Resolution 723 - Tax LevyPX'SOLUTION NO, 723* A Resolution making the Annual Tax Levy for the City of Kalispell, Mont- ana, f or the year 1919. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL , MONTAN A; That there be levied on each and every dollar of the assessed valuatio. Gf the taxable property in the City of Kalispell, Montana,, for the year 1919 the following amounts: General and Administrative purposea 5 Mills Street and Road purposes 4..1/8 Water and Light Fund 1 Light Pond 2 Park Fund 1 Library Fund 1..1/2 Fire Protection Fund 1 Water Bond Interest Fund 3..1/2 Bond Interest Fund 0-3/8 Water Bond Sinking Fund 1 Sewer Bond Sinking Fund Total levy for all purposes mentioned above 21 N* 8, Adopted this the 15th day of September 1919, Approved this the 15th day of September, 1919a R. Pauline, Mayor* Js H. Christensen, City Clerke