Resolution 682 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 25Resolution No * 682 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROYEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT No, 250 BE IT RESOLVED BY THF4 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELLI MONTANAw Section 1* That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Kalispell to create a special improvenent lighting district hereby designated as Special lmprovement Lighting District No* 25 for the purpose of lighting Main 'Street of the City of Kal- ispell as folIOWS3, to -wit o: From a point one hundred eighty three feet southerly, from the south east corner of lot twelve of 'block twenty a ix and the southwest corner of lot thirteen of block twenty five to a point opposite the lot line between lots nine and ten of block two hundred twenty eight and three and four of block two hundred thirty seven Section 2* That the boundriee of such proposed speGial lighting district are as follows: Beginning at the center of blodk two hundred twenty eight, thence southerly paralleling the east boundary of Main Street to a point one hundred, eighty three feet voutherly from the center of the: alley on the south line of block twenty fire. thence westerly paralleling the south' line of blocks twenty five and twent y six four hundred feet, thence northerly paralleling the west line of Vain Street to the center of block two hundred thirty seven, thence easterly to the place of beginning* Section 3. That the general character of the improvements to be made in said proposed special imps ovement lighting d1striet is as follows, to -wit: the procuring and erecting of posts, wires lamps and other ouitable and necessary appliances, for the prupose of lighting those parts of the avenues.: streets and public highways of the City of Kalispell hereinbefore d.escribed. Section 4* That the approxiviate of the cost of the im- provements to be made is the sum of $80.7o, and an approximate of the cost of maintaining the lights in t. he proposed district and supplying electrical current therefor f or the first year is the sum of $259o2e, and three fourths of the cost shall be asses8ed against the Property embraced within the district abutting such 'Main Street. Section 5. That on the 6-th day of January 1919 at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City Df Kalispell at seven thirty olclodk Po Ma a regular meeting, the it, Council will hear and pass upon all protests that may. be made a6ainst the making of such improvements or the creation of such district* Section 6* The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution by publicatien and mailing as required by law, such publication to 'be made in the Inter Lake, a daily nevapaper published in the City of Kalil-)'Pellv Passed this the 14th day of December 1918, Approved this the 14th day of December 1918, R. Pauline, May or R,4 E9 Rollins, City Clerk,. State of Montana County of Flathead SS City of Kalispell It Ro E-P Rollins, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby cer%tify that the foring is a full, true, and exact copy of a rezolution passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana on the 14th day of DeaOW5. ember 1918# Witness my hand this the 19th day of December 1918. City Clerk*