Resolution 722 - Transfers FundsResolution o. 722 A RESOLUTION TRANS FERING GEOIRTAIV FUNDS IN TH-12 CITY TMASURYS BE IT RBSQLV-!bD BY TIV3 CITY COUI.,'�CIL OF TH-F, CITY OF. IcALISFELL, gONTAN-A, That the following amounts be transferred from the Overy payment and A,.djustmentl Fund to the following Funds* Spl. Imp. Dinct, No. 27 23303E 35 417*77 5? 11139141� 50 131#60 12 2t54 123 31,74 14b 24v5o 147 22*5o 161 4.00 164 3,39 165 9055 53 lo4.0 $2*123*55 Passed this the 5th day of ';day 1911-4, Approved this the 5th day of May 1919. Re Pauline, Ilayor • Attest, Re F,,. Rollins, City Clerk. State of montana Courity of iLataead 66 City of Kalispell 11 R. 7!,. Rni-I-Arso Ci-pof ti-1.0 City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the fore6oing, is a full, true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by the City Council of the City of' Kalispell, Niontana, on tfie 5th d day of Nay 1919, Witness my hand this the 17th day of May 191c,-). . ......... .... ...... City Clerk*