Resolution 717 - Special Lighting District 35Re Bol-l"It I On 7 17 RE"SOLUTION CR73'ATING SPECIAL 1TqP'R-M7PTTTTT LP311TING. DI S '...-P TUCT No, 35,, EE IT R1T!,,:-10LVi'1D rY 7.1-12 CITY COUIT�IL OF THEI, (7TTY OF KALISPE-11 1P MON- TATT A t ­eby created for the purpose of ligivting 11ain Thir-ty Five is he-41 St."Ireet, of t1he City of KlAlispellt as f'ollows ta-wit,- From the north boundary of the Great Nort.he-rn Ri6t a-f:' Way, to a point oi-,te hundred if feet north of trhortAn boundary of Oregon Street, the system of' li,�jhting to be o)i.n6le bracket lamps of 25o 11-.andle power, S'ectioll d?14 Tqat zaid district 1118 (11'r�31,ateld. z,,Ubject to all the tervis arid conditions spcified. in Resolution 'No. 713, entitled 11R�-,,soll_ction of Tritention to C,x%eate Speclal Tmproverae�nt Lighting District No. 35". adoptpd 'Febri.V...-try 3rd 19-19, 'to whic1-i reference is hereby rnade for furt-Zler particulars., Passed Tfaxrrci 3rd 1919. 1 Approved Ma,-.rch 3rd 1919. s suate, of' T,,4ontana. 9S _,ount,,y- of 'P]�athead City of Ealispell Cills;y Clerk. ,T 0 t-t , El , Pollins, Clerk of the City of Kalispell,, Montanuo do ]KIereby certify that -the foregoing is. a full, true and. �xa-ct c;t)py of a resolution passed and approved by tl-ie Citv Council, of tkle City t,_if J,, Tlorltana, on the 3rd dkv o1r Maroh 1,919, Witness my liand the s the lot.ii day 0 f* M a r CP h 19- 1 D k,�