Resolution 758 - Transfers FundsRESOLUTION NO. 758* A RE;SOLUTION TRANS ri2IRRING CEIRTAIN =JS IN TID, CITY TRE4,ASTA'Y-�, -BE IT RESOLVED BY THR CITY COUITCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPE111 MON TAI\TA 0 Section 1, That the following amourits be transferred from t the Overpayment t1na Adjustment Fund to the following Funds; S.id-ewalk & Curb 1913 $219088 Sp.e. cial Imp. Dist, Noe 27 56*85 SP9,cial Imp* J)ist* NO* 59 14*91 291,64 Section 2. That the above transfers be made for the purpose of adjusting the overdraft in the above mentioned funds. Passed this the 5th day of April, L9200 Approved this the 5th day of A pril, 1920. R. Pauline, Tfayor, J * H. Christensen, City Clerk.