Resolution 696 - Special Lighting District 91.1 t i 0 n No 6 ID 6 REWLUTIOI�T CRIEATING �ECIAL LICT'Hy- T LL 'IL OF T�i`Pl CITY KiJJAEB BE IT RESOLVED BY TH'',E) CITY ("'OUIN�C, if IT 0, N T AVI A 0 Tii at Sp e, c i u 1. Lup r o v emen t J i �'i t- i n L_,, D i S t r i c, t Suc tion 1 No 9 is liereby created, for tie pui-Ims,-e of light. rg Woodland Avenue of the City a-E' Kalispell cas fcllotvs� to -wit; -Frovi. a point opposite tiie lot line, be�tween lots three and four in block one hundred ninety three, to a, point oppos,11-te tie north east corner of lot ore block one) Ii,,Undred. ninety one, SeG, t on 2* .hat said district is created subject to all the terms and conditions spe,(:ai.f ied iz-,L Resolul.-OlLon N. 666, entitled iiRenod olu-111*,ion of I6 30-15ention to create Special Improverent LiGhting District No. 90 adopted, 'December 14,-th, 11�18$ to which re,-�'ererice is hereby made, f or f urther part i c�.Aaru- P�,,tssed January 13-tki 191�1'��. A 3 11 pproved Januar,,,?, 1919, EJ ,o R! � Duy t R. P, Rollins, -v State of -1.1orktana Countyof City of Kaliepell R, B. Rollins, Clerk of the City c.f Kalispell , Tiontayla, �Io hereby certify th,,-�,t ti,,e-, foC� t-e:,,o"Lng -1 true� and exact cop�-,/ of a resclution passed and appr v d r, C 0 6 qma, an t'I�-e 1, h e.,�I i s jell, . I-Iontt 3 t City Council of' the City of K d,ay c J.' J(,Uluary Witnees my !,and tlli�-', tki(l JE-th day Of J(..,Inuary 1�?19* ...... .....