Resolution 712 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 34Revolution No. 712
Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council
of the City of Kalispell to create a special improvement lighting
district hereby designated as Special Improvement Lij;htin6 Dis-
trict No. 34 for the purl ose. of li6htinCMain Street of the City
of Kalispell as follows, to -wit'. From a point in the center of
main Street opposite lot line between lots six and seven, block
one hundred fifteen, and the lot line between late eiLhteen and
nineteen, block one hundred sixteen, thence southerly on Main
Street to a 'point in the center of Vain Street opposite lot line
between lots three and four, block two hundred sixteen, and the
lot line between lots nine and ten, block two hundred fifteen.
Section 2. That the 'oundaries of suca proposed Spec-
ial jrproveront Lighting FJistriot are as follnws.Deginning on
the lot line between lots six and seven, block one hundred fifteen
ttence westerly on the said lot line to the center of the alley
in block one hundred fifteen, thence southerly alonL, the center
of the alley in blocks one hundred. fifteen, one hundred twenty
six, one hundred thirty two, one hundred forty three, and two
hundred sixteen to tine lot line between lots three and four in
tiock two jiundred sixteen, thence easterly ',j,lonjL tlae lot line
between lots three and four, block two hundred sixteen and the
lot 1.1ne between lots nine and ten, block two hundred fifteen to
the ceriter of the alley in block two hiAndred fifteen, thence north-
erly along the center of the ailpy in blocks two hundred fifteen,
one hiindred forty two, one hundred sixty three, one hundred
twenty five and one hundred sixteen to tile lot line between lots
eiLiiteen and nineteen, block one hundred sixteen, thence westerly
to the place of beginning.
Section 3. That the general character of the improve-
ments to be nade in said proposed special improvement lighting
district is an follow$, to_,qjt; tne procurir6 and erecting Of
posts, wires, lamps and other ksulta.1)10 and necessary appliances
for the purpose of ii6litin& those VbrtS of the avenues, streets
and public, highways of the City of Kalispell herein -before described.
Be ctj on 4. That the approximate of the cost of the improve-
ments to be made is the swm of $5.8o, ard the approximate estimate
of the cost of maintadninL,,, tue lj,�;hts in the proposed district and
supplying electrical current therefor for the first year is the
sum, of $172.8e, and three fourths of tries cost shall be asuersed aainst
the property embraced within the district abutting such Main Street.
Section 5. That on the 3rd. day of March 1919 at the Council.
Chaml)ers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, at seven thirty
o'clock P. IT. as re6ular resting , the City Council will hear and
pass upon all protests that may be trade against the making of such
improvements or the creation of such district.
Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby autnorized and directed
to Give the proper notice of the passat-e of this resolution by pub-
lication and mailiyj6 as required by law, such publication to be
made in tiie Daily Inter Lake, v. daily mewwpaper publieiaed in tiie
City of Kalispell.
Passed this the 3rd day of February 1919.
Approved this the 3rd day of February 1919.
103. B. Day
R. E. Rollins
city Clerk.
State of Montana
County of Flathead Ss
City of Kalispell
I, R. Z. Hollinz, Clerk of the City of
Kalispell, Montana, do iiereby certify that tiie fore�oij-j6 is as full,
true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by the City
Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, or the 3rd day of Febru-
ary 19&9.
Witness my hand this the 12th day of
February 1919.
City Ci-erK,