Resolution 699 - Special Lighting District 13Ll I CT 0 1-3 BE IT BY T111P., CIT'Z COT]-' C I L 01�" T,H CITY OF K.Al-JSP.!-(,LL,, MON TAITA Section I Improvel-u"ent Lighitir,lg Dis trict No. 13 ls hereby created for t',-,4e purpose of -g Second poirt, on Vne <,--muth. bound-ary of tlfle Ci�ay to Railrow,11 Street. Secticri 2m 71,ia-,-'�� ,;,aid district is subject to 0,11. thr, terms and conditions spec,lfied. in Resolulk.-A01", No. 6700 ell- tltled of. Intentlion to create 'Special Tmprcvement 1 4, J) 1 L j, j.. t j'o r l4tto ucl- ,5 d T � e (,, wl1 -i S ji o, emb h t eren,.,,,,P, is hereby made for fu,rtl-Ler particulm',,s,, P� ed. Junuaxy 13-th lljl,, Approved Janu"ry 13th 19'19. R. P4j. Rollin*, city Clerk State of Coun"Cly of SS City Of K@lifspell T* R, Rolli-ne, c-llerk of the tl,at th.e., for(-4L-,oint City of Kalispell, 1�011tal-u-l� do hi.er�,'by C��rtify g is a full# true aml exact ,Opy of a resolution p a s o e d and Z%pprovud by tfte City 'C'Ouncil of the City of OVK� tl.-�e '110"ll da-r of Janl-��ary 1911j. 4/ -� -� d + h. i s +- I � e �-j- d. ay 1-fly �O 4j, �., �- M-�- of Januur�, Ci ty I e, rk