Resolution 718 - Special Lighting District 36Z!5 751 1 1 Res o"I-U tion N 0 9. 1718 RESOIIAUTIMN' (`1-Uj'A'1f'1NG SPE �i"L 111PROVEMUNT I T( H"M 1AL0 RS IT RIE'E3OLVED BY T.HIE4 Cl,Tf COU.11ACIL OF THE F KALTSPE MONTANA4 Section I That Spec,.ial Improvement -,'hting Dis'Urict Noe ThIrty Six is hereby created for the purpose of 1161iting Sixth Avenue ",.Vest f,f the Clity of" as fol'lowa, to -wit" From a poin't one, hund.red fifty feet no-1-th of the north boundary of Fourth sheet ""West, to ca point one hundre�d fifty feet south. of the south botind.ary of Fifth F3treet West, Section 2., That said dlstriot is created subject to a,,11, the terms and .�,onditionrs specifie-,31 in Rey rjlulion 11',To. 714, entitled, "Resolution of Intention to create Special Imp-z.'ovexnent Li6'1itJJn1,,r District No, 3V, adopted February 3rd -111,419, 'to w1ni,-h reference. is hereby made J"or furt1ier partiQular��s Ma-l"c,11 .3.rd 19190 App",oved Tvlaxch 3rd 191��. E% 1'7,,8 Day State. of 7vTontarla County of 71athe'ad IS S City of Yalispell A c C-ty o r .. L C i -t'y C1 e " k cill:Ay Miont�%na do hereby certify thal, Uie -r.4ore is a full, true and exact, COPY Of a resolution pasue d an� approved by tlae CilLoy couricil. of til.e Cit,� of 1��Ajijjpejj, 'Gntana, On -1—ie 3rd day of Marol"L 11d19* Wit,i:iess inj liand t-ais tlue lotli cjay of March ... .... . . . ..... ... . ... Ci+ Ly erk.