Resolution 721 - Transfers Funds9 E'D .'.,� CE.,RTAIN F GEMS 11 -T, C"ITY TRITEASURY 14 f ON T ATT A , "r yr, tl.Ie General Fund ri `ol l w ,Funds Park Fund 13 a I, it, C. fielam �� Jud 'e � Fundo17 5 94 t 45 Section 2 o That the ab o '9r '-" &crn s . `eW r e made f or V!,ie purpose of adjusting, the overdraft in the aboire, mentioned Funds. Approved this the 3,r(l, dsay of 7arch s #, ! a •r . 0 .p n C gar t jA Clerk, `� _ off' N1011t � isCounty of 11�'Iathead SS IR. E. Rollins, Cle"rk of the City of' K'alispello do, �ierebu certify that, the fore. ly o,o in .% is true and exact copy, of a resol'ution passed and n the '1"d clay of 5 arcYi 1919. 'miltness a.,:ay