Resolution 704 - Special Lighting District 23e s o 1 u JI, on No 7a4 . R 13 0 L U T 10 N C R E Pt1 N G' S PE (7, 1 AL 1 TT 11 () V' TOT N L I G �T- �M I N DT'TTUCT No. 23. BE _717)O,-, TI -I- 'J"LVI17) BY THM "TIL F Ti18 CITOF K,AL1vE31PPJLL MONTANA* IT "C�,a ..1".'Y COUN1-C- OL H2�-7 Y �� D i i� ta, t J, Th U a I L") K, 3 i k h e , r e b y c r et), t; e d f o. r the plirp os e off' 1 ie;-"--ft t *1 ng 1,3e c o rid Averlue ,Ies t; No r t1i of th6, City of Ka1lLspell as follows, to-"oitFrom a point opposite tliith viest corr,ier of lot tlii-X�teen of block 't-wenty saven, and t.rie sout'.?i east coy-ner of lot, SixP block ei�grht# to a point opposite the lolf., 'Alline between lots fifteen and sixteen 0-f', block seven* and lots t.,Jaree and. fou'r oll' block elgh-t, Se lo t i o n 24 That sald district is created subject to all the terms a-nd ct)ndit. ans specified in Resolution No. 68o entitled, "Resolution of Intention to create Speclal Improvement Lighting District No. 2311, adopted December 14th 1918, to which reference is hereby Tnade for further particulars. Passed January 13th 191.9. Approved January 13t)h. 19-19. Day City Clerk State of Montana Coi.,inty of Fla thegad SS City of -.Kalispell It R. E,,, Rollins, Clerk of' t1ie Cott' of E'aiispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing true and ex4-j i f �.l I I ct copy of a resolution pauaed and approved T,,1.,,'o n t an a o n the 13th by ty,Le Ci+.y Council of tne CIty of Kallspellp day of Janu,";l1sy 1919. of' .'Tanu�,xt-y 1`919. Witness m.y hand this t,'-ne 18th day ........... ci-t-y Clerko