Resolution 755 - Transfers Funds627.1, R-ESOLIJTION NOo 755* A RESOLUTION TRANSYERRING CERTAIN FUIMS IN T19114 CITY TREASWUM, BE' IT RESOLVED PY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISFELLt IMNTANA7 That the following ainounts be transferred from the following Special Improvement Lighting Districts Funds to the General Fund, Spl* Imp* Lighting Di set, 4 14*00 5 14,00 6 14*00 7 14900 3*00 10 8000 12 13.oOO 13 13*00 14 12*00 15 11000 16 11600 20 3000 23 3,00 27 740 28 5*00 29 3*00 30 3900 31 340 32 6000 33 6*00 34 5*96 35 7945 36 2*98 185079— That the above transfer is made for the purpose of reimbursing the "it Y for the amounts expended for Organization Expense at the time the above Lighting Districts were created., Passed thi-s the 5th day of January 1920, Approved this the 5th day of January 1920, R. tauline, mayor, J.11. Christensen, it Clerk.