Resolution 692 - Special Lighting District 5Ile s i.'Aut- 1 on- llo 692
RE'S01411TION CRL'EATINLi LL'T'll"TING Dl,'3'1�111JCT No. 5*
'11, 0-Ls' CIT-Yr 01b .. K AL 181, ELL Y C, T 0 UE (,J k, l IT ]B m.
S c c 1; j, c n I Th at Sp, eco i Ei, --L Improvemez at. L i tkit i rV-,, D i E'.3 t r i c t
Yo 5 -Ls hereby created, lar"or t-1-4e Purpose of litg-h1"An-cr Tnird A:venue
'T` rzt of the City, of Kalispell as fol"lows to-voit; Yroln a poir"�t
opposite the lot line between lots nine E,-md. ten in block two hun4w
dred. fifty, calsn opposite the, lot in be-+Wwf,',,enA .lot s th-ree and "war
in tv,o 11-0.2-ndred, fifty one, to ,,i, point one hundred fifty feet
norl',h of t'Y-ie ,nor"..h -line ofk' 'Railrocad Street
IS, e. i o n 71(-iat d-ist'rict is created subject to
all, tl'ie terms and co-nditons specified in Resollution 1440. 662, err.
titled Recol utoy on of lnte'r-itlon to create Special Improvement
Li -''tine.'- 1�O% 511 udpoted December 14th 19181 to MACIhL
reference is i-iereby rriade for furtner pax'Giculars
January 13t1i 1919.
Appro-je�14 January 13th 11�19*
Ac,,,ting Mayor
R, B--Rollins$
c"-1-ate of Yon""',&Lna S ki
county. of" Tlathead, SS
City of Yalisp(-�11
1'. Rolinsp Clerk of tl-ie City
..,ereby ce.rtify that t1'Le f ore ;o is
ct o 1k,
of "al.4cipel.1, 1,A.'onttina,
Cl n-tc oof esol
u- assnapvd
I io -P Kujj�3peli, v.--ontana, O'n the
by tn.e (Aty COUrlCil Of tile Ci�y 0116,
13t.4 day of January 1919-
'�Vj,trjesv� m.y I'mand this tl']�e 1E.-th dzay-
o f J an wa ry 14, 1J. 31
t Y
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