Resolution 716 - Special Lighting District 34Re,solution No, 716 RESOLD TIMOR C"!TREATING 5PECIIAL 17!1PR0!7J?jT,,T14j'NT LIGHTINC.s' 7DISTRICT 14`0� 34* E CITY OF KALT,-3'PX1UL ATONTANA, BE TT TIESOIXOD 13Y THE CITY COUNIC'IL OF '71U p T Saco ion 1 at `Special ha.rovaiilerft LD 6 i-htinistrict No,o T-4irty Four 1�� hereby created for tAp, purpose of li4�nting Main Street of t's`ie �Iity, of !�ulispell u5 followa, to -wit, 1?roru a point o'ne, 11'all- dred fifty feelt. nort]--i of t�-ie north boundary of Ninet.b. St,.ffieet, 'to a po F int one hund-,7ed fifty- fef,",.t scuth of the- south boundary of Twelfth S t r ca " il; I Se c. tion 2,T'liat said distriot is created. subject to D.11 the te-1,rus anr) (-,ond.ltions specified in Resolo toion No,, 712, entitled "Resolution of Intention to create 13pecl:*Lal L i t I n Lz, Distric,tt No. 34"A ad.opted February 3rd 1919, 'to ivhich reIL"'erenoe I's hereby made for further particulars, Appl,ove,d TAa,r.,,,,­1-i 3-,d 1919. C i C -1. e r k State of Montana County of Flathead SS City of Kalispell R 0 11 i yl S C1 e k o f t 11i e C J. t y of Kalispell, Yont,.ana, 1_0 hereby that the foregaing is a full� true and exact �opy of a resolution passed and �approve A)y t1he City Council of -the Clity of Kalispell, TTontay.,ia, on t.he 3"Id day olf ffitness my hand. thi�'i tAe loth: dvaY of 1, C il X. ......... .. .....