Resolution 714 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 36Resolution No. 714
TRICT No. 36.
Section 1* That it is the, intention of the City Council
of the City of Kalispell to create a special improvement lighting
district hereby designated as Special Improvement Lighting District
No* 36 for the purpose of lighting its Avenue West of the City of
Kalispell, as followa* to -wit: From a point one hundred fifty feet
north of the north boundary of 'Fourth Street West to a point one
hundred fifty feet south of the south boundary of Fifth Street Westo
Section 2. That the boundaries of such proposed Special
Improvement Lihtirig District are as follows,* be6Anning at a point
iri the center of the alley in I)lo(,,,k 169 opposite the narth lot line
of lot 4, tnence Proceeding south &lon64- the center of the alley in
blocks 1699 175, and 178 to a point opposite the south lot' line of 1
lot 3 block 178, thence in an easterly direation alone; the c3outh lot
lines of lot 3 block 178 and lot lo block 177 to a point in the cen-
too of the all in blocks 1770 thence in a nort.'rierly direction along
the center of the alley in blocks 1770 176 and 16a to a poilit Opposite
the north lot line of lot 9 block 168, thence in a westerly direction
along the north lot line of lot 9 block 16B and lot 4 block 169 to
the place of beginning,,,
Section 3* That, the 6eneral character of the iraproverjents
to be made in said. propozed sj�ecial improverrient lighting district
is as follows, to -wit; the procuring and erecting of posts, wires,
lamps and other suitable and. necessary apliances, for the Purpose
of ligait ing those parts of tl. avenues, streets and public, highways
of the it of Kalispell hereinbefore describeds
Section 4@ That ttLe approxifttate �$tim0Lte Of tile 00"
()f the improvements to be made, is the eum of $2*9-o, and an approximate
estimate of the cost of maintaining the light S in the proposed di
tag and supplying electrical current for the first year is the sum
�)f A&6,4o� and three fourths of tl�e cost sjjjl be assessed ag-ainst
the property embraced within the district abuttin6 such Sixth AvenUe
77 e s t .
section 5a, That on the 3rd day of rcjj 1919, at the
Coun,C-,il Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, at
seven thirty o'clock P, V. a regular meeting, the City Council will
hear and bass upon all protests that may be made aairs the making
of such improvements or the creation of such districtO
Section 6o The City Clerk is hereby auti-iorized and direct-
ed to LJve the proper notice of the pas4>tniz resolution by
publication and mailin6 as required by law, etich public".ation to be
made in the Daily Inter Lake, a daily newspaper published in the City
of Kalispell*
Passed this the .3rd day of February 1919.
Approved this -the 3rd day of February 1919*
Acting Ilayor
R. E. Rollino
City Clerk
State of Montana
County of 'Flathead SS
City of Kalispell
is R- S. Rolline, Clerk of tie City
of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the forinis a
full, true and exact copy of a rezolution jDassed and approved by,
the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, on the 3rd day
of February 1919,
Witness my hand this the 12th day
of February 1919.