Resolution 703 - Special Lighting District 20bil Resolution N a . ?,)3 RRHOLUTION CUATING SPNOTA, IKEMV&VANT LIGIMBu DISTUCT No. 2a. ER IT U'SOLV',�D 1,V TOP CTTC COUNCIL OF "rHE Cl`, Y OP KALISP!�'LL, MONTANA. Boo tion 1 . Rhat SpaAul lmprover;,,,ent Di2trict No. 2a, is hereby created for t.ae puxpose of li6aiting Ninath Avenue West of the City of Kalispell, as follows, to -%,it; From a -point opposite lot line betweer, lotB nine and ten of block six, and t1iree and, four of blocR five, High School &ddition, to a point oppoE3ite lot line between lota nine anQ ten of block one hundred seventy - 'three, and lnt8 threw and four of block One lriund:,red seventy two. Section 2. That said district is crcated. 5iAbliect to all thp terms and conditiono specified in Resolution No. 6,57, en- titled "Resolution of Tntention to create Special Tinprover.ent TA,�htin� DiEtiqct No. 2o" adopted Deceynbpr 1.4t)a 1918, to orilich reference, is lnerel%v made for fartiier p4rticulars. PaQ)ed Jaruarj 13ta ,�jpproved J,,ma�.tr�t 13tlu 1919. City Clerk State of Montana Cowmcy of Plathend City of Kalimpell T. R, E. Rolltrs_ Cle-rk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do nereby cortify tYjat tne fore,,aOing is a full, true and exact copy of a re*ol-aLion paused and upprove-d by the city CQanoj,l of tno City Of ho,liil)ell. Nfont�.,una, or, t-ae 1"ith day, of January of Ta.ru4ry 1919. w1umay my 1wnd imis tne 166i day City Clerk