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2. Acceptance of Land Donation - Northridge Park ExpansionCity of Kalispell Charles A. Harball Office of City Attorney City Attorney 312 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, M.T 59903-1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Pamela B. Kennedy and Kalispell City Council FROM: Charles Harball, City Attorney Chris Kukulski, City Manager Tel 406.758.7708 Fax 406.758.7771 charball@kalispell.corn SUBJECT: Acceptance of Land Donation to City of Kalispell for Property Extension to Northridge Park MEETING DATE: Monday, August 16, 2004 — Consent Agenda BACKGROUND: The Mark Steven Miller Trust, owner of property abutting the City Park in Northridge seeks to donate its parcel to the City for use as parkland. A title insurance policy has been issued and there are no liens or other encumbrances against the property that would affect the City. An environmental audit has also been conducted and there .have been no known historical uses of the property to cause concern for future liability to the City. The owner is now prepared to deed the property over to the City and the Parks Department is eager to accept the property and begin developing it as a part of the existing park. RECOMMENDATION: Council should consider passing a notion to accept the donation of the property to the City for parkland. FISCAL EFFECTS: No significant fiscal effects. Respectfully submitted, Charles'a aAfMlCity Attorney Chris Kukulski, City Manager SCHEDULE A� The Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 1, T©wnsaljp 28 North, Range 22 'West, Flathead County, Montana, lying Westerly of Northridge Heirl'ita and Westerly of Northridle Heights Section 3. F�xCEPTTKG TH EFROM that portion Lying within the Subdivision known as summit Ridge #1 , Addition #F90. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion l,yingr within the Subdivision known ar, Northridge Hei€glato Section No. 2, ALSO EXCEFT:-NG THEREFROM that ,portion lying within the Subdiv siozi kn.owil eLs Northridge Heights Section Xo. 4 (Park) ALSO EXC.ZPTING THBREFROM that portion lying within the Subdivision, known as Northridge Heights section No. 5 tpark) . ALSO BXCk'PTj-L%iG TRM FROM that Portion lying within the 5ubdjVision known as Blakes Addition. ATj$Q EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion lying with5n the Subdivision known as Ralispel.l Addition No. 174, ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion bring within L%e Subdivision known as Crestview Addition. NO. 2. ALSO EXCmPlvING THMZBVROM that portion lying within the Subdivision kne aft as THpMpson's Summit Ridge Addition. No. 1175. Schedule ��! Page 1 No. 5