Resolution 679 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 22RE'SOLUTICAN NUMBER 679
Section 1 That it is the intention of the City Council cf
tCity of F'alispell to create a special improvement Lighting
District hereby designated as S,J.ecial Improvement Lighting District
No. 22 for the purpose of lighting Third Avenue West of the City
of Kalizpell as followz, to wit-, From a point c-pposite the south-
west corner cf Lot Sever, Block Twenty Eight, and the Southeast
corner of Lot Six, Block Twenty Nine, to a point opposite the lot
line between Lots Nine and Ter., Block Eight, and Three and Four
Block Fine.
Section 2 That the boundariez of such proposed Special
Improyement Lighting District are as,fcllows; Beginning at a
point it the center of the alley or the south.lire of Block
Twenty Right; thence northerly paralleling the east boundary
of" Third Avenue West, to a point in the center of Block Eight;
thence westerly to the center of Block Nine; thence southerly
to the center of the alley or. the eauth line of Block Twenty
Nine; thence easterly, to the place of begirt ing.
Section 3 That the general character of the improvements
to be made in -aid proposed specia.1 improvement Lightirg District
is as followes to. wit: the procuring ard erecting of posts-, wires,
lampe and other suitable and necessary appliances for the purpose
.of lighting those parts of the avenues, streets and public high-
ways of the city of Kalispell her einbefore described,.
Section 4 That the approximate estimate of the ccet of the
improvements to be made is the sum of $4.35 and an approximate
estimate of the cost of main tEL.icing the lights in the proposed dist-
rict and supplying electrical currert therefor for the firtt year
is the sum of $129.60 and three fourths of tho cost shall be
azzessed against the property embraced withir. the district abutting
such �verue,
Section 5 That on the 6tla. day of January 1919, at the
Council Ch&arlber, in the City Hall of the, City of Kalispell, at
sever. thirty o'clock, a regular meeting, the City Council will
hear and pacts upon all protests that may be made against the
making of' such improvements or the creation of such district.
Bection 6 The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to give the proper notice of the passage of this resclutior. by
public'stior. and mailing as required -by law, such publication to be
made, inthe Inter Lake, a daily rewspaper published it thCity of
Passed this the.14th. day of December 1918
kpProved this the 14th, day of Decmebr 1918
State of 1,Jontana
County of Flathead
City of Eli spell
R.Paul ire Mayor
R.E.Rollits city Clerk
1, R.E.Roll irs, Clerk of the City of
Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the.fcregcdng is a
full, -true and. exact copy of a resolution passed and approved
by the City Council of' the City of Kallspell Yontara, or. the
14thb day of Decembr 1918s
Witress my hard this the 19th day of December 1918,
city e rk