Resolution 681 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 24T R-8SOLUTION NO. 681 R'SSOLUTION OF INT-PlINTION TO CREATE SPECIAL JjV1PR0V1_'MTj1NT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 24 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY UOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YZALISILL , V,,0NTAN1,,,,* Section 1 That it is the intention of the City Council of the City- of Kali s pell to create a special improvement Lighting District hereby designated as Special Imppegement Lightirg District No. 24 for the purpose of lighting First Avenue 'West of the City, of Kalispell as followso to wit; From a poirt opposite the southerast corner of Lot Twelve, of block Twenty-seven, and the southweat corn- er of Lot Thirteen of Block Twenty-zix,tc a point oppeoite the lot line betveer. Lots Nine and Ten, Block Two Hundred Tbirty-f our,, and Three and Four, of Block Two Hundred Thirty-f ive. Sectior 2 That the boundardes of such proposed Special Im- provemert Lighting District are as follows; Be)4inrirg at a point in the center of the all or, the south side of Block Twenty- six, thence northerly paralleling the east boundary of First Avenue:: West to the center of Block Two Hundred Thirty-four; thenos wezterly to "149he caFn,ter of Block Two Hijr.dred Thirty-f ive" the�,.,ce southerly paralleling the west bourdary of First Averue Weat to a point in the certer of the alley or the south line, of Block Twenty-seven; thence easterly, to the place cf beginning. Section 3 That the general character of the improvements to be made in said special improvement Lighting District is a13 follows, to wit; the procuring and erecting of posts, wires, lamps and other suitable and necessary appliances for the purpose of lighting those parts of the avenues, streets and public highways of the City of Kalispell hereinbefore mentioned. Section 4 That the approxi=:te eatimate of' the cost cf the improvements to be ma,deeis the eum of $1()*15 and an approximate estimate of the cost of mairtaining the lights ir. the proposed dii3trict and supplying electrical current therefer for t1he first year is 'the sum of $302.40 and three fourths of the cost shall be assessed againet the property embraced withir the district abutting such averue. Section 5 That or. the 6th. day of January 1919 at the C,,-,11.�ncil Chazifbere, in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, at seven thirty o'clock, p.m., a regular meeting, the City Courcil will hear and pass upor. all protests that may be made against the making of auch improvements or the creation of such district. Section 6 The Vity Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give the proper notice of the pass age of this resolution by publication and mailing as required by lawqj euch publication to be made in the Inter Lake, a daily newspaper published ir. the City of Kalispell. Passed this the 14ths day of December 1918 Approved this the 14th day of December 1918 R. Pauline Yayor R,E.Rollirs City Clerk Bt,-Ute of Idiontana County of Flathead SS City of Kalizpell It '.''.E. Roll ins, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and exact'copy of a resolution passed and approved 'by the City Courcil of the City of Kaliapell or- the 14th* day of December 1918 Witness ray hand this the 19th day of December 11918 city Clerk