Resolution 708 - Special Lighting District 30Reso "'Lu t 'Ion No , 7o8 BR, TT RESOLVED PY Tll",rl, CTTY OF T.lf?lCITY 0,E' KALISPT�lil, TT0l:\T.AJ\TAV, sect -ion 10 Tlhcat Spencial IMP-19%olove"MeYNIt District No, A A 3o is h,.'.4,reby created for the purpose, of IlLghtinO.- k1l e e n i Aver '► R, a a t Nortil of the (it,- o-lr Kali -gel l, as follows to-,lmit- Yrom a Point one liundred. fifty fee south of t.'rie, Bout.la line of 1,IhIs'lairl-torl Street tl,.le nolvt�h line of Cali-J-."ornia streeto 'Nat )-a-id. district is created subjecl, to all 'Sec, 110 ion 20 the terois and cor)d.j.'.-ionz specified in 1"leLjolutior. .'No,, 6,87, entitled, to R V., o 1 UA- N to create, Spec'al laq 1-i -t i ng D i s tion of Intention I drovelment triot No. 3a, 14tki 1916, to w.1-:�iC11 reference is heri "by rradle8-, 1-(.-"o,-v f,urthawe r particulars. Passf.--,,d Janurtry 13th 19131 . &PP,T,o-v-rug d January 13-th 1919 . 7j TP,. Day, A C t i n g T1, a Y o r R IT . R 0 111, Y'l S P City Clerk l "I otz:lt n-, Of Montana SS Clou n t y o f ]P] a th e a d Citw-y of Kali:'3pell l - l4s,, R o 11.1 n s Clerk of the, J.?% 4 CiLy o:fl' Kalisl)e-111, TA'ontana., do hereby c,ertlfy thlat tYle. foret5:-oing is -a full, true and exact copy of a resol'ution passed and approve.d by t,,,Ie City Courici.1 of tll,-,,Le Cj,,tjy o..' Kalispell, Iftntana, on the 13th day 1 of Januall.,,�y - A, of January 1919 W-I-ness -r,,iy ",,and this tl,ich 18th dzV 'l ... ......... mow aoc�9�lanwo- c1t1v