Resolution 707 - Special Lighting District 29DYI Res ol'ut i CAn No 7:07 !�,TT Tj RESOLUTION CEZ." SI?ECIAL 1 19,7IN G" DI STR I C T N' o 2 9 BEIMO11Y' THRITY `"I"'OF TIU1IY 01"' 'T:i�l 110 N TAN T R,jSLW�3D B,CCOU19CL3 T,YjS1 411 , A ffi section 1* That Improvement D:Lstrict No,, 29 'i -�jis hereby created t1le purpose, of Aven'.U(,--�, North of tl-ie City of Kalispell, as followu, to-w.it; .'Prolu a- point one hundred fifty feet sout"Ji oie soutA line o' W'askiin�a,-tin Street t,.',,ie north "Line of Cal if'oyCnda S'treett Section 2* Tkisaid distri%ct is created siabjeQt to a11 the terms and. conditions speoi-fied in Rek�olution No,, G66, entitled, flRei�iolixtion of' Intention to create Special Li6htlng -to -wh.lic-li reference is Dietrict No. 29adopte,=,d Deoember 1.4th lDlE$ herc*bv made for further par t1i cula_"s W Paused JanluaT_v 13th 1919* Approved January 13th 1919. E 'A '14" . Dad' 1"tate o"' 3 Col,.�nt,v of 'Fa.athead SS Ci-"-,Y of Dallspell Cit,i 11. 12. Rollins, Cle-;rii (if tb.e City of Kalispell, Montan", do Inereby certify t",I.iat tfie f,o60ing I$ a true and exact copy of a reoci',L-ution peog,")ed and approved by -the City Council of' tlie City of EW,Iispell, 1,Eon'U.-ina, on the 1.3ti'l day of January 1919. January 1919 * Y-�iy hand t1lis t1ie18t]n da.y. 01-1C . . ........ C I Pr k