Resolution 710 - Special Lighting District 32Reoo].Ution 'No. R'LKSOL(JITION CRE TINU' SkIbi'CIAL LIG.Lj "P T ING DISTRIC,T No. 34.00 BE IT TUIPISOLVI.'�'`PM 13Y T"HP6 CIT)r CIOU?kCIL 0 F CII-Y OF "'.ill LISPELL , MONTANA6 -rict No, dL I-o That, Specrial Improvemen'Lo Dist 32 is 1:�e.reby created for thm puree of li6liting Third. Avenvue .'Ba-st North# of the of K-alisp-e.11, as followat to -Wit; From a poi'nt One I'lundred eighty three feet south of the" out West corneT of lot seven of block twenty two, and. the 9,outh east corner of lot six, b block twenty two, to 9, po.J,,II',rit one. fifty Afeet nortil of the north line of Califo.r,,nilol 13trO"Cts c T" i on 2 That said, district is created subject to all, tll,ie terms and condi-t-ions speclified in Resol-u-'L'ion No'o 689, ontitled, "Resolution of Tntention to create Special Improvement L16hting District No. 3211P adopted 14th, 191,E8.,v to wI"iich reference is vv�ide for fur-t''Iier Parti,.'-.',uIars.* Paseed Janua.,.-y 13th 1911:14* A ypri,',oved January 13th 1919* E'. 1]. Day Acting Mayor R* Rollins City Clerk State of Montana o -ty of 71at-head SS un C 1'. t y of Kalispell 1, R. -T,. Rolliris, Clerk of th e of Kalisj�ell, Yontana, 10 he-Areby- opertify b1l'a-t t�I-e J"'Ore!'60ini; 6 1� -3ed and. appro ved 10 a full, true and, exact oopj of a ri-'�,sol-ution pas,4 elj e C ' ", y C � I'n o, i 1 o f t C U VI 1.0 0 iv,,ontana, on t -h cj,ay of EN' amuary 1919. 1 da'y- DIP January 19-196, Witness my hand thiz the 18th CIty Cle'rk.