80 Lizzie Hogle 2 480 Timothy J. Carr 3 *80 Ansel P. Thompson 4 *80 Inga Gilbertson 5 *80 N.B.Luthern Church Vo J.H.Tweet 6 1080 N.R.Luthern Chur h E,,Twe t 1 C C/ OT. e 176 1 080 C.P.Overby 2 . 6, Mcul "",on and Fr�.d K. Vain 1/2 each Vred V. Baker 4 080 Jn6,.A. Holton 080 Geoo E. Lowell 6 *80 Lowell 7 ,80 Geb. E. Lowell 8 480 kratie Maginnis 9 080 Geo. E. Lowella c/o Esther h;.,, Sexton 10 080 Byron jones 11 080 Byron Jones 12 080 Kalispell Townsite Cci.opany 17 7 7 080 Margarette A, Collins '080 James Lanagen 9 680 James Lanagen 10 *40 W , D. L. alive o n 1/2 10 *40 Ora G, Jones 1/2 11 80 Frederick C. Yerccr d cand Joseph Imholt, c/ . o S.1,Rap son Block Lot Assessment Owner 177 1W I F.eederlck%, 'Merc;ord,,,and.�ot.,Oph.'Ith- Olt r C 136 9 Kalispell Tcwnsite Connpany, c/o Gustav Zimmer 10 t8o Kalispell Townsite Cc.ilpany,, Vo Gustav Ziifaiier 11 680 X�iry B.. O.wens and D.F.Owens 1142 080 Mary E. Owens and D.F.Owenz 7 *80 Kalispell Building and Loan Ass ociatiou a 080 Kalispell Building and Loan Aesociation 9 o8Q Edward R. Gay and It, Korn 10 "So Gustav Bischoff Jr. 11 s40 Belle Probart 11 .40 M6ry McCabe 12 030 Mary 'McCabe 50 1 $80 J.P.Bruckhauser 2 4180 Albert Bergren 3 080 A:Ibert Bergren 4 '080 E. F.,Ku s t e r E.F.Euster E.F.Kurter 480 Geo. McVey Fisher 8 S80 Gee. YeVey Fisher 9 1W so geo, McVey Fisher 10 4.80 Geo. McVey Fis4er 11 *so Geo. McVey Fisher so Geo. McVey Fis4er 51 1 1080 Mrs. P,,J.Feely 2 *80 Thos. 111iff 3 *80 H. 0. Chri s t en son 4 030 James Jorgenson 5 080 K:iza Graves 6 *80 Amelia Brink'uuan 7 *SO Robt. Nord -tome a 080 Ovien R. Caverdell 9 080 Hulda Odegard 10 480 Hulda Odegard 11 080 Geo. Crane 12 .430 Norwegian M.B.Chruch 70 1 'W so Edward McConville 2 *80 Mary A. Swuney 3 *80 Isabelle and Frederick Ferguson 4 .080 Carrie Scott 5 480 Frank W. Buck 6 *80 Chas. B. Hetzer 7 $so 2-lizabeth J. Coclet -3 080 Julia X. Goclat 9 '980 Thoso B4 Reed 10 4,80 Ua'ria Toepal 11 *53 J.L.Soutar *27 P.C.Mcstraviak 12 Z**9 4 121 27 P, C, VeS t rav i ck W-481 71 1 480 Hannah Ma den 2 080 lknilie Phoenix 3 *80 R.E.Webster 4 *80 R,B.Webater 5 080 Addie Smith 6 980 Addie Smith 7 4180 Geo, R. Lowell 680 Geo. *E. Lowell 08() V. Wra, Janicke 10 080 F6 Vim, Janicke 0 Lucy A. Koester 12 080 Chvistian Prest'bye 49 15 1060 Kalispell Building and Loan Association 6 080 Olive Roose 7 *130 John Boe a *80, john :80e Block 49 52 69 IN 92 609 53 Lot Assessment Owner 9 w40 Rose Byrant N-1/2 9 040 Chas. Rupple 3-ft1/2 10 880 C.G�Moulton and Fred K. Main 11 s40 The Morand 11 v40 Catherine Seiffert 2 12 Sao W.A.Conrad 1 080. F.W.Bucksen 2 08.0 Geo. Rcper 3. 680 Vlmt, J,,, McKinley 4 1080 J. McKinley 5 480 Lucy Schocht 6 Sao James Boyson 7 080 Geo, Kirk,, P.R.Xeilson, Agt* 080 Geov Kirk.. P.R.Neil san, Agt4 080 Geo, Pt Slater 10 080 Geo. P. Siea 11 Louisa TV(, Benoit 12 Fannie El. 0.133rion 1 *80 Patience Z. Jayne 2 *80 Clara A. Plume 3 *80 Josoph A. McElroy 4 Itso Geo, Kirk, c/o P.R.Nell ean, Agt, 5 .911-30 0. R. dell 6 1080 Wm. and Minnie Mooring 7 *80 Frederick Ferguson 080 John.Cotton 9 080 James Conlon 10 080 Lucy Chope 11 0.310 Lucy Chope S-18.1 11 650 E. S. Harrington N-32f 12 .080 W. L . Therwi chter 1 *80 School District NSFo. 5 2 1180 'School District No$... 3 1080 Sciiocl District N. 4 080 School District No-5 5 1080 School District No45 6 480 Sohool District '% o t 5 7 080 School District 'No . 5 8 060 School District N005 9 080 School District Nob 15 10 680 School District Noo5 11 180 School District No -4 5 12 80 School District 1 $0 —,,Artiaurn.2. lVercon 2 *80 Zrnest A. Grant 3 -080 Paul Fox 4 080 Rose and Emma Young 5 080 Luoy Schoeht,c/a R.P.McLaughlin 6 1*80 Wm. J. Wallace 1 -$30 Thos. Clifford .2 080 Lucy Schocht 3 080 WM. Long 4 080 Josephine A. Scnstelie 5 v 80 Kalispell Buiidng and Loan Association F.O.Wlllii-ums 6 480 Kalispell Building and Loan Associat.,IW c/o T.E.Chester Ro gnI i an 2 ffiso I.D.RLam' gnlitea n 3 ,080 I.D.Rognlien 4 .80 'Oscar Johnson 5 480 Win, Yanicke 6 *80 W. Yunicke 7 080 James Boysen 8 sao Geo, Robinson, C/o Thos. Kirk 9- 080 Kalispell Mercantile Company 10 080 Kalispell Ifercantile Company 11 8,0.. Y, A.Waggener Block Lot Assessment Owner: 1 .24 J. E. Wge r E 2 1 $ 8Q Alb er t E � 33 0 0 IL" ,. 680 C, Fred Gate, Estate 080 Strain Realty Company 11 0 -Kalispell T own s i to Uoinpany, .c/o G.A.Brinkman 080 Kalispell T sit ii any, *80.Catherine Slack *80 OiW.Johnson 4 Joseph 0. Bjorn b 5 Sao Mary M, Modest. t 080 Geoe W. Slack 1080 J. Brown o80 FriedaE.O'Neil *80 1 : Df W. W o dbury 11 t 40 4 B . Rm, o .,W.Wodo N12 11 *40 11. A. Bundy 3-*1/2 1 * 80 Henry H. Peters 88 1 080 Evan E. 2 '680 Evan E. Day 0 Evan hlo,, Day 4 080 i, trade,.:. E. Kolb, 5. 080 LizzleHcgl Lizzie Vogl Amelia Grant 080 W¢ Wo Bennett 0 Hannah H. Roose Estate 10 GurineMoo 11 °*80 Estella G. P.omercy 12 80 Estella .E . Pomei,oy 93 1 so Annie Y. X ter 2 080 AnnieY. Miller Ann, 080. ad. i�ational Ban *80 Ida May Jones 10 080 Hamilton Lee 11 Harry G. Miller 12 *80 Harry G. Miller 108 1 080 ChrisBeat .8o Chris best 3 J.A.McHlroy 1 * 0 J.L. cIntir 0180 Ire * 0 Sarah Ada Greenhalgh 0. and 0. Bue 80 G. -F48imm c nd 10 Joseph A. McElroy 11 0 1 d , . Be_ 1 12 .580 Ida A. Bell 11 z 1 Wilbur . . ZL3,imeniian 3 .L,,V1 4 ;L.Wel1 6 0 Kaspora Lien Mary Stcut Block Lot Assessment Owner 74 1 *40 Geo, D. Hahn 2 *40 Geo. Jiahn 3 o20 R01)t 14 Ball 1/2 3 *20 H. C. 1)", e i t 11 1/2 4 .920 Robt4 J. Ball 1/L) 4 '020 H.C.Keith 1/2 5 *40 Kalispell Towns ite ono pang, c/o -Eichel Therriault 6 Kalispell Tcwnsite CcWpany,c,,/o Michel Thevriault 7 *40 Outer Therriault 8 4. 0 Oziter Therriault .9 4o E.E.Kelley Estate, c/o C.H.Foot 10 *40 S.E.Kel-iey Estate,c/o C.H.Foot 11 *40 B."T.Kelley Estate,o/o u.H.Foot 12 s40 E.E.Kelley Estate,c/o C.H.Foot 13 1080 Joe Mob ine Kahn 14 080 Eiik Gunderson 15 080 James.k. Proctor 16 480 D.W.Wood-bury 17 '080 Mary M, Modi $Ott 18 '680 Wm, McIntire V .1 *40 Jessie 1-jighthall 2 s40 Jessie Liglithall 3 v40 Jessie,Lighthall 4 o40 Jessie Lighthall 5 o40 Kathryn O�Neil 6 o40- Kathryn O'Neil 7 *40 KatAryn O'Neil 8 480 Kat.ftryn O'Neil 9 *4o Kathryn O'Neil 10 s40 Ida A. Bell 11 *40 Ida A. Bell 12 *40 Ida A. Bell 13 080 Richard Best 14 480 Albert Dreasen 16 080 Albext Dr 16 080 J.ane.t E. Miller 17 480 Wm. D* -Lawson is *80 Wt. D. L av;scan 94 1 *40 Geo,,, H. Jewett 2 640 Gec, H. Jewett 3 *40 Mary F. Rcuser 4 *4o lary Y. Hcuser 15 *40 Leonard J.B.Chapyian 6 *40 Leonard J. B. Chapinarl 7 x40 Leonard J. B. Chapman /10 Lillian C. Steere 9 s40 Lillian 0. Stee�,e 10 *40 J.E.Erickson 11 *40 J,E.Mrickson *4 .E.Erickson .13 080 Geo..W. Hyde 14 080 Nellie Blanche Hyde. 15 480 James J. Coleman 16 080 James J. Coleman 17 *80 Montana and -LdLho InvesLi-,nent Company 13 o40 1/2 ..,- Mcnt&na and Idaho InvestmentPany. o40 1/2 Richard Greig 107 *40 James cenlon 2 040 James Conlon 3 640 B,-P,Drollinger 4' *40 B, P. Droll i ng er 63 *40� B.P.Drat lroger 6 o40, Ora G. Jones 7 s40 Ora G. Jenes 8 1 -13 an del Blizabeth j 9 v40 El i zab e th -i3andel Block L o t Assessment Owner 10 *,40 �aure,,tta Eckelberry 11 o40 TIR.Rockwocd, Et al 12 *40 J.,,B.Rockwood, Et al 13 080 Florence Leonard 14 080 Florence Laniard 15 080 Ell i ot Bj orneby 16 080 Louisa B. Dennett 17 080 Chas. Smithers is $80 Chas, Sm4ithe rs 114 1 o40 James Lake 2 *4U James Lake 3 *40 Preeman, W. WisBler 4 o40 Freeman W. Wi.s sl ' er 5 o40 Adelbert Howe 6 o 4 0 Adelbert Howe 7 *4 lbert Howe 8 *40 MaUd E. Stevens 9 e40 Maud E. Stevens 10 40 Gerard Caliari 11 * 4 0 Gerard. Call ari 12 *40 Gerard Caliarl 13 480 Lloyd,A. Bower 14 080 Lloyd A. Bower 15 *80 Wm. 11. MeMann, amy 16 0.80 H.G.Iseminger, Jr. 17 1080 Ad4 C 0 0 1 ey 119 80 Adds:. 0. Cooley 127 1 *40 JAB,Ifurphy Estate,e/o J.W.Varto 2 040 J.B.Murphy Estate,c/o 0'.W,Marto 3 *40 Frank -Wheaten 4 040 Frank Wheaton 5 040 Frank "'moo 6 *40 Jennie C, Eaton 7 *40 Jennie C. Eaton *40 Je.. le 0. Eaton 9 *40 Geo. W. Bush 10 .40 Gea. W. Bush 11 *40 Gee. W. ush B 12 *40 Geo. NV. Bush 131 1 *40 vacob, Rein 2 *40 J a c ob, Rein 3 940 Jacob Rein 4 o40 Jacob Rein 5 *40 Jacob Rein 6 *40 Jacob Rein 7 *40 Chas H. Linley a *40 Chas. H. Linley 9 o40 Emma Linley 10 *40 Z=a Linley 11 *40 Emma Li" -:ley 12 s4o Emha Libley 144 1 *40 Ralph 'claypocl 2 *40 Ralph Claypool 3 o40 Ralph Claypool 4 o4o Ralph Claypool 5 *40 Henry and Amanda Hoffman, c/C B'd Wcodruff 6 *40 Henry and Amanda Hoffman, 0/6,Ed Woodruff 7 .4o Henry and, Amanda Hof fman, c/o Bd Wcodruff *40 Henry,and Aqianda 11offman, C/o.Ed Woodruff 9 a40 Emma and Ch&,z,, H. Ijindley 10 o40 Emma and Chas. H. Lind1gy 11 m40 Bernard Odegard 12 *114 0 Bernard GdeBard Block Lot Assessment 217 1 1*60 13 *40 14 *4o 15 o4o 16 a40 17 940 is o4o 19 *40 20 *40 21 *40 22 e40 23 o40 24 .4u 86 13 *40 14 *40 15 *40 16, m4c 17 *4o 18 *40 IS *40 210 04c 21 *40 220 o40 23 *40 24 *40 95 13 *40 14 *40 15 *40 16 a 40 17 *40 18 *40 19 *40 20 *40 21 *40 22 *40 23 *40 24 *40 106 12 *40 13 *40 14 *40 15 * 4o 16 *40 11, *40 18 ,4o 19 a40 20 *40 21 *40 22 *40 23 04o 23 *40 115 1 a40 12 *4o 13 o40 14 *40 15 s40 16 *40 17 -s 40 *40 19 *40 20 *4o 21 *40 22 *40 23 i40 24 *40 Owne r ZqAity Supply Company O'Neil Lumber Comipany O'NeIiLumber Company 0 *Neil Lumber Cciripany 0 'Feil Lun, b e r Company O'Neil Li2nb er Company O'Neil Lumber Company. O*Neil Ij w-b e r Company O�Neil Luwl)er C ompany O'Neil Lumber C p any O'Yeil JA,ix,I e r C c iu i O'Neil 'L=ber C ci.tipany ,'Fail Lumber 0cmpany H.,A,Foz Estate H,.A.Fox Estate If .Fox Estate Chas. it O*Neil Mae,. 1,0'Neil Chaev T.O'Neil Clinton D. O'Neil Clinton D.O'Neil Emma O'Neil Emma -O'Neil Emma 0113eil Emma O'Neil Roman Catholic Church Roman Cg:.thb I i a; Church Roman Catholic Church RQi-.qan Catholic Church Roman, Cathclic Church Roman Catholic Church Roman 0 a. th c 11 c Church Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church Roman Cathclic Church Kalispell own site Cayllpany Anton Ito e n Anton hcen Anton I;To en Anton TiTo en Addie 0, Nollar Addie C. Nollax Kalispell Towns itkoe Coiopwnyoc/o Helen H. Stevens Xalispe-ll Tewrisite Co.aipany,-c/c ,Helen H. Stevens Kalispell Town site Coiopany,c/o Helen H. Stevens Wm,,Nollar Wn. Nollar Wm. Yollar Flathead Ccurty Flathead County. it of Kalispell it of Kalispell City of Kalispell city Of Kalispell City of Kaliepell City of Kalispell city Of Kalispell city Cf zalispell City of Kalispell City of Kalispell City of Kalispell City of Kai, ispeli W.& Block Lot Assessment Owner 126 1 *40 Flathead Ccw,;ty 2 640 Flat,,,iead Ccunty 3 *40 Flathead C c un ty 4 s40 Flathead Ccurty 5 440 Flathead County 6 "3,. *e 4 0 piathec..,d ccmty 7 *40 Flathead County a .40 Fiathead. County 9 *40 of Vi* SlELck 10 *40 Geo. W. 19.1ack 11 o40 Geo. W. Black 12 m40 Geo. W. Slack *40 Wm, J. IV a-11ace 14 s 4 G WM, J* Wallace 15 o40 WM.0 J, Wallace 16 *40 M. J. Wallace 117 *40 WM. J. Wallace 18 a.40 WM. J 0 Wal 1 a-0 e 19 *40 'Henry Wendt 20 e40 Henry Wendt 2 1 o4o MaT Y J,, S e m.f 22 440 nary J,,, Semf 2Z o40 Robert Roy Loder 24 * 4.0 Robert Roy Loder 132 1 .4o John P. Ifebert 2 o, 4- 0 John P,, Hebert j4G John P. Hebert 4 *40 John P. Hebert Ellen J, Reed 6 *40 Ellen J. Reed. 7 Kalispell Townsite co-apanyo 0/0 walchli Estate *40 Kalispell Town site cowpan y,c/o E. walchli Estate *40 el : j„ry Belles 10 e4o Jerry Belles 11 .40 C.B, and D.T.Darling 12 *.*40 C.B� and D,T,Dart ing 13 *40 Anna Christepherson 14 *40 Anna Christopherson 1 .5- *40 Anna Christopherson 16 Anna Christopherso n 117 40 Iester Perry 18 *40 Le,-3ter Perry 1 Kalispell -building and Loan Associaticn 20 ,4 a KalispellBuilding and Loan Asseciatinm 21 *40 Kalispell Building and Loan Association 22 *40 Kalispell Building and Loan Association 23 *40 Jna, R, Hilman Estate 24 *40 Jno. R. Hilman Estate 143 1 *.40 Andrew JackFon Casey 2 94o Andrew Jackson Casey 3 *40 Stephen Jones 4 .640 St Ph en Jove s 5 94c Johanna Wutke 6 a40 Johay,ina Wutke 7 *40 Johanna Wutke a *40 Johanna Mitkew 9 *40 Jno-b Kennedy 10 04o no, Kennedy 1.1 *40 Jno. Kennedy 12 ..0 4 10 Jno. Kennedy 13 *40 Kalispell Townsi'te CcI,,.,,pany,C/0 Eft. Dickey 14 o4Q Kalispell 9%waite 0ci,,,pa-t..y,c/o Edw. Dickey 15 Kalispell Tow.risite Coil-ipany, c/o 2dwo Dickey 16 040 Kalispell Towr-site Ccii.pany,, c/ a Edw. Diukey Block 143 216 76 ab M 105 116 Lot Assessment Owner 17 414 O.A.Larson is 4Q ..L arson 7 1060 T-heresa Ro'ver 8 1660 Adolph Jackobsen 1 040 Jno. R. Listle 2 40 Jno. R. Eisele 3 a0 Kalispell Amory Association 4 04o Kaiispell Armery Association 5 040 A.K.Toilefson 6 .40 Christina Nunn 7 ,4o Christina Nunn 8 *40 Ward C * Lean9 o40 Ward C. Lyman 10 *40 Frank Roddy 11 *40 Frank Reddy 12 o 4 0 Frank Roddy 1 *40 Ida A. Bell 2 *40 Ida A. Bell 3 o40 Ida At Bell 4 *40 Edward Scharr 5 *40 Edward Scharr 6 *40 Edviard Scharr 7 *40 D'ay Trumper 8 *40 May Trt=per 9 **40 Blida Bjcrneby 10 .40 Rlida Ejorneby 11 *40 Kalispell Building and Loan Assceiation 12 s4G Kalispell :F.)uilding and Loan Association 1 *40 Chas,. F. Leslie 2 ,40 Chas* F. Leslie F.N.Haines 4 o40 F,N.Haines 5 40 Henry L. Nollar 6 0440 Henry L. Noff. lar 7 #40 Kalispell Building and Loan AssociatalCr) C /o Ira E. Sanford 8 *40 Kalispell Building and Loan Association .c/o Ira, E. Sanford 9 o40 First Presbyterian Church 10 o40 First Presbyterlan Church it z 40 Elizabeth Willis Craft 12 *40 Elizabeth Wiliju Craft 1 *40 Carrie B. R[arch 2 *40 Carrie B. March 3 aG Hulda L. Olson 4 *40 flulda. L. Olson 5 s40 J.B.Murphy Estate 6 a,40 J.B.Murphy Estate 7 a40 Mary A. Swaney 8 o40 gary A. Swaney 9 *40 11,. cS....y 10 *40 William Nollar 11 .40 'William Nollar 12 *40 'William Nollar 13 '040 Kalispell '.owns"." Com-pany 1 0 4 o City of Kall lisp.e 2 *40 City of Kalispell 3 s.40 City of Kal i op ell 4 o40 City of Kal i SP el-1 5 4() City of Kal I spell 6 040 City of Kalispell 7 o40 City of Kalispell 19 *40 City of Kalispell 9 *40 City cf Kali s Pell 10 *40 city Of Kalispell 11 *40 City of Kalispell .12 440 City of Kal i spell A, r, jo -W W V1 nf'hng-�A P('11V1+Ar 1A, � -% A W Ur Block Lot Assessment Owner 125 1 *40 Louise Hulbush 2 040 Louise Nulbush 3 o,40 Louise flulbush 4 040 Loides I'lulbuts!h 5 *40 Carl B. Fisher 6 *40 Carl. E. Fisher 7 s4c Carl E, Fisher 8 *40 Carl E. Fisher 9 a0 Louis P. Herried 10 w 40 Louis P. Herried 11 *40 Louis P. Herried 12 *40 Louis P, Herried 13 *40 August Fehlberg 14 w40 August Fehlberg 04o August Yeh-lberg 16 4o August Fehiberg 040 -t e C oa,,any C/o Kalispell Townsl p H.K.Gregg 18 t4o �jj Kalispell TovTnsite Co,--pany, c/o E.K,Gregg 19 s4o Kalispell Townsite Campany,c/o II.K. G re g g 20 *40 Kalispell Bualdir-4, and Loan Association 21 *40 Kali pep l Building and Loan Association 22 *40 Marie Christenson 2 LA *,4c Marie Christenson 24 *40 Marie Christenson I Z 3 1 40 H,F.Podratz, c/o lv�aria Bauer 2 o4o HoF.Podratz, (vo Jala.ria Bauer 3 e4o Thos. McGovern 4 040 Thos. McGovern 5 *40 Chas. 0. Blooe 6 *40 Chas. 0. Blose 7 e4c Wm. A. Krvaft 8 Wmt A, Kraft 9 $40 Wm, A, %af L 10 *40, Wm. A. Kraft 11 *40 Al'dared er Pringle 12 40 Alexander Pringle w40 Gerard Caliari 14 *40 Gerard Caliari 15 *40 Gerard Caliari 16 *40 Fred 71. Henley. 17- 40 F red W. Henley 18 *40 Fred Wo Henley .ig o40 Edward.-,W. Scharr 20, v40 Edward,-.-,Y;. Scharr 21 .*4o Edward W. Scharr 2 Edward IV. Scharr 23 o40 Herbert R. Freer 24 *4o Herbert E. Freer 142 1 *40 Jno. D. and Daisy WC, Wkight 2 *40 Jnc. D. and Daisy W, Wright 3 *40 Caesar Haverlandt 4 *.q 4.0 Caesar Haver landt 5 10,40 Caesar Haverlandt 6 a,40 Caesar Haverlandt 7 640 D. S. Ho I d e rb aum a 40 D. S. Hol de rb aum 9 4() Emma Liddey 10 *40 Emma LVIIqy 11 *40 Lowrie L. Dw.je 12 ,40 Lowrie L. Davis 13 *40 NC,Hebert 14 s 4 o No C. Vie' ert .15 *40 N.C.Hebert 16 *40 N.C.Hebert BI ock La t- Asset Owner 142 17 o4o Henry C. Buchholz 18 *40 Henry C. Buchholz 19 *40 20 *40 1. 0, CU r tie 21 *40 Jno* Lich 22 *40 ina, Lich 23 '040 Lich 24 ,,do ino. Lich 215 1 * 80 Griffin 2 '080 Nellie B. Gowdy 3 080 Chas. W. McVey 4 1680 Bessie A. Hors tyr.an 5 *80 Geo. T, Hodgson 6 *80 Geo, T. Hodgson 57 1 080 Kailepell Towrisite Coii.,pany 2 080 Kalispell Town site Coy,,pany 3 *80 Kalispell Townsite Co,�.,-Ipany 4 *80 Kalispell Townsite Company, 5 *40 Kalispell Tcwnsite Ccr.ipany N-1/2 5 a40 Christian Church S-1/2 6 080 Chrittian Church 64 1 *80 City of Kalispell 2 080 City. of Kalispell 3 180 L.S.Bugbee 4 080 Geo. B. Williams 5 1680 Peter-S, Morris 6 080 Peter S. Morris 77 1 Sc H.H,,Howsley 2 80 Torris T. Sons trod. 3 480 S. Bruce Giliiland 4 1680 Alice A. Moses 5 080 B.B. Gilliland 6 080 B B. Gilliland 7 *40 Jacob I. Miller a *40 Jacob 1. Miller 9 .40 Kalispell Towiisite Ucmean y,c/o G.W.Practor 10 *40 Alice A. Moses 11 *40 Alice A. Moses 12 *4C Kalispell Towneite CcMpany,c/o G,W.Proctor 13 *40 Kalispell Townsite Campany,c/o G.'W.Proctor 14 *40 Kalispell Townsite Cc,2'pariy,c/o G.W.Proctor ill') $40 J.A.Luang * 40 C.W.Rcct,TrustEstao..cate eete fTJC167 s 1 o4o F.W.Bcke en 18 o4 FOW4BUCkeen 84 .1 *80 J.H,,,OtCannell 2 *80 J.H.O'Connell 3 080 C.J.F.Schanfeldt .4 *25 C e J. F. . Schonfeldt 5 *55 Clarissa H. Blake S003b 5 *40 Clarissa H.% Blake N--1/2 5 o40 Mary E. Karcher S 1/2 0 *80 Mary E. harcher 7 *40 Maud A. Munroe *40 Maud A. Munroe *40 C.Y.YcCarthy 10 *40 C , Tur', M c C a r thy Bank of Commerce 12 *40 Bank of Commerce 1 lIi *40 16'ay H. Davi s 14 o40 'Ivlay H. Davis 1 r, *W * 4 0 May 11. Dav i a 16 o40 rtidelia Sawyer 17 * 40 Fidl, Sawyer is *40 Fidelia Sawyer Block Lot Assessment Owner 97 1 080 Chas* H. Mayo 2 080 Joseph A. Miller 3 080 Wm. H. Jewett 4 1�80 Alice 11, Bieman 5 4,80 Frank J. Lebert, c/oRob t. Pauline 6 480 Frank J. Lebert, c/oRcbte Pauline 7 s40 10, a dg e Bruce 8 .40 Lad p, e Bruce 9 *40 Helen S t ryker 10 *40 He I en St yker 11 *40 teary Therriault 12 4() teary Therriault 13 940 Kate E. McGregor 14 o4o Kate E. McGregor 15 4140 Pearl Ellie 16 *40 Pearl Ellie 1� *40 Pearl Ellims 18 *40 Pearl ElliB 104 1 080 J. and Katie Lain 2 0,80 Jno, H. McAfee k. 3 1080 Minnie J. Siij'.-Tson 4 *80 Chas. D. LaBreche 5 080 James R. White 6 1680 James R. White 7 *40 Wm, H. Jewett .8 * 4 0 Wm4 H. Jewett 9 *40 Kalispell Townsite Caivpany,c/o Edward Dickey 10 *40 Kalispell Townsite Ccmpany,,c/o Eldward Dickey 11 *40 Gee. 1J, rinmert 12 o40 Geri, M. E=ert 11,15 o40 Sophie W. Torkelson and Josie A. Long 14 *40 Scpkid&�W. Torkelson and Josie A. Long 15 *40 Joseph H., SherbuTne 16, *4o Joseph H. Sher�burne 17 a40 G.W.Fenwick 18 .940 G.W.Fenivick 117 1 $80 H.-Becker 2 080 H. Becker 3 480 Kalispell building and Loan Associatian cic2.. Au-4 ust Burch 4 080 Martha E. DILorrill 5 too K. S. No rdgard en 6 08o Kalispell Building and Loan Association c/o T.A.Edge Estate 7� *40 Vesta H, Long 8 *40 Vesta H, Long 9 *40 Wilda 111. Smith 10 a40 Wilda IT. Smith 11 *40 Martha E. Morrill 1. *40 Martha E,, Morrill 13 *40 Adaie Bellows 14 *40 Addie U, Bellovvs 15 s40 Enma L,, Proctor 16 *40 Emma L. Prot Lor 17 040 Grace Stricklands 18 s40 Grace Strickland 124 1 080 I-lartha k. Kohler 2 *80 Lyn an a Penrod 3 o 40 Lyunan 11y". Penrod IN-1/2 .3 *40 J.A. Perrine Sqftl/2 4 10 80 J.A.0errine 5 R-W.Bennett and Phillip Jacoby 6 *,So R.W.Bennetil, -;-nd Philllp jaceby Block Lot Assessment Owner 124 *40 Anna I",. Cooper 8 o4o Anna Y,,, Cooper 9 1,4C Irwin F. and Selina R. Davis 10 *40 Irwin F. and Selina R. Da-vis. 11 o40 Adciie M. Bellows 12 e 40 Addie MT. Bellows 13 *40 Wm. Nollax 14 IV40 Ilib. Nollax 15 o40 Oza.;L. Jamee 16 o40 Oza- Lfame s 17 o40 Vialinda E. James is 4-1110 Walinda E. James 134 1 480 c/o G.I.T.Duffy 2 Nancy B. Bi'lant $. Ole 0, Brevig, c/o J3enj.,J. Hilb�: .-rg 4 080 Mary R,:Idler 5 480 C.G.Chand-ler, Vo B.L.Smith 6 0 60 Cora E. Ewing 7 *40 R.H.Vose a o40 R.H.Vase 9 *40 Oliver.F. Vose 10 o 40 Oliver F. Vose 11 e40 Kalispell BuIlding and Loan Associi-ation 12 -b 40 Kall'spell Building and Loan Association 141 7 *40 Ada P. Hedrick a *40 'Ada P. Hedrick 9 *40 Ada P, Hedrick 1.0 040 Ada P. Hedrick 11 -*-.540 Thos. B. Jones 12 *40 Thos. E. Jones 13 o40 Thos. E. Jones 14 a40 Wm. A. Kraft 11 !15 . 4o, ISm. A. Kraft 16 040 Wm. A,hraft 17 *40 Alonzo J. Dean is *40 Alonzo J. Dean 214 7 *80 Herber L. Balet; 8 480 Herb, er. L., Bales 9 0 80 H. Clyce imesbury 10 On Nab el A. Kelley 11 * 80 Mabel A. Kelley 12 1480 14ary Rizor 38 1 600 Sarah A. French 2 080 V1w, Long 3 480 Eliza Ellict Estate 4 8 0 Lucy, S. Lycans 5 680 James Jorgenson 6 480 James Jergenscn 43 1 480 Katie Weightman 2 630 Katie Weielitinan 3 i Kat i e . We i ghtman 4 480 Katie Weightman 5 080 Katie Weightman 6 080 Joaeph GangnTaw r 58 1 '080 James.. K. Lang 2 '080 Geo. 11. Slater 3 4,80 M.W. and Phoebe Bottorf 4 * 80 Ef-, ie F. 'Rimereon 5 *80 John Frohlicher 6 *80 John Frohlicher 7 *80 Preebyterjan CbUrCh *40 G,eo,,.L. Steinbauer 1/2 104.0 Joseph Gettinger 1/2 '040 J,oveph Oettinger .:.9 o40 )auer 1/2 Geo, 1. Stein� Block Lot Assessment Owner .58 10 7060 Mary J. Peeler 11 Mary J,, Peeler 12 080 Mary J. Peeler 63 1 *80 Vesta F1,, Lci-lg 2 480 Vesta-H. Long 3 080 Blarche Switzer 4 * 80 J . P.Bruckhauser 5 *80 J , E. 16c Ca r thy 6 Edvmrd F. Dickinson 7 680 John i4'icken a *80 Thomas1l. Collins 9 *80 David R. Peeler 10 1080 Peter P. Weberg 11 080 17. E. Church 12 ..*so M.B.Church 78 1 o26 Julia A. Chapman 1/3 1 o2? L. J . B . Ch apman 1/3 1 *27 A.J.Chapman 1/3 2 080 E.S,Bogart 4.5 80 Taos. Y. Collins 4 *80 Marcus D, Baldwin 5 8G, Marciaz D. 'Baldwin 6 080 John 11. Graves 7 680 Ef rne S t LI, Chi I de a *80 Nellie McCauley 9 080 Ella Y. Ittloseg 10 10 80 Kalispell 121ercwrtile C o�i-pany 11 180 Kalispell Yercs2itile Company 12 080 Kalispell Yereantile Coii]pany 83 1 080 Margarett Bicrneby 2 *80 Margarett Bjornebry. 3 $80 E.J,Faulkner 4 080 'Frank J,, Kerns 5 080 Patrick Fair 6 680 Gadow '1)14state 7 080 Isabel -le A. Dunsire 8 1080 I-ary V, Conner 9 16 80 Mizaeth A. Bonathan 10 480 Fred K. Idain 11 180 Mary Y. Kim:?,rly 12 1080 Cora E. Ewing 98 1 080 ffu--h E. Hcuston 2 1080 First ill aticnacalm Bank 3 180 H'.1". We 11 S 4 *27 H. E.Wells N-1/3 4 *53 Sarah lqeff S-2/3 5 * 8 0 John A . Cook 6 *60 Edward Cooper 7 1080 Kalispell -building and Loan Association C/o Sarah K. Bland a *30 S�Lrah E,. Blp,..,nd 9 * 8 0 H, J. Wachmuth 10 *80 Wyn. Hess , c/o (,r'ec,, W Proccor 11 080 Halbert H. Iseminger. 12 680 Ida R4, Palter 103 1 *8U Nels A. Johnson 2 080 Flathead Realty Company 3 80 Uinnie 11% Frocum 4 *80 Chris 'in Twining 15 1180 Goo H. D an fo r d 080 J.L.Stuart 7 .480 John R. 'a"hompson 8 1080 John. Ronan 9 *80 Agnes trlcInt,ire 10 660 IIV1ary Roddy 103 12 4`3 135 140 39 M Lot Assesement Owner 011.1 680 Leland Tansel 12 1* 80 David Johrllscn 1 80. lv-ary Kolle 2 a (; Mary Kolle 3 .680 11ary Kalle 4 10 P10 Elizabeth Elliot 5 * �o Elizabeth El tat 6 *80 K.O.To,liifson 7 80" H,.V.AlNvard, c/c Yovris A,, Baudin 8 .* 080 Orrin C. hateharr, 9 080 W.P.Haliiday 10 *80 Maud V111ton ii v so Kalispell Building and, Loan Association 12 680 Frank L. Tyler 1 80 Ida 'S. Sinc."Lair *80 Id,,.i, S. Sii�clair *80 J.E.Rockwood, Et ux 080 R. Vl,,-Berin eq tt *80 0.1%.Bennett 6 080 O.E.Bennett 7 F.W.Bu.ksen a 11. W,, 13u ck s en 9 Chaz. D. Ccnradj Triis tee 10 k a ka D. 0'Yirad, Trustee 11 .80 Robt. Y. Ea, t n, n 12 *80 Rob t. U. Eaton 1 Chas. KetIO e hn c hn 2 '.30 Chas. Ke t "tea .A on 45 080. W.W.Bond 4 80 W.W.Bcnd b 8 ("', E I I en ie GT;F't'1 It 6 .0.80 Ellen Marie Grant Ben j J. 11111berg 8. BO Thos. R4 Dickey 9. a 0 John Ronan 10 8() Kalispell BuIlding a-,nd Loan Asscclation so .,San D. McNeely '080 Sam D. McNeely 1 080 E dwa r d Hu s e t 2. 080 1 E dw ca, r d.. Hu su e t %W1 . 1 '43 0 Deminick zimd 4 *80 Dominick and TOIagdalena Fox 5 Alveria V. Vi'llson 6 080 Marga ret Clague 1 *80 'Alyneda H. Shielde 2 *80 iilmeda H. Shields 3 Almeda H. ST��Aelds 4 480 Alms da H. 5 *aou Pearl L. and Hatt -ie L, Woods 6 480 Ij- a t Vaia A, Broadwate-T 7 $80 Lou H. - Dickey a " So '0. J. Hanes i 9 Conrad Bank 10 0 �30 Kalls-oell Building and Loan AssiDellratir:n 11 '040 S-1/2 Kalispell Bui'lding and Loan Association 11 *40 N'- 1/2 104di'th L. Buckingham 12 t8o 'W a ,,, d B u ck i n gh oam 1 * 1q_ 0 E o A.Logan 2 4 80 A. Damer 3 -t8o Edwin B. Knctt 4 080 klary 'Grant b o40 Alexa:nder D. Macdonald 1/2 6 *40 Jessie S, Yaedot '. 1 11 6 '080 Alexander D. Macdc�,',.&.Ld and J -9 s i ��sey® . 16'acdon-ld ei 8 41.X 7 080 Clara -.A. Plume a 480 J.W.Linvi-11c 9 '7180 Vary A. McKeown BI o ck Lot As se 0 smen t Owner 42 *10 080 E.A.,Lindley 11 80 Rellie TlarrVIgton, c/o J,V.Harrington 08.0 F.V,,Yerig old 59 0,80 W. IT. No f i's i ng er 8 0 Dan i el W. Durall *80 Peter R. Neilson 4 *80 Chris KcIle 5 W3mod' wm,, Mulaney 0 030 Zliz'a G. Neilson 7 080 Mary A. Johnson *40 earths Cade N-1/2 a *40 S;D Geo, H,, Cade .J/ 080 Clara A. Plume CroW *30 Christ Church 12 *80 Christ Church 62 1 6 180 Ua't �1 d a G r ah am 2 o45 Ma- t i'l d a Graham N-141f 2 '035 Ro'se , 11. C au,.i P'b e 11 3 $80 Anhe' 2. WhippS 4 *80 Anh e' E. Whippe 5 *80 Anh e' E. Whipps 6 80 Ahne E. Whipps 7 080 Marie Ahues c/o Christian J. Lund 8 08() K411'epell Building.and Loan Aesocia"Cion 9 030 Jho. E. Lewiz 10 080 Nary Y. Noble 80 First Baptist Church 11 2 480 Fi - �rs , t Baptist Church 79 1 080 W.k.0one' ad 2. *80 James Conlon 3 080 J. Ar*'I,,,ur L=b 4 080 Yii ry E. an 5 s40 Ya'ry E. Crane N-1/2 5 *40 Wary W. Taylor B-1/2 6 080 Mary W. Taylor 7 $80 R.N. and Lettie Ford a 080 T Zulah 0. Shacklett and 14-jelia "Outman 9 080 Ikma 0. Ingalls 10 *80 Margaret Buck, c/o %W.A.Pow ers 11 080 Conrad -at dial Bank 12 Connell 1 so Emma Linley 2 080 Mary E. Stevens 3 030 Henry C.P,6tterson 4 SO Harl.and E. Wellst Bt alo. 5 080 H.arland E. Weiis, Et al. Hector E. Clews, c/o Carl Hummer one Aeather 4130 Clementine 1.,ove 9 080 Axel FL RyAlander 10 080 Kall6pell Building and Loan Association 11 *10 S-5# Kalispell Building and Loan Association 11 N o70 -*45 A.L.Jaqueth 12 080 A,L.Jaqueth 1 080 Libby Lumber Coi,.,pany 2 0.80 Libby Lumber Cow- pany 3 Frtknk D. Stoop 4 680 I.Tinni'e Brassett 5 *80 0.11wnpton T4oberly 6 '080 O.H.ampton Yoberly 7 -ftso Alfl,-,ns Agatber 8() Alfonz Agather *80 Anna Quick 10 *80 Evangelical Lu'�.heran Church 11 080 Evangelical Lutheran Church 080 Eva.hgelical 1--'W-utheran Church Block Lot Assessment Owner 102 1 080 James F. Grant 2 1,180 Jno. J. Lebert 3 680 Frederick A. Mox�bus 4 1080 Fred K. Main 5 *80 Fred K. Main 6 6,80 Conrad and hary Huebschman 7 *so Chas, L. Brown 8 *80 Chas. L. Brown 9 080 C., Or. Mo ul ton lo 480 BeIzamine Tetrault 11 'Sao Kalispell Town site 'Campany,c/o Belzamine Tetrault 12 480 Li'zzie E. Bellefleur 6aid 1/2 Josephine Lang 1/2 119 1 $180 P.R.Neilson P.R,Neilson- 3 18 ,R.Neilson 4 080 Gundo n 11. Adams 5 J.H.Graves 6 1080 J,,,H,Graves 7 080 Eva MI. Sparling 3 680 Henry Schnell 9 080 Conrad :Iational Bank 10 080 LoiAse Dohl 11 1080 Emma LInley 12 .080 Mmna Llt,Iey 122 1 *80 IL'Cary Sauntry 2 680 Issac F. Thurman 3 480 Johanna Anderson, c/o N.Nalson Sward 4 080 Johanna H. Bckst"'Len 5 *40 Morgue. H. Eckstien N-1/2 15 o40 Geo. Hunter S-1/ 61 480 Geo, Hunter 7 080 Wm* R. and Mary A. R I t ch i e 8 o40 Wm. R. and Mary A R-11 tchie S-1/2 8 *40 Sophla J. Adams N-1/2 9 'M80 Sophia J. Adams lu *80 Sarah Jane Kelley 11 4180 Sa:rL-;.h Jane Kelley 12 080 A. C.Ab e 11 1 080 Gec.- Hunter 2 *80 Geo. Hunter 5 080 llcisiar d J. Clatk 4 $so Hawarld J. Clark 5 080 --Emma Linley 6 .080 1. T.WhI te 7 *so Niva Hanson Niva Hanson 9 *80 Arne E v Can s 10 *80 Arne. Evans 11 080 GeOq E0. Sipes 12 080 Geo, E. Sipes 139 1 030 Henry J. Yenne 2 180 Henry J. Ywnne 3 430 Hbnry J. Yenne 4 .180 Henry J. Yenne 5 *80 Eliza A. Glendenning 6 190 Eliza A. Glendenning 7 080 Petpr C . Glendenning Estate 8 * 80 Peter C. Gle..,ndenning Estate 9 680 Peter C. Glendenning Estate 0 080 Adds e-C. Noliar 03U J.T.Blose 680 J,.T.Blose 40 1 '080 John F. Kanney 2 1"80 John F. Kanney 3 *80 Christine Tenneson 4 680 Wilda It. Smith SO E . -I.Kelley CI Block Lot Assesoraent 40- 41 6 10 M 80 81 Owner 6 080 C,H.Kelley -*80 Vm. Moor ine a 80 Wm-, Mooring Leland Tansel *80 .080 Joseph 'M, 1\7ehls L2 1180 Kalizpell Townsite, Coy,Lipany c/o Thos. Arneson 1 *80 W'. 11. Ho d6, e s 2 435 W. H. Ho dge,* N-200 2 s4 11w) A.W. Holl enst einer 3 1180 k. !"% Ho I I en e t, e i nix r 4 0.80 A, V4­ H'd IILa n tot e in e r 5 080 J can IT. Kayl o r 6 080 Ae Gruham, 7 *so Geb. F, Ste,,mmnard 8 V15 GeWye , F. Stannard 8 065 Annie 74"". Wilson 9 080 Annie 11% Wiloon 10 .080 I'Lia-lie L. 17cland 11 080 :Frank S. Calbick 12 0 1�0 Nora J'. Geddes 1 1680 Abraham !� ath-an 2 4180 Abraham Nathan 080 Thor. A. Thcynpsoz-L 4 0 80 Ellis S. Dickey 5 0 18 0 Kalispell Building and Loan Association ell 080 Frank D. Stoop 080 Jno. Ueh.Ilnger *80 Jnc. B. Buhlinger 080 Jazies A., ProcLor 030 Ali oe -Pauline *80 E.Web e ter *80 io'sephit,e T. Webster 030 B611a Winnett Lewia 2 $80 Emma 38,.Burnett 3 080 Edward "P. Ccoper: 4 680 Kalispell Builsing and Loan Aseociati on C/o B.Robertz� 080 01a, ra A, P1 me 080 H.C.Keith .630 14"aud Drew- 8 *40 Maud E. Drew 60, 0 4 o Thos. C. Hand 9 0080 Thos. C. Hand 10 480 Le6a J. ch 11 *80 Mary J'. Conlon 12 * 80 Y4-ry J. Conlon 1 080 Mary L. Coraw 2 080 Mary L,, Coraw 3 480 Vary L. Ceram 4 080 1M`ary A-,J.Johns, c/o Sam N'. J oh n s 5 680 Julia F. Leapcld 6 080 Kalispell Building and Loan Association c/o A.EoSpttrzem 7 080 Roman Catholic Church 3 80 Roman Catholic Chvrch 9 080 Reta Hellar 10 080 Geo. Ili, Grubb 11 080 Mary Inglis 12' 080 Edwo 8, Boga,'t *80 Jno,, R. Listle 080 Jn"o'. R. Listle 080 4 *80 H.C,Keith 5 '980 H,,C.Keilth 7 180 Calvin Stewart 8 .40 Ca'1vin Stewart a o4o A.3,Culter N-112 9 080 A.B.Cutler 10 '080 Grzace V. 15ernard 11 *80 1ACj'J'ntcih - Block Lot Assessment Owner 81 12 080 R.M.Goshorn 00 1 680 Maria A. Barber 2 o40 11'aria A. Barber 2 440 David B,, Barb.er Et al 3 *80 David 13. Barber 4 *80 Blanche Switz.er 0 $55 Blanche Switzer 5 '025 Rad".rick Houston 6 080 Roderick Houston 7 *so Ora A. Colby 8 *80 Gilbert 0. Gilbertson 9 *40 Gilbert 0. Gilbertson sowi/2 9 o4o Hefbert A. Kendall 10 $80 Herbert A. Kendall 11 480 Kallispell Buildjrg and Loan Association c/o F*G'Cole 12 680 E. S I Di SI) raw 101 7 080 E.T.31can 8 .080 J.H.Chester 19 180 Tri State Land Co.mpany 1 0 080 �.. Tri State Land Cc,,, 11 080 Frank D. Stoop 12 .9.0 Dean King ? P0., 'Schodl%Diqtrict X0.5 8 080 School Dirict Nloo5 9 1080 School District No o 5 10 *80 School District No*5 11 1*80 School District No.5 12 1680 School District No.5 121 7 080 Edgar V. Small 8 0,90 Mary Blizabeth Griff in 9 080 William Long 10 '08C William Long 11 *80 Jna. T. and Myrtle Unphl-ey 12 *80 Jnoo H. Chester, Trustee 137 7 .080 Nellie B. Frazee 3 680 Nellie B. Frazee 9 *80 A.O,Bateharn 10 630 A.O.Bateha' 11 '080 H.H.Howsley 12 *80 Jno, F. McDay.id 13,1,3 7 480 Jiro . Lang 080 Eliza Elliot Estate 080 ElIza Elliot Estate 1080 H.E.Weils, Et al 080 H.E.Wells, Et al 12 *80 H.-E.Wells$ Et al 1 080 Adolph Nadrau 2 *' 80 Adolph Nadrau 3 180 Gus sye.,-II. . Greusel 4 *80 Gussye M. Greusel 5 080 Kallspell BuIldint, and Loan Assn. 080 James Swaney *80 James Swaney a 680 Anna 11. Nelson 9 080 Anna Nelson 10 080 Nellie Burns 11 .680 Philip Yunck 12 1080 Kalispell Towns,lte Cc'rripany c/o Geo. T, Van 192 1 1080 W,H.Hodges 2 080 C..C.Ferguson Z .80 Geo. W. Slack 4 :8L) Kalispell Townelte Coi�."pany c/o VaIel Ycrrison 5 1180 Kaliopell Townsite Ccn-ipany Block Lot Assessment *40 o40 060 *20 080 080 080 080 *80 *40 40 80 *40 *4o * 80 080 o40 o40 $80 080 * 80 1180 180 o40 4o 80 so .680 s,40 .,04o 080 080 1080 080 080 080 080 *so 080 680 V80 080 080 080 080 80 80. 1080 80 80 *80 *80 * 80 080 80 1080 080 Owner Kalispell Towns ite Company Theresa O'Hara Theresa OtHara Clarence G. Moulton Synith A. Gculd Lurella E. -L"arXer Philip Yunck Geo. F. Stann-ard Geo,, V. Stannard Frank I'll, Johnson Frank H. John -son Annie D. DuBcis N.-1 2-j Annie D. DuBols p Phi li Ao7 by I ry '.0Pmma j4c0rea Geo. 0. and Elide. V1. Bjorneby Geo, Oo and 'Blida If. Bj orneby Geb* 04 and E'lida Ye Bi orneby C.E.Conrad Estate C.E.Conrad Estate C.R,Conrad Estate Hattie Y. Sin ith Hattie I.C. Smith Gilbert A, Ketchum Gilbert A. 'I""etchum Peter P. Vebe-rg Peter P. Weberg Jno, D. -qartley C,,F.Lighthall C. F.Li gh thal. 1 -Thos. Nelson Jno. Phillips, John Phillips Frances Jurgens Tobie Frances Jurgens Touie Grace McKeown Grace McKeown E.F.Kuster Ole J, Rudi Frank R,, iffarsh Frank R. Varsh W,D,Swetland .Svetland Dean and et to E. King Jno, Comm David Rose Jno. H. and la ry J. Lip and Ralph E. Webster Ralph E. Webster Benj.-E. Sickler .Benj,, Efo, Sicklet Benj. E. Sickler J. Arthur Laieb J, Arthur L cxnb J. Arthur Lamb Kalispell Tow nsite Company Kalispell Townsite C cn �';. p an y Kalispell Towsntta. Company-z Kalispell Tavmsite Company 'Kalispell Townsite C oi� pliny Kalispell T own s i � e Ccmpany Alicia D. Conrad Alicia D. Conrad Alicia D. Ccnrad Alicia D.. Conrad Alicia D. Conrad A 11 c i a D. Conrad Emma B. Cannon Catherine C,, Vannn,,,, N-61/2 S.1 N-1/2 S-1/2 K-1/2 0.1/2 8 - i A20 N-1/2 Block Lot Assessment Owner 196 10 480 T.H.Bogart 11 080 T.H.Bogart 12 *80 C.R.Grifrith 199 7 030 Julia Schocknecht 8 080 Julia Schocknecht 9 080 Joseph. If. Sher'burn 10 .080 David Ross *80 Agnes M. Dobner 12 680 Agnes Y". I)obnar 134 a40 Kalispell Building and Loan Assn. 14 o40 Kate Murphy 15 Kate Murphy 16 40 Kate hurphy V? *40 The .fin a B z a ro d e r.-I ek 18 o40 Theresa, Broderick 143 19 *40 O.A.Larson 20 040 O.A.Larson 21 * 4 0 Carl Warsick 22 o4o Carl Warwick 23 a40 Anna Christopherson 24 *40 Anna Christopherson Total ..... si.o62.4o Section 3. The. Tjf-i.x hereby levied becomes delinquient at six o'clock P.M., on the thlirt. eth day of November, 1917, Section - 4. Reference is hereby made to the resolution of intention to create IVIaintenance District Not 1 for further part i cul are 3.- Introduceld September 3rd 191?, and set for hearing sept-ember 17th 19117 at Seven thivty c I c, ck P R.. P4uiine Mayor 0 Attest. R. H. Rolilns City Clerk Adopted Approved 19 3.7 Mayor C i ty C la rk M State Of County of Flathead S-S City of Kalispell I.R.RI.Roll'In.s. City Clerk of the City, of K 4 al spell, Montana, do hereby cert Ify that the foregoing is a full, true at-',d exact copy of a Resolution approved and. �adcpted by the City Council of. the City of Kalispell, Mantwna, on the day of 1. Witness my heond this the d ay a f 19174 low City Clerk