Resolution 683 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 26Resolution No. 683
TRICT No, 26*
Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council
of the City of Kalispell to create a special improvement lighting
district hereby de ted as Special ImProvement Lic,,htin6 Distriot
No,t 26, for the purpose of li&hting Firrpt Avenue East of the City
of Kalispell as follows, to -wit.: From a point opposite the south
west corner of lot seven of block twenty four and the southeast
corner of lot twelve.. of block twenty five to a point opposite the
lot lines between lots nive and. ten of block two hundred twenty rsix
and three and four of blodk two huhdre"d twenty seven.
Section 2. That the boundaries of such propozed Special
Improvement Lighting District are as follows: beginning at the
center of the alley on the south is of block twenty four, thence
paralleling the east line of First Avenue East to the center of
block two hundred twenty six, thence westerly to the center of
block two hundred -twenty seven, thence southerly paralleling the
west line of 'First Avenu-e E'Aaat to the center of the all on the
f3outh line of block twerity five'.'t1ibnee eaeterly to the place of
big n I ng
section 30 That the general [char aoter of the improve-
ments to be made in said proposed: special Amprovement li4�htiyl6r
district is as follows, is the procuring and erecting of posts,
wires, lamps and other suitable and necessary appliancee, for the
purpose of lighting those parts of the, avenues, streets and public
highways of the City of Kalispell hereinbefor e described,
Section 4, That the approximate of the cost of the imLw
prove-ments to be made is the sum of $lo*15, and an approximate
eatimate of the eout of maintaining the lights in the proposed
district and supplying electrical current therefor for the first
year is the sum of $3o2s4o, and three fourtho of 'the cost shall be
assessed against the property embraced within the district abutting
such Avenue,
section 50 That on the 6th da�i of January 1919, at the
Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, at
seven thi-11-ty o'clock Po U# a re6ular meeting the City Council 'Will
hear and p4se tapon all protests that may be made against the making
of -zueh impro-verve nts or the, areation of such district.'
Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and d1w
rested to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution
by publication and, mailing as required by law, such publication
to be made in the Inter Lake, a daily newspaper published in the
City of Kal'ispello
Faszed this the 14th day of December 1918.
Approved this the 1.4th day of December 1918*
11,8, Pauline# Mayor*
R. E. Rollins, city Clerk
State of Montana
County of Flathead SS
Olty of Kalispell
1k -Ro Rli, Rollinst Clerk of the City
of Kallopell, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a
full, true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by
the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, on the 14th
day of December 1918*
Witness my hand thi6 the 19th day of
December 1916o
City Clerk