Resolution 697 - Special Lighting District 10s ta, 0 n 0 17 CT R-TSOLUTTON CREATT'Y10 UE I. -AL UGH11"TIT(I PIS"ITICT N IP I o FIE I'T RT"i'30INED BY Tn"' CIT,Y, ('�OTUTCIL 01�' TIE' CITY 01_�` VALL-31"ELL -L I Iff ONT ANA , S t i Spe4-.,Iial Li,Iiti A L District No. to is hereby oreated for the purpose of li�htily­16 First Avenue Eaat of tile Of, K-Uliel,-)ell as 1,011owsv to-witt Frori a point oppmc,ite li,ne between lots nlre and ten in blook two Jliwidred fourteen, and, 'Lots thTee and four in block two hw,.-idred fifteen, thence, northex:gIy 'to Fourth S tr e 0, t Section That said c1istrict is created subject to all the terms and condAtions specified in Tlesolution Wo. 6367, entitled "Rez�olution of Tntention to create Sp(icial Improvement trict No. lo"? adopted. December 14th 191,8P to which ref"erence is made for further Par tIcularst Pa�i,,,z�ed January 13th 191-9. Approved January 13th, 19194, A c t i n 6 I.V_i ai Ci ty Clerk State of Montana County of Flathead SS City of Kzklispell E 1II Clerk of the CityROIII-.-iE�o Of Kallispe"Ll, T)Irontana, do I,Lereby certify that, 'the foregoing a full, true and exact copy of a resolution passe.d and approved by -the, City Council of the City of' Kali., spell. , Iffontana, on the 13th dc-iy of Jan- uary 1919* Janu ary I 9.11cd i Witness- Trjy hand this the 18th day of City Clerk.