Resolution 759 - Transfers FundsRESOLUTION NO* 7590 A RESOLUTION TRANOERRING CERTAIN TMI-MOS IN, THRI CITY TREIASTMY, BE IT MSOILVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH141 CITY OF KAL1,r--)'PB'14Lt 1,101T T AYA is Section I. That the followin� cmnount be transferred from the Overpayment and Adjustment Fund to the Ueneral Fund: $255o2O Section 2. That the above tranefer be made for the purpose of calling outstanding warrants* Passed this 5th day of April, 1920, Approved. this the 5th day of April 1920. R. Pauline, Mayor, Jo H. Christensen, City Clerk.