Resolution 713 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 35Resolution No. 713
DISTI-�ICT Noo 35*
Section 1* That it is the intention of tiie City council
of the City czf Kalispell to create a special improvement lighting
diatrict hereby designated as Special Improvement Lighting District
N00 55, for the purpose, of lighting in Street of the City. of Kal-
ispell as fob, laws , to- wito From the north boundary o10 the Great
Nort.hern Right of Way, to a point one hundred fifty feet north. of
the no,-,v-,-th boundary of Cregon Street, the system of lighting to be
a single bracket lamp of 25o candle power,
Section 2* That the boundaries of such proposed Special
Improvement Lightink-,� Distriat are as follows- Beginning in the
center of the alley opposite the south line of lot 12, block twenty
six, thence north along the center of the alley in. blocks twenty
aix, fifteen, six, two hundred farty one and two hundred thirty
ei&rft, to a point opposite the north lot line of lot 4. 'block two
hundred thirty eight, thence east along the north lot lines of lot
4 block two riundred thirty ei6ht and lot 9 block two liundred thirty
one, to a point in the center of the alley in 'block two hundred
thirty one, thence south alone; the center of the alley in blocks
teo hundred thirty one, two hundred thirty two, five, oixteen and
twenty five, to a point opposite the south lot line of lot 13p
block twenty five, thence went along the south lot linen of lot 13
block twenty five and lot 12 block twenty six to the place of be-
S impr o7eyrR nts
,ection 3 That the general character of the
1 i gh t i ng be made in said proposed special improvement
district is as follows, to -wit; the pay ocurin6 and erecting of posts,
wires lamps and other suitable and necessary appliances, for the
pupose of lighting those parts of the avenues, streets and Public
highways of the City of Kalispell hereinbefore described.*
section 4. That tiie appi-oximate of the cost of the im-
provements to be made is ttie surn of 45.8o, and an appi'oxlmate of
t�ie coat of maintaining the li6hts J.n the proposed district and
supplying electrical current therefor for the first year is the
sum of $172.6o, and three fourths of the cost shall be assessed
against the property embraced within the district abutting such
Iffain Street,
3ection 56 'Phat on the 3rd day of March 1919, at the
Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell at
seven thirty o'clock P. 14. a regular meeting, the City Council
will hear and pass upon all proteate that may be v),de against tLe
making of such improveFents or the creation of such district,
section 6. The City Clerk is vaereby authorized and direct.
ed to EJ-ve the proper notice of the of this resolution by
publication and mailing as required. by lav, such publication 'to be
made in the Daily Inter Lake, a daily newspaper publi-shed in the
City of Kalispello
Passed this the 3rd day of February 1919.
Approved this the 3rd day of February 1919.
Fj * E , Day
Acting Mayor
R. Eh Rollins,
City Clerk.
State of Montana
County of Fiathead BS
City of Kalispell
10 H. B. Rollins, Clerk of' the Citv
of Kalispell. Montana, do hereby certify triat the. fore6oinn is a
full, true and exact copy of a resolution paused and aproved by
the City Cojncil of the City of Kalispell,, Montana, or the 3rd
day of February 1919.
Witness niy hand this the 12th day
of February 1919.
.. ...........
City Clerk