Resolution 684 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 27Resolution Noe 684
Section I* That it is the intention of the City Council
of the City of 'Kalispell to create a special improvement lighting
district h0rebv designated as Special Improvement Lidhtlng District
N. 27 for the purpose of 1.1-ghting Second Avenue-Eastp of the City
of Kalispell as follows, to -wit -, From apoint,opposite. the southwest
corner of lot seven of block twenty three, and the southeast corner
of lo. 1 block, twenty four, to a point opposite the lot line a
between lots three and four of block two hundred twenty six,
Section 2. That the boundariies of auch proposed Special
Improvement Lig'.1itin,'-r District arc as follows; Beginn'Ing at the
center of the alley on the south line of block twenty tnree, t�-ienoe
northerly paralleling the east boundry of Second Avenue East to a
point of intersection with the lot line between three and four block
two hundred twenty six produced, t'heet l to the center of
blor,ktvo liundred twenty six, thence zioutkierlt parallelink� the west
boundary of Second, Avenue East to a point in the center of the all
on the south line of block twenty four, thence easterly to the
place of beginning,
Section 3. That the general character of the impr ovements
to be made in said proposed special_ improvement lightin�; district
is as follows, to -wit; the procuring and erecting of posts, wires,
lamps and other suitable and necesuary appliance$, for the purpose
of lighting those parts of the avenues, streets and public highways
of the City of Kalispell hereinbefore described.
Section 4* That the approximate of the cost of the lm�
provements to be made is the sum of $1o,15 and an approximate eado
timate of the cost of -maintaining the lighte in the proposed diz-
trict and aupplyin6 electrical current therefor for. the first year
is the eum of Oo2o4oy and to fourths of t1sie cost shall be
assessed again-st the property extibraced '%lithln tlie. diBtriot abutting
on sue.1-1 avenuteo
Section 5* That on the 6th day of January 1919 at the
Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, at
seven thirty o'clock P. M. a regular meeting, the City Council
will hear and pass upon all protests that may bemade a6ain the
-making of such improvements or the creation. of such dis trict.
section 6. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and di-ft
rested to give the proper notice of the paa of this res olution
b y publication and mailing as required by law, such publication to
be made in the Inter a daily newspaper published in the City
of Kalispell*
Pazzed t-Az the 14th day of December 1916.
Approved th.1s ttie 14th day of December 1916.
R* Pauline$ May or
R. Ej. Rollins, Clt,-,,, Clerk
State of Montana
County of Flathead SS
City of Kalispell
it Ro Bo Rollins, Clerk of the City of
Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full,
true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by the City
Council of to City of hallspell, Montana on the 14th day of Dec-
ember 1918,
December 1916.
Witness my hand this the 19th day of
City Clark