Resolution 691 - Special Lighting District 4Resolution No 6 91
RE SO, L U T 1, 01'11 CRIC A T T i", (IT SP E C11, AL T T,
Be it.reD,Ivd by' the, CitCoun,--L, o,,f* t'
sey A1J.
, ,on.
e c c n I 'hat Special Ty-ei.prove,,,--.ent Li,-,, ,,i, J,
Ylo. 4 is he-,reby cre4ated for tlpurpose of li`htino, Secll,ond Avenue
6, CO
East of the City ol�' Kalispell as follows, to -wit', From a poil-It
fins ppo,Bite lot line between lots nir,,,e C%nd, ten in, block two hundred
fifty one to "Kailroad Street.
cec tion 24
Tliat said district. is created 6ubjr�4,ct to all
the teriu; and conditions specifted in Rlutlon 1�o. 6,61 er�titled
11 T
Resolution of lntc�MYlti� to create St eciol Improveri,),ent
P 'r
Di s t r i c t E 4 ad o pt to d 1) e c emb e, r 2. 4 t h 19 16 t o wki i c 1-i r e, fe, r en c e i s
herel1y r,-mde for furtlhe.r particulars,
11,a ws, e d J a n: u a ry 1.3 t b 191 19 *
.Appil-oved. J�,axmary 13th, 191:9.
C t i I-.1 Tj, ay or
R o I I i n s 0
C i ty C.1 e r k
State of Tv-Lontana
CwUnty of ii'iat-head
Cit"v Of-., spell
19 11. 11. Ru-',-Ilnu, C.1erk of the
City of do hereb,y certify that tlie -fore6,-oir.6,,-
is a fuffl.... true and exact copy of a resolution passed and ,,,,,Pproved
by the City Council of the City of 1'...,alispeA.A., M'ontlana, on the 13th.
day of J'anuary 1919.
V- J tne �3 s my hand t,',:-, i 1-,he I-8th day
of "lanuury 1,919,