Resolution 764 - Transfers FundsRESOLUTION Me 764* A RES"OLUTION TRANTSIMPRRING CERTATN F-JIMS IN THE CITY TTTIkSSURY* BE IT :RE GOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kalizpell, Mont- . ana Section 1. That the following amount be transferred fTOTA the Overpayment & Adjustment Fund to the Special Improvement Dist- 7 riot Noo-:' 112 Fund* $1*714 Section 2* That the above transfer be made fro the pur- pooe of closing Special Iinprovement 1)istriict No. 112 2und. Passed this the 7th day of June 1920. Approved this the 7th day of June 1920. R. Pauline, Mayor, J9 H. Chri5tensen, City Clerk,