Resolution 690 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 33557 Resolution No. 690 RESOLUTION OY INTENT1014 TO CREATE ;3PECIAL IWROVY30ENT LIGHTING T V o BE 1TJU,'60L'V'L14'D B4 THE CITY COUNCIL 01' THJI_eCITY OF h1�16FELL, MONT ANA Section I* That It is the intention of tie City Council of the City of Kalispell to create a specia-1 oh. mprovernerit li6hting district herdesignated a Spe(.-,,,ia1 Improvement Ll'L&hting Dlettrlet No. 33, for thr purpose of lighting Fourth Avenue East of the City of Kall�pell as follows, to -wit.*- From a point one hundred eighty three feet south of the soutri east corrier of lot 6 block twenty two and the south west corner of lot seven, block twenty. I one, to the north line of California Streeto Section 2. That the boundaries of such proposed Special Improvement Li�;htinj� District fire as follovze Beginning at a point on -the north line of Califernia Street opposite the cep ter of the alley in block two hundred twenty, three, thence easterly to a point lDn the north line dT California Street opposite the con. ter of the alley of block five, therioutie rly paralleling the east line of Fourth, Avenue East to a Point one hundred eldlity three feet southerly from the center of the alley in block twenty one hence westerly Paralleling the south line of blockz trenty one ancl twenty two to a point opposite the center of the, alley in block twenty two, thence northerly paralleling the west line of I -'ourth Avenue East to theplace of beginning. 4 A Section 3. That the general ch,,%racter of the improve - meats to be made in said proposed special imp rove-inent lighting distriet is ae fool to -wit; the Procuring and. e'recting of posts, wires, lavps and other suitable and necessary appliances for the purpose of lightin6 those parts of the avenues 6treetu and publIG hi6hyjays of the City of Kalispell laereinbefore do - scribed* Section 40 That tipproximate of the cost of the improvements to be made is the sum o-.1[.' 4.1ool.15, and an approximate of the cost of maintaininE the lights in the proposed district arid supplying electrical current tier efor for the first year is the sum of $3o2t4o� and. three fourths of the cost shall be assessed against the property embraced within the district abutt- ing such Avenuel. Section 50 That on the 6th day of January 1919, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City cf'Kali spell at seven thirty o'clock P. Ms, a re6ular meeting, the Council will hear and. pass upon all protests that may be made against the making of such improvements or the creation of such di8trict. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and direct- ed to 6iye the proper notice of the passa,6e of this resolution by publication and mailing. as required by lav, such publication to be made in the Inter Lake, A daily newspaper published in the City of Kalispell. Passed t'his the, 14th day of December 1918, Approved this the 14th day of December 1918. R . Pauline , Mayor, RO -E. Rollins$ City Clerk* State, of Montana County of Flathead SS City of Kalispell I# R. Big llollin8p Clerk of the City of halispell; Montana., do hereby certify that tiie fore6oing is a full, true, and exact copy of a resolution passed and approired by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, on the 14th day of December 1918. Withe sismy hand this the 19th day of December 191E. 'Y'T