Resolution 711 - Special Lighting District 33Resolution No 711 .0..p 114 R ( 1 7 T'rp R B S 0 L U'Ir 10 C I, ijA T I I � G 3 1 �'. 1, �, CIL. A L P R 0 VT'�T. 111 TT L 1 1 N G T) T E. T R T T N o 3 B � »3 MOYT- ANA ',S� I T RE 3 0 L VRI) B Y T.KE C I _I.Y C 0 IM C T L 0 F T� I FE� I T Y 0, F KAIW I SP S�, o, t '21 on I That Special hnprove,rn.ent Li6zh�.tilig Dio-trict No 3 3 is hereby created. for the purpose of Ii6litir6 Ft, urt,104 Av(�nue, -iSiast 1 1. ]IL to-wi t; Noy -t h o f th e 0 i t y of ha 1, i as f 01 From a point one, liundred ei6iity three feet eouth of t-Lie aoutheaat carr.er of 101C.9 *i.xp block twenty two, and tile, aou].ivest cpi:mer of Lot ze'ver.r., block tv�enty one, to -tl--,Ae no,,",th line of California Street4g Section 2t T.iap said d1strict is c.reated subject 'to all tble terms and conditions 3pecified. in Reoolution No4 69-0, entitled, "Res- olution of Inte.,,,.tIon to create %pecial Improvement LightinL.��,� District YO. 339 adopt-(--,d -December 14-th 191811, to Nyhioh reference i..g rRade, for further pc-,,trl"Jculare, Passed January 13th 19190 Approved January 13th A t i TO, uy a 0 11 rl z City' Clerk., IS"tate of 10-Ontarla County of' "?'la-th-ead SS City o-F.' Yallspell it Ro -Pij, RollIns, C.Ierk of the city oll' K'a,lispell, Montana, do hereby Oe-t-tify that the fore�,olng is Z�> a fu'-Ll, true and exact copy of s. resolution p4s�d, and app-lw,oired by the City 2ouncil of the City of Kalispell, Montana, on the 2.3th day i anuary 19 ""A. 9 day of J'aruaai�y 1919m. livitnes,cO,, r.V hai-ld tl:]LiS t?IL-' j8'I'jCj P .11 l C i ty C.Ve I.VVk